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Everything posted by jardann

  1. Those little issues are a bummer, but it still sounds like I will be keeping an eye out for one of these at the LHS. Thanks for the info and good luck with the Canberra!
  2. Lookin good! I especially like the scheme on that Hunter! How was the Fujimi F-35? It looks great. Are there any options for opening the top to see the VTOL machinery?
  3. FASA used the 1/200 Nichimo kits I believe. Those were a bit bigger and have very nice proportions.
  4. Those are super cool! I've seen them and been tempted several times, but I've never been able to bring myself to pay that much for such tiny pieces of plastic. They must have found a small stash of them. I've never seen so many (wow, seven! ) available at one time before. Isn't there even another set with a Zent soldier in armor as one of the pieces? I could be wrong about that though. Let us know what you think of them when they arrive.
  5. Those are killer!!!! What a fantastic job. The magnets work great! Congratulations on your tiny Valkyrie success! Really a super cool project. Keep it up!
  6. Try these. They are really for the old Revell kit, but the scale is right. The starshipmodeler store and site is a great place and they have fantastic customer service. Highly recommended!
  7. Wow! Those details really bring out the idea of how massive this ship is supposed to be. It's looking great! I hope you can squeeze in some time to work on it soon! Thanks for taking the time to post so many pics. It really helps us see the progression of this masterpiece!
  8. Great looking scheme on that valk! Fantastic work!
  9. Fantastic job on that Elint. It's one of my favorite valks and you've definitely done it justice! Keep up the great work!
  10. They make a Falcon in 1/72 and 1/144. I think you can get both over at starshipmodeler.com The 1/72 line has quite a few models and all are supposed to be great kits. I think they have a 1/48 snowspeeder, and a 1/48 TIE is in the works, but I don't know if it has been released yet. Well, welcome back to the world of scale models, but watch out for a shrinking wallet!
  11. Great work guys! Derex, that X-Wing looks fantastic. A nice comeback after a long break! Is the kit a nice build? I've only heard good things about it. It looks like it has some really nice proportions.
  12. My set arrived a day or two ago and I am really liking these vehicles! The bucket truck is really impressive! It will look great in a dio. The "grown" parts have nice detail. There are some really nice thin parts that look great. Most parts will need some cleanup, but nothing that you shouldn't be able to handle. Detail in general is good, soft in a couple of spots but could be easily picked out/improved. Also, it looks like there will be plenty of room on most of the vehicles to go all out and add some super detail if one wishes. I haven't tried placing a 1/72 figure anywhere, but everything looks right and I think a builder could take these over the top with detail if you wanted. The fork lift and weapon cart are really little gems and have some nice delicate detail that should look very good when finished. All in all a great effort and some much needed support for all those hasegawa valks sitting in the repair depots out there! Great job on these Jason! I'll be looking forward to more!
  13. jardann

    YF 19

    Wow! That is an impressive job! Thanks for sharing your pictures. You did a great job on that kit!
  14. This is looking quite amazing! It looks like a marathon project. Keep up the great work! I suggest you print up a Budweiser can label to go on one of those missiles!
  15. Just amazing stuff there. Thanks for posting those pics. I wish I could get my builds to look half that good.
  16. Heh, you better not store that space cucumber in the pickle jar you have next to it. It might shrivel up into a scout ship! (lame joke I know but I couldn't resist! ) That color looks just right. Keep up the good work. It'll be great to see it completed.
  17. I know this is/will be the most amazing project! I'm thinking it would be tough for me though. If the time frame was longer I'd probably be in and I definitely want to be in! I'm just not sure I can commit to a regular expenditure like that over this coming year. I really hope to see this get started, and I really hope that I can come up with some disposable funds to get in on the project, but I can't commit just yet. Maybe after the holidays I'll have a better idea if I can or not.
  18. Wow! Great work on the Vf-0 Gerwalk. It is huge! And that Vf-1 Battroid is bad ass!!! I'd like to see more!
  19. Yeah, I forgot that the shoulder missile hatches don't open on the original kit. Still, I think it shows that the original is still a good basis to build from and it just takes a little attention to get it looking quite good.
  20. That looks like just a good, clean, flawless build of that kit with a great paint job. It really is a good kit and with some good model building skills, especially seam elimination, it will turn out very nice. Thanks for the pics.
  21. That ship is awesome Petar! Your scratchbuild and sculpting skills amaze me and keep getting better. You have a great talent! Acro Ray that rocket looks sweet as well. Very stylish and retro Sci-fi. I hope it holds up during the launches! Thanks everyone for the filling this thread with great content.
  22. I had a Moscato Hobby box show up at my house yesterday!!! The wife was not happy that I had bought "something else." She grabbed it right away and threatened to not let me have it! What's she going to do when that other stuff I ordered comes in? Anyway, I had a lot of running around to do last night and I'm heading out of town right after work today, so I won't even get a chance to look at the kit until probably Monday! At least it's good to know it's here!
  23. Very interesting project. It's coming along nicely. Keep up the great work!
  24. Looks like you have some real skills and are off to a good start. That is going to be a huge model in 1/32 scale. Are you sure the clay will hold up at that size? You may need a strong armature/frame to help support the weight. It's a big project. Good luck and keep us posted. I'll be interested to see how this turns out!
  25. Great step-by-step! It's good to see you sticking with this build. The pics and your comments are extremely helpful. Thanks for going through all of the effort! It's very interesting and will be a huge help for others building this kit. Keep up the great work!
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