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Everything posted by jardann
I don't know if the Hasegawa looks FAR superior to the 1/100, but the size difference is the real kicker. Of course some of us still have a lot of 1/100 Macross kits lying around. I like the elbows better on the 1/100 and I think the intakes and legs look better too, but that may be just because the Hase shown in the above post hasn't been cleaned up and finished yet. The one thing I see with the 1/100 is that the hands look a little big. But that would still at least be consistent with the old 1/100 kits!
That VF-1 does look a little down in the dumps when being compared to it's older big brother.
Sounds great to me! Answers: 1) Yes 2)Couple of months? 3)Don't care 4)If it is to be a contest I think it should be anonymous submissions voted on 5)Fee is fine with cash or prizes to the winner (fee could go to help this site) 6)What do you have against ladened swallows?
Chaoswarrior, welcome to the boards! Is that the 1/144 2-in-1kit? Those are pretty decent little kits if you can find them for a good price. Yours looks good so far, but the pics are blurry. I hope to see some more soon. Keep up the progress! Specr0101, the valk is great, but I love the finish on the ghost! Those panels with different sheen or slightly different color really brings it to life! Great job. Show us more!
Chas, that pic's even better when I can see the details. Thanks for posting it. VFX, that Enterprise looks great! The bussard collectors are fantastic! Very close to the TV show look. I'm going to have to go through your progress pics when I have more time. It looks familiar, did you post this over at SSM? Is it an old AMT kit or the new PL 1/1000? It must be very close to completion. It looks ready for warp to me! God, my wife would make sooo much fun of me if she read what I just typed!
Thanks Chas, The kit is the Ertl/RC2 1/2500 scale from the first 3 ship set. Its about 3" long. I started working on an Ambassador class for my brother for an RPG he plays, but I've been working on several ships at a time and this one finished first! Please don't mind the large stand attachment. It is just tacky glued on until I decide a more permanent display set up. Hey, that is an interesting avatar pic you have. Is there any way I can see a bigger scan of it?
someone needs to tell that girl to take a break! It is seriously lunchtime!
I used to feel that way until I got married. My wife insisted on having a cat and I like pets so that was that. Once the cat got in the house I realized how fun and friendly they can be. Most of the time they will do goofy things to entertain you and you don't even have to play with them much. Then, if you show them affection, they will become very friendly and great to have around. Male cats especially are fun to watch go through various antics. Female cats I've found tend to get more cranky and be less playful as they get older. The other thing is, if we go away for the weekend, we don't have to get someone to watch the cat. He takes care of himself.
I can see your point Cobywan, but there are already a number of relatively easy to get Macross models in 1/200. If we stick with this you will have a greater variety of subject matter to complement each other. I mean, I would rather have a valkyrie in scale lined up next to this than a 747. As long as we stay far far away from the horrendous 1/170 scale though it will all be good.
Ha Ha! I used to have a neighbor who was afraid of cats. I had never seen anything like it either! I mean cats are small and usually much less aggressive than dogs, but she was terrified of my cats. Of course this just meant that my cats would hang out in her yard and around her car all the time. They would always go over into her yard and crap or piss in her garden. She never complained though. One time I had to chase my cat away from her car so she could get out! My cats were/are very friendly too. I think they just wanted to be friends, but my neighbor would just run away or stay inside if they were around.
yeah, to drive around in!
I like the CMS figures, but aren't the prices silly? I mean they are just non-poseable plastic figures. And the chase figures really drive me crazy, because of course they are some of the coolest ones and everyone wants them so let's make a limited supply of those and then make a bunch of characters that no one really cares about. Yeah, yeah, I know it's about marketing and sales so that the company makes more money but it still wrinkles my shorts.
Good Gracious! I just noticed that I am not on the list. Please put me down for one kit! SSSSTAT!!!
Lookin' good LTSO. You have been busy! Are you going to stick with the animated look or will you be fleshing it out more realistically? I'm just asking because it looks like you could go either way with it at this point. Great work.
Prometheum, I think it is just good natured "friendly" kidding around people do when comparing/complaining about toys vs models. I like both, but I do respect and admire the artistic skills people use to build and finish models or customize toys. Besides, everyone on these boards would qualify as Geeky in one way or another. We do obsess over a 20+ year old Japanese cartoon!
Valkyrie, I saw your post in the workbench thread, but wasn't sure what it was. I would be interested if the kit was reasonably priced. Are you going to modify the head, arms and gunpod too? Someone put this on the list! Or, maybe it's not eligible since it is already in progress.
Make sure you wear rubber gloves while using the oven cleaner type product. I have used a product called "Greased Lightning" It is a degreaser. I soak the parts in a tub of this stuff for a few hours and then use an old toothbrush to clean off the paint.(most of the paint comes right off at the slightest touch) I still use rubber gloves with this product too, but it is biodegradeable.
Wallet...hurts, so thin, so empty like a fashion model need more money for super-custom-limited-resin models....help meeee
Love the base for the Spiderbug! That's a great use of greeblies! It really brings that little model to life.
Is there any way you can get a small piece of plastic in under the crack? I think that if you can cut a thin piece of scrap styrene and glue it under the cracked area it would help bond the parts together. Something that would look like this: Top of plane __________ ___________ underneath fuselage ---------------- That would spread the stress along a larger surface area and give a much larger glueing surface. Of course that might interfere with the wing part that goes in there next so you would need to be careful. Good luck!
That's a fantastic job Berrt! I'm expecting more from you in the future!
Hey Scorpion, Welcome to the boards! Thanks for offering to share those. I may be contacting you in the future for some of those. If I ever get my plastic models built that is! I'm sure you will be getting a lot of requests.
Lookin' good! I have to agree with everyone else, it's a good job. I really like the color of the fast packs. Mind letting us know what you used? The charcoal pencil weathering looks different and I like it too. I think a nice wash with a dark grey(almost black) would really bring out the panel lines and finish this baby off!