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Everything posted by jardann

  1. Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice from the other toy owners out there. Should I get one valk w/fast packs or three MPC alphas? Here's my dilemma. I've been thinking about picking up either another 1/48 valk with fast packs or some MPC Alphas. I currently have five 1/48s and I think they're the best toys out there. But last I checked on Valkyrie-Exchange Kevin had a special going and I could get three Alphas for about $25 more than one 1/48 with fast packs. I like the alphas and after recently seeing some comparison pics next to the 1/48 alpha model I think that the MPCs will be close enough in scale/size to look good next to the 1/48 valks. I'm just worried about the quality of the alphas. I haven't heard much about them since the Rook and Lancer versions came out. Anyone think the Alphas will be on the clearance shelf soon? Anyway feel free to post your opinions and help me decide! Thanks!
  2. This thread has made me think a litlte bit on the subject. Before, I always put the lettering on right side up for the Battloid. Now that I think about it I think the next one I build will have the lettering both ways, one on each side as Ghadrack just said. When you think about it this makes the most sense. Do we have any canon pictures that show the lettering upside down in airplane mode? Most pictures I recall seem to have the lettering the right way in all modes. An impossibility unless it employs some technologically advanced protoculture based perfect transformation paint. That may be what is used to get the missles to match the plane they are attached to also. It really comes down to what you like best I guess.
  3. I just saw the movie last night and I loved it. I have to agree that it is the most true to the comics of any comic book movie I've ever seen. The imagery worked perfectly and it affected the mood of the story just as it did in the books. I think I liked Bruse Willis as Hartigan the best with Mickey Rourke's portrayal of Marv as a very close second. Both were great. Everyone involved did a great job really. The violence was of course over the top, but I think the movie shows that these characters are constantly being pushed around by evil forces and the ones that try to do good kind of snap and have to go over the top to stop the bad guys. I thought that the dialogue in the beginning was stilted also, but I think that's the way it was supposed to be and that you probably got used to it as the film progressed and then it didn't bother you because it kinda fit in. This is definitely a movie my wife would not enjoy, but anyone who enjoyed the comics would love this. It is a near perfect translation to film. As some of the others have suggested, I highly recommend "The Dark Night Returns" a masterpiece by Miller and story that somehow redefined Batman without even being in the normal story/timeline of Batman comics. I have one more subject to touch on.(boy would I like to touch on it ) The women in the movie were all gorgeous. The mom from SpyKids?!? and Jessica Alba! Forget the cowgirl outfit, when she was in the plain white T-Shirt that really knocked me out! Any way, that 's my $.02 Be prepared if you go to see this movie. It will probably not be what you are expecting and that is a good thing!!
  4. Here's the package! It's almost the same, but with hideous orange accents and purple fast packs.
  5. I think this one's been beaten even more with the ugly stick! It's from this ebay auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5965793194&rd=1 Who loves purple!!!
  6. Whoa! Komillia got back! Those legs are a site beefier than the original kit. The work looks great Ryuji! It's really cool to watch your progress in these threads.
  7. I'd be in for at least two of those!
  8. I can't believe how much excitement those pics can create! It looks awesome already! Keep up the great work! (not too fast though, as others have said, I've got to save up for this one!)
  9. I second VF-19s idea. I am always kinda scared when I push the backpack all the way up/back, but it holds much better if you do. It feels like your pushing far harder thatn you should have to, but it works. Congrats on finally getting a valk. Watch out for the 1/48s now! Your wallet will never be the same!
  10. Yeah AlphaHX I'd be interested in a couple of those recast 1S heads if that can happen. That's quite an improvement. I was getting rid of my 1/60s, but I've waffled and would liek some improved heads for the ones I've kept. I'll keep my eyes out for a recast interest head.
  11. I'm looking for the front end of a 1/60 valk. I need the nose/fuselage and the chest/top of the fuselage. Any color or type will do. Will consider buy or trade. Anyone with a 1/60 that's damaged in other areas let me know! Thanks, Bill
  12. Nice stuff! You should really mention the name of whoever did those for you, they deserve some credit and praise. As for that "lucky number" I call bingo once a month for my church and I have to say that O-69 is the only number I can call out with real emotion every time!
  13. This could definitely work out. I always thought of Gambit as a flash in the pan character but he can produce some good moments. As for Marsden I think he has been the worst actor and Cyclops the worst character in the movies so far. (although I do think that the character was treated correctly Cyclops is a very one dimensional character) I wouldn't miss it if he was out entirely. I also think that they should hold off on the Dark Phoenix story until the next movie and they should probably give Magneto a break as well. Let's see a different villain for now. The X-Men don't only fight Magneto you know. Trying to constantly cram too much (two villains and a love story) into one movie is what nearly killed the Batman movies IMO.
  14. That should be very impressive! Please be sure to show progress pics as you build it! Maybe if you go for 1/100 scale you could make it your room!
  15. AAARRRGGGHHH! Anime Magic rears it's ugly head! I'm in for probably two at this point no matter what. Go for the gusto Cap! I'd be willing to sacrifice the detailed cockpit too if that would mean a significant weight/cost savings. The cockpit interior could become another add on possibly as long as you make the pod hollow.
  16. Very Interested! Mark me down for one.
  17. This kit looks good. You'r edefinitely being too hard on your self with this one. Your buildup looks nice and there's nothing you can do about the glue and sprue areas. Keep trying. Do yourself a favor and get a Hasegawa valk kit and give that a try. Just keep having fun!
  18. Take a look here, http://www.starshipmodeler.com/store/store_2.cfm?Line=1 I'm not sure of the exact sizes, but there's a pretty good variety available.
  19. Please someone get this going so that I can download the paper monster!
  20. 1/72 regult with amazing detail is what I'm lookin' for! It's good to have the Cap around! Bad for the wallet though.
  21. Wow! That looks like a great buildup! Thanks for the pic! OK, so we know it can be done, now what about accuracy and what if any modifications need to be made?
  22. Hi everybody, I don't know if this has been discussed before, but I'd like to get some opinions on the old Imai 1/72 scale Regult kit. Is it accurate? In size shape or details? How is the buildup? Is it worth working on and improving? After hearing the news about Hasegawa not releasing any enemy mecha (totally inane IMHO, but that's another thread) I'm starting to think about these older kits to go next to the Hasegawa models. Let me know what you think. Does anyone have some good pics of some built up Regult kits?
  23. If you're going to spend some money, go for the Yamato 1/48 it is by far the best Valkyrie toy ever. Pricey, but the best. The Yamato 1/60s are nice too. I'd say 2nd after the 1/48s and you can find them for very decent prices. (right here on these boards or on Evilbay) I think the 1/60s best feature is their fighter mode. Great value for the money. I haven't ever owned a MPC, but you can already tell the opinion of everyone else here. The Bandai Reissues are the best for nostalgia and for durability. These are very good for kids. Welcome to MW and watch out! Once you start buying valks you may not be able to stop!
  24. ......yes, it would.......
  25. I'm interested in a 1/60 VF-1J head. Prefer Max, but any color will do. Can trade a brown 1A head or buy outright. Please PM me if you can help. Thanks! Bill
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