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Everything posted by jardann

  1. This is looking soooo impressive! I can't wait to get one, but my wallet can! HWR MKII If the magnets don't work, maybe you could use some telescoping tube,rod connections. Embed some tubes into the body and then have some rods in the legs keyed to slide into the tubes. Maybe use the magnets to keep everything nice and tight. Tight is always better than loose for your rod.
  2. I'm in St. Louis. My figures haven't arrived yet either.
  3. I got stuck on the Stargate Crew. Not too bad I guess, but it's not a spaceship. Of course, I didn't get 100% on anything. SG-1 (Stargate) 88% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 81% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 81% Serenity (Firefly) 69% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 63% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 63% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 63% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 63% Moya (Farscape) 63% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 56% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 50% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 50%
  4. Yes, WM definitely deserves a title. How about "Hoary Froating Modeller" or "Macross Model Ace" As for the dedicated model gallery and page I know that Jesse was working on it and doing a nice job as well. Hopefully someone can help and speed up the process. WM's build up threads really are the best too. I don't think I've ever seen better "how to" threads on any website. WM, you really should look into submitting items to FSM magazine. Your build ups and explanations would show quite a few "real" modelers a thing or two. If there is any way to get his build ups put into a pinned thread or a dedicated space on the main page that would be awesome!
  5. I have had good experiences with the Citadel primers. They leave a nice thin coat that doesn't obscure any detail(or flaw), and they are easy to use. The primer has a nice tooth to it too. Not too rough, but other paints adhere very nicely to it. I might have to give the Painter's Touch a try though. That price point is very tempting and the citadel stuff is not so easy to find.
  6. Good job on that kit. Everything but the fuselage is terrible on that kit, but you made it look pretty decent.
  7. jardann


    That really is a bummer. I'm sure it can still be built into an interesting model though. Will you still be able to use the large radome without the space boosters? I would jsut go ahead and make it as individual as I can so that it becomes an even more interesting model. Give it a backstory like it's part of a special forces unit or something and give it a killer custom paint job and people will love it!
  8. I agree, they're looking pretty good WM!
  9. Just plain awesome! I can't wait to see your stand configuration. Thanks for sharing so much of your talent with us on these boards.
  10. Wow, it looks like I am not on the list in the first post, so please put me down for one. Can't wait to see this "Monster" completed.
  11. You might be able to try using some small diameter brass or aluminum tubing. Get tubing that is just large enough for the landing gear strut to fit into. Cut a piece of tubing and super glue it into the wheel well. Then super glue the landing gear into the tubing. That should provide a very stong joint. Good luck and please post some pics when you're finished!
  12. Interested depending on price.
  13. Yeaaa! More 1/72 scale bad guys! Why won't any large company produce these enemies? Well, the captain will give us better care and quality so I'm in for one of these for sure!
  14. Looking pretty good! That's a nice pair of kits. They are very clean. I especially like the panel lines on the fast packs. Keep building!
  15. Welcome to MW! Those are some really cool pictures, thanks for posting them. You cosplay Minmei very well! You and your costume look nearly perfect. Your friends' costumes are great too!
  16. The guys work does look good on his website. I can't imagine why someone who wants to run a business would take the chance on getting a bad reputation for a couple of hundred bucks. I'm sure it would be cheaper (and bring in more business) in the long run to make sure you deliver what you promise, not shoot yourself in the foot with future customers. Good luck getting your money back.
  17. Looks really great Ryuji. I would say that it is a very good likeness to the lineart. Are you going to make a helmet? I think that would really finish off the kit. Great work as always.
  18. Looks awesome Kylwell! The weathering is outstanding, and I think the posture of the mech really conveys a sense of weariness. Good luck in the contest!
  19. That sounds like a better idea than the poll options! Count me in again!
  20. Great site! The figure building tutorial really "exposes" some good tips and techniques!
  21. I feel for you Mike. I moved in June and between soccer games and working weekends I am just now getting my model bench ready for action. One good thing for me though is that this project is moving at the right pace for me and my wallet!
  22. How in the world did I miss this thread!? I put in a vote for the GPB1 armor. I don't think Hasegawa will get around to it.
  23. Hey that mech looks great! I have a soft spot for these Dougram kits. My first mecha kit was a 1/48 Condar (from the Revell Robotech line of kits) I still have it! I think these kits were very well engineered for their time. With a little bit of attention they can still be made into impressive models. You've done a nice job on this model. Especially if it was already built when you got it. Your paint job is great all around, even on the pilot, great work on his face, but he really needs to do some push-ups! His arms look like they've atrophied! The cockpit work is a nice touch too. Keep up the good work and show us some more!
  24. Those books look pretty interesting and not too expensive either. I've always liked the pictures and the impressive models in the Japanese hobby magazines, but I still haven't been able to bring myself to pay that much for something I won't be able to read cover to cover. However, I would recommend that you get some books in English (or whatever your native language is). Finescale modeler has several books that cover the same tips and techniques and you will be able to read the suggestions in detail. Of course the pictures will be of "real" tanks and planes, but all of the techniques will be applicable to mecha or whatever you are modeling. That will get you started. A lot of people complain about Finescale modeler because it does not contain much sci-fi subjects (almost none actually). I like the magazine. The production values of the magazine are top notch and like I said, all of the techniques can be applied to whatever you are modeling. It is also relatively cheap, and in English. Your most valuable and cheapest reference source though would be the internet itself. This forum and the starshipmodeler.com forums are full of great people who will help answer any questions you might have and contain a nearly limitless source of reference photos. There are lots more modeling sites/forums out there as well if you just look around a bit. The last and probably most important reference source for you will be experience. The more models you build and the more new techniques you try the more knowledge you will accumulate to help you. With a little time and a little patience your skills will continue to improve. Keep having fun and you know your on the right track!
  25. Those look great! Will these be available as a three-piece set? I think the shorter legs look better, especially when seen next to the other figures.
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