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Everything posted by jardann

  1. Yeah, the 1/100 fighter mode kits are cheap and still produce a nice model, though they don't come with pilot figures. Stay away from the battroid and gerwalk kits though because no matter how much work you put into them, you will probably be disappointed with the finished kit. They have terrible proportions. The 1/100 destroid kits are pretty good too, though they can be a little harder to find. Just take your time and don't rush yourself and you will be able to produce some good results with those kits. Welcome to Macross modeling madness!!
  2. Simply Amazing!! Your work definitely adds to the realism of the toy/model. Have fun on vacation, but be sure to get right back to work on your art when you return!
  3. Some of the problem may be with the white paint too. I know a lot of modelers add a touch of blue to the white paint to avoid yellowing.
  4. That's a 1/100 scale kit though. I just saw one sell for $36.00 on Ebay. The 1/72 scale kit is valued considerably higher. I think the 1/72 scale kit usually goes for around $70.00+ on Ebay, but I too would recommend getting the Moscato kit if it becomes available. I think it will cost a little more, but the detail is far better.
  5. Heh, I can see them now. I'm on a different PC now, so there must be something up with the one I was using the other day. All I saw before was the first, boxart pic. Now I can also say- "Great job!" That is a very crisp paint job and excellent decal work. It looks just like it should. It looks really cool on the turntable too!
  6. All I see is the box art for the model. Am I missing something?
  7. Thanks, that's some interesting information. And welcome to the boards!
  8. It's amazing how great that simple scheme looks! Great job. And the stealth fast packs match perfectly! You may just want to go with some small text on the tailfins that says Alaska Base or maybe like Alaska Base GC-1. Similar to the stickers that say ARMD or Prometheus that are supplied with most decal sheets to show where the valk is stationed. I agree that any insignia would probably be small and unobtrusive.
  9. It's really awesome! I love to watch thsi thread.
  10. Very cool. You actually make it look easy.
  11. Controlling shrinkage is very important. Especially when skinny dipping with a lady!
  12. Looking very good! And you are proceeding with good speed. Man, I wish I could build some model kits as fast as some people around here scratchbuild major projects!
  13. That looks like the perfect size for a Macross! You have really done some incredible work with cardboard! Would it be at all possible to have that cast in resin!? You'd probably have to seal the cardboard first, but it would be soooo worth it. Now do one in cruiser mode! All Macross fans must demand it!!!
  14. I think the 1/170 scale versions only have the strike packs. But, as Honneamise said, the 1/100 scale kits that have the strike cannon should also have the parts to build a super valk with just the normal fast packs. That should go for either the variable or single mode kits. If you can provide a pic or a link to a pic of what you have found, I'm sure someone could tell you exactly what you'll be getting.
  15. Yeah, that's the 1/100 scale variable kit. It is not the best kit, but the box art is awesome!
  16. Very cool. What color did you use for the off-white? It looks great to me!
  17. PM sent! You know I'm in for this!
  18. Said it before, but....Cleanest Workbench Evaar!! Great work so far. That baby is really shaping up! It's an amazing project. Aren't the engines going to put a lot of stress at the mounting point?
  19. Would really prefer the SDF-1 TV or movie version!
  20. Congratulations on your marriage and good luck on the PHD! Sorry to see you drop out of the decal business Devin, but I totally understand that some things in life have to take priority. I've always enjoyed the quality of your work and you have made the Macross experience much richer for a lot of us here. And I don't think that post just above mine deserves any kind of reply.
  21. Yeah, I had sanded the areas, but still wasn't getting anything to stick. I got a few minutes to work on it today, and I took a grinding bit in a motor tool and really ground a concave spot under the shoulder pads so that the arms had a little more surface contact with the body. I then used a clamp to hold the body and pliers to hold the arms and I was able to hold the parts in place long enough for the glue to get a good bond. These metal figures are very nice castings. I was surprised they got such good results with them. Now, do you have any tips on painting it? I was just going to shoot some citadel primer on him and go from there.
  22. Thanks for that advice Chas. I'm trying to use one of the metal pilots that I got from VF007 a while back, but I can't get super glue to stick with the arms. Has anyone else used these guys yet? I think the metal is brass, at least that's what it looks like. Could it be possible that I may have to solder these? Will solder even work with brass? Any advice would be appreciated.
  23. A very beautiful baby! Congratulations! Do you have a transforming VF-1 costume for her for her first Halloween?
  24. I like the idea, and I like the alternate weapons too. The weapons really fit with a valk that is painted in the camo for ground strike missions. I gotta say that the orange parts need to be painted to match to really make this work though.
  25. Heh, I saw that a couple of days ago. All I can say is Hasegawa must have a damn big garage! Not a bad price though.
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