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Everything posted by jardann

  1. That is a beautiful build Joe. I really like the basic cleanness of it. Just enough panel lines, markings etc. to make it look realistic and still show off the lines of the plane. What did you use for the wash? It looks great. Bummer about the commission, hope you do well with the Ebay sale!
  2. I have some 1/100 Macross kits that I could sell you for pretty cheap. They are glue kits, but they are quite simple. I suggest you find some low priced kits at a local hobby shop. Old Testor's, or Revell Monogram kits will give you a decent quality kit with no frills at a low price. Get familiar with glueing, puttying, painting and decaling on some cheaper kits before you move on to something more expensive. And remember, just have fun with it!!!!!
  3. Awesome detail on that Tiger! Sean, your model production rate is amazing!
  4. Thanks for the comments guys! I'm glad I could contribute a little bit. There's so much great stuff posted on MW by everyone. Mark, I did add the ejection handles with a little bit of copper wire (fine strands from some old telephone wire). They show up pretty good with that big two seater canopy. For the Foxhound cockpit, I first masked and painted the cockpit grey. Then with the masking still in place, I used an ultra-fine point red Sharpie marker to outline around the masking. Spray the flat coat and then peel the masks off. By being careful, I was able to keep most of the ink on the masking tape and just leave the very thin piping on the paint. It was an experiment that turned out quite nicely and was pretty easy. I'm glad you noticed, it was a result that I was very pleased with. The tarmac and flight deck are both just some things I found with a search on the web and printed on some thick paper on our color printer at work. Shhh! The flight deck for the A4 is looks more like 1/48, but the soviet tarmac looks just right with the Mig sitting on it. 505th, the A4 is one of my favorite planes. I just love the shape! The Lightning is another favorite. That Airfix kit is very basic, but it went together pretty well and gives me a good chance to work on the natural metal finish. It was a Secret Santa gift from last year, so I really want to finish it over the Thanksgiving holiday! I'll post an update when it's ready.
  5. The previous two kits were just finished last week, but I've still got a few more on the bench. A Hobbycraft SU-22, an Airfix Lightning, a Cooperativa LA-15 and an AMT/Ertl Crusader. Lot's of cold war air power on the bench! Lots of experimentation going on with these kits. I'm getting a lot of practice with the airbrush. (still need much much more ) More pics at My flickr page.
  6. Then a Revell Mig 31 Foxhound. This kit is dogged as being terribly inaccurate, but I'm happy with the way it looks. I got good results with some preshading and an oil wash. It looks big and heavy like a Soviet aircraft should!
  7. Not Macross, but I've got to clear these off before I can work on some Macross kits! First, the Testors OA-4M Skyhawk kit. The colors are a little off, but I'm happy with the results.
  8. That stuff looks awesome! I've been wanting a kit of the Minerva for ever, but I just couldn't bring myself to pay the ridiculous prices sellers were getting for it. I'm stoked to see a new kit coming out! Thanks for posting that pic. Any info on when it should be released? I really hope they will make the fighters in 1/72 too. The Tomahawk looks great as well, but I've ditched most of my 1/100 stuff.
  9. Pics have been shared over at Starshipmodeler.com in the forums. Looks awesome! I can't wait to get one.
  10. This sounds exciting Mike! Just an idea... I already have a v1, so picking up another one (though that would be awesome) may be a stretch unless I come across some surplus funds. (like that'll ever happen ) I think it would be really cool though if you could offer just some upgrade parts to the v1 owners. I think the feet especially would be worth buying as an upgrade to the kit I have already. I will be watching this thread to see another one of our resident "masters" at work. It'll be good to see your work again.
  11. Those look great! I really like the VF-1J and the Lancer II. Great job on all of them!
  12. Amazing!........Both of those.
  13. Ugh! Lets really be fair. No representative from Yamato ever stated a price for a product in this thread! It was speculation and guessing from members of this forum that pegged a price around $500. It's really not like Yamato led anyone on about this. Everyone needs to get over it and move on. I agree it is a bummer, but it is no where near a tragedy, travesty, injustice or scam.
  14. Amazing job!!! It's a testament to your art that you could work through that marathon of a kit and keep the quality so very high. It's always a pleasure to view your kits.
  15. Haven't heard much from you in a while. It's great to see some new work from you! Everything looks great as always. Those pics are especially nice and show off a lot of the details. Thanks as always for sharing your work!
  16. That's a great looking scheme! You've done a bang up job on it.
  17. Awesome news John! I know I'm very happy you could squeeze a few more kits out of the molds! (though my wallet might not be! )
  18. Lookin' really cool! This is a great idea. You finished it quite quickly. Some better pics would be awesome if possible.
  19. Schizo, you really need to take it easy and let stuff go. You've been around here long enough now to know that reviving an old thread is no big deal and sometimes is even good. I'd guess that nearly 1/3 of your posts have either been criticizing someone for bringing up news that is old to you, an old thread, or something that you just don't think is very cool, or defending/explaining yourself after you rashly criticized someone. Bringing up an old thread here is not a big deal and I've even seen it result in some pretty cool projects. The mods do a pretty great job on policing duplicate threads, old threads or threads that don't fit the specified subject range. In fact, they do a pretty great job all around and this is one of the friendliest and well organized forums I've ever seen. (granted, I don't frequent a great multitude of forums) In case you haven't noticed, your little smart-alec responses really annoy many people here. If that is truly your purpose then I'm sure the mods will eventually weed you out. I don't think that is the case though, because you do make good and interesting contributions at other times in this forum. Please, if you don't really have an interest in a thread that someone brings up, then just let it go, keep your snide opinion to yourself and move on. That will make this little sandbox a lot nicer for everyone to play in, yourself included.
  20. Great painting and weathering job on that baby! It looks like it just finished wiping out some CF valks and is looking for more!
  21. Your making fast progress! I like the marker technique for the seam lines. I will have to try that soon. Lord knows I need all the help I can get with eliminating seams.
  22. Heh! Well, I searched for it as one word, not two so I guess that's why it didn't come up for me. Anyway, I'm glad that many here feel the way I do about it. I've read some other reviews that try to explain the feelings the director is trying to convey, but I can't for the life of me see why anyone would want to watch a movie about those feelings. It's pretty boring. Well, mods, feel free to close this if you think it's necessary. But I'm still willing to discuss if others want to.
  23. OK, so I rented this Skycrawlers DVD from Blockbuster this week. It looked good and I want to support a place when they have anime products so......... It was really terrible The story was soooo slow. Even the people were slow. I mean, when they walk, they walk very slow! They are constantly just standing around staring, not saying anything, no emotion on the faces. The movie could have been 30-45 minutes shorter if they just would've cut out some scenes of people just standing completely still or of empty scenery with no characters at all! It was so bad that I began fast-forwarding through parts that I could tell had nothing going on. The plot twist I figured out almost immediately. I don't normally mind this, because I still like to watch the characters react as they figure things out, but these characters don't react!! Only one that comes in at the end shows any emotion. The others, when faced with a conflict just freeze and stare. The characters even look so similar that sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. Their faces are just bland, then there will be a scene where they look completely off from what they normally look like. I couldn't tell if that was done on purpose or not. The planes are really cool, but they don't spend enough time in them! I really wanted to see some awesome dogfighting action!! But the flight scenes are mostly quite boring, quick and few and far between. The big battle is pretty cool, but it's definitely not enough. The last battle scene is good too, but by that time you're ready for it, and ready for the movie to end. The scenery and planes were rendered really well. Amazing detail and clarity, while the character animation was dull. I'm sure the characters were styled this way on purpose to create a certain "atmosphere", but I think it stood out too much compared to the backgrounds. Anyway, that's my $.02. Normally if I don't like a movie I just move on, but I was so disappointed in this one that I had to vent a little and hopefully hear from a few others who saw it. I don't recommend it, but if anyone else saw it I would be interested in your opinions. If you liked it I'm not sure what's wrong with you, but maybe your feelings can shed some light on it for me. Otherwise I'll just lump you into the loony column and leave it at that! j/k
  24. You've done a really clean job on those. They look crisp except the tailfins/stabilators on the back of the VF-17 are ridiculously thick! Not your fault I know, that's just the way that kit is made. It's really quite nice other than that and you've made it look really good!
  25. I think both front and back are the same width. There is a small spacer like a hitch part in the middle that keeps the front and back seperated by a bit.
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