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Everything posted by jardann

  1. [attachmentid=36995]Here's something that's almost done. Just have to put some decals on. I call this the PA-1000 Phantom. This is a kitbash of what I consider a predecessor to the QF-3000 Ghost, or maybe from right before the ghost in Macross Zero. I'm going to mark it for the UN Navy.
  2. Great job on that kit and great avatar! There are things I like and things I hate on those kits. All in all I think they are better than either of the 1/100 fixed pose battloid or gerwalk kits. The mods you did help a lot and your paint job is really good too. Thanks for walking us through the build. It's always fun to watch a kit come together!
  3. I would not use JB weld on a 1/48. It is usually black and goopy and thick. It will leave a mess on a part that small. If that is all your hobby shop had then I would never go back! If you are going to use the pin method, which I highly recommend too, a small small drop of super glue should give you a nice strong bond.
  4. jardann


    Really nice work Berrrt. It looks like that bug gets a lot of work. The cheesecake art is a nice touch and the base puts the little guy into perspective I think. I like the gold cockpit glass too. Seems like you've been pretty busy lately!
  5. Great job Berrrt!
  6. "Your butt's all round and musculahr!" Really, the figure looks great.
  7. I only use spray cans for primer. I've used several different kinds and never had a problem with the primer filling in the panel lines too much or with it affecting the plastic. I don't use the automotive primers though, which may be "hotter" and may have more potential to damage the plastic surface. There was a thread a while back about using different kinds of primer. The Games Workshop primer is excellent, but expensive. It will not obscure any detail. I have also used some Krylon brand primer that can be found in hardware stores and it is pretty good. Leaves a good surface, but will cover the details if you spray it on too heavy. Several light coats are always better than one heavy coat when your spraying any kind of paint or primer. Jsut keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it.
  8. Cool! Looks like a good start. Your descriptions seem short and to the point without leaving out anything important. I'll be watching. Thanks for going through the trouble of this write up!
  9. A good source of pictures for all of the Macross mechs is the Robotech Role-Playing game sourcebook. This has a lot of good lineart of all kinds of things and it can be found on Ebay cheap and easy. Even though it is Robotech, I think the lineart gives you a lot of bang for the buck.
  10. No need to flee the forum DG. 1/72 scale armor is just what the Monster kit is! Sci-fi Anime armor from one of the best series ever!
  11. Hey Valkyrie that is some great progress. I wasn't sure at first how much I was going to like te tow tractor, but now it is really coming together! Keep up the great work!
  12. Is this becoming a cosplay thread??
  13. Ha Ha! If you come up with a method to avoid that overspray you'll have to post it. Several of the guys here would like to learn that technique I'm sure! Congrats to you and your ever increasing family Brian. Man some of you guys on this board have been busy!
  14. Heartfelt congratulations! She is a very beautiful baby! (I'm sure she takes after her mom ) I guess you know, this will be your most involved scratchbuild project ever. You've only just begun!
  15. That is just AWESOME BABY!!!! And Mike, being able to see all of the "stuff" in the background will probably just get people to demand more pics of the stuff. And maybe demand more kits too! Fantastic work man. Thanks for getting this together for all of us Macross Model Maniacs!
  16. Great build! It's really fun to see this kit built up. Hope you have a safe time out at sea.
  17. These are lookin' great guys! I think people are probably waiting to see how these turn out. Pics with in scale figures really help too. I'm definitely watchin'!
  18. Grayson, If you dropped something like that to get married, I think you may have some serious mental problems!
  19. Hey Motogenius and Grimlock, welcome to the boards! Moto - looks like your questions have been answered. Grimlock, 1. You should be able to clean out what's left of the antenna and cut a new one from sheet styrene, sand a little maybe, paint and then supreglue it into the area where the old antenna fit in. 2. I may have a part from a broken 1/60 valk that could help you eith your backpack problem, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to dig out my 1/60s and check. You may want to post in the Yamato parts exchange thread or in the wanted section here. Pics would also be good if possible, so that people know exactly what you need. 3, 4 and 5. You really will need to search the forums for some old threads. There have been a lot of very informative threads put up here in this section. Anasazi's decals are great. Krylon fusion plastic paint seems to be a good durable finish for customizing toys, but it's for plastic, not metal so you would have to match the colors for the diecast parts of the 1/60. Customizing the Yamatos can result in very cool variations and everyone loves to see new customs so go for it! 6. Search in the toys section, and I believe there is a new YF-19 coming out, so you might be able to pick up a new and hopefully much improved version pretty soon. And hey, don't let a few crabby posts push you away. Learning new stuff about Macross is one of the best things about this site!
  20. Yeah, this baby is looking awesome!! It isn't even painted in these pics and it looks more "alive" to me than the older kits. I say go with the custom art on the foot Shawn. That'll be a great touch! (sorry about the eye, glad everything will be OK)
  21. Wow Mike, HWR's pictures really show off the great work you put into this monster! And they show off the size too! HWR, are the legs holding up the body by friction alone in those pics! If so, your magnet idea should work great. Will that allow the hip joints to retain some posability? Please post some detailed pics and descriptions, I'm very interested in that part of the construction especially. Thanks for the build up thread!
  22. Now people can really see the size of this project! The work looks amazing so far, great job! If I ever had a workbench that clean and organized, it would mean my wife had gotten in there and I wouldn't be able to find anything!
  23. I will definitely be interested, but just not with the Monster kit because I've already signed up for Mike's. Enemy mecha would be a great idea!
  24. I've got to agree with the thought that the monster is kind of overexposed right now. It's a big project with several options that are on the table now and people have already committed to expensive projects. One other thing, (don't take this as a personal attack, it's not) The other guys who have been selling kits here have a good reputation and (especially on thier first kits) have an item to show before they asked for orders and such. I am very intrigued by your process and always excited at the prospect of new Macross kits and options. So your thread is looking very good so far. I might suggest a small slowdown in your projected time frames, jsut to let everyone get a chance to catch thier breath and catch up with funds. I'll keep watching here for what develops. Thanks for joining in and working on these projects too! The potential here looks great!
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