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Everything posted by jardann

  1. Niiiiice!!!!
  2. Amazing craftsmanship and imagination on that build! Man, I wish I could read that forum. They have some of the wildest customs.
  3. Master Japanese modeler, just buildin', smokin', and paintin'!
  4. Hey, that's a hydraulic fluid stain. Very hard to clean from the tarmac! Seriously though, that is quite a body of work. I wonder what is to become of these. Some of his schemes are quite interesting, actually makes me start to like the VF-0D even. The pics would be even better with a little more light.
  5. You can bump my order up to 2 as well if that's what it's gonna take. Come on guys! This will be the finishing touch on the Captain's fabulous line of Regults!
  6. You should be just fine with the future. Many people spray it straight from the bottle. Just have some Windex or another ammonia based window cleaner on hand to clean the airbrush with.
  7. Any of those should work. HWR recommends Future so I'd give that a try first. Let us know how it goes.
  8. Yeah! That tiny valk looks great. Better than the tiny planes that come with most carrier kits for sure. Will you be able to cast it though? I'd probably be interested in an assortment of 1/700 valks if you can get them cast up. 007-vf1, Your ARMD is looking awesome too. I've always thought it was a very realistic design. I can't wait to see more progress!
  9. VF-19, You can try lightly spraying the decal sheet with a couple of clear coats. Then you'll need to carefully trim each one, but you should be able to use the decals. Good luck!
  10. jardann


    Adam, My best wishes for your friend. I hope her cancer is treatable and that she attains good health soon. Warpaint, I'm right there with you about how relaxing brush painting can be. When I airbrush (still not very much, have a lot to learn) I always feel as if I'm rushing to make sure no paint dries in the tips, the setup and cleanup time annoys me too. And I still have no idea how some people airbrush tiny spaces like cockpits and wheel wells. It just seems like so much work to paint two square centimeters of model. It just seems like I have to plan and prepare so much to be able to do some airbrushing (no paint booth so must work outside). When I'm ready to brush paint, I can just open a bottle and go. But I am definitely tired of the lower quality finish from brush painting.
  11. It's really cool to see one of these completed! You did a great job on it. Thanks for showing it off!
  12. I'm in for at least one for sure! Been waiting for this one.
  13. jardann


    I second David's opinion about Polly Scale paints. Those are the best I have found for hand brushing. The non-toxic label for many acrylics applies to their dry state I think. They can still have noxious fumes and when airbrushing, you still do not want to breathe in the fumes and airborn paint particles. But we're trying to avoid that in this thread anyway aren't we. I reread your post Adam. This sounds like you have a friend who has cancer. Does he really believe that his cancer was caused by the paints he was using? Was he ingesting the paints in some manner? I haven't heard of this happening before. I hope he is better now.
  14. There are some strakes of some kind on the front of the nosecone too. Those shouldn't be hard to scratch though. Actually the shape of the nosecone itself looks slightly different from a standard VF-1. There are several interesting differences on that bird. Does the decal sheet include the noseart too?
  15. Wow, that was way more in depth than I was expecting! But I see now what you are talking about. CBT changes the sizes of the mechs so much that keeping a constant scale is difficult, as well as the fact that the heights for CBT are radically different from the "true" heights according to Macross. Well, no matter what, your Tomohawk looks super cool. If your primary point is to use these for gaming then I see how keeping them sized similarly to each other may be more important than true scale consitency. Like I said before, it's your baby so do what makes you happy! Thanks for all the info!
  16. Hey, it's your project, and it's turning out great. You can scale them however you want, but I would think no matter what general size you are going for, having them all be in the same scale would be best. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 6mm or 7mm scale. Aren't they supposed to be different sizes in BT as well as Macross? I mean, if the Tomohawk is taller than the Phalanx, then it should always be taller when the two mechs are built in the same scale. Or, for BT are all of the pieces just made to be approximately the same size, no matter what they are supposed to be in "real life"?
  17. No problem! If you don't hear back from me after a few weeks, feel free to PM me with a reminder and I'll get around to digging out my old kit and instructions.
  18. I've got this packed away somewhere. I can try and locate it over the next coouple of weeks, but cant' guarantee when I'll get to it. Can anyone else help this member out sooner? I was about to say welcome to the boards 'cause I noticed you only have 3 posts, then I noticed you have been here for two years already! To make up for your lack of posting, we all hope you can post some pics of the model as you build it! When you get the instructions of course.
  19. I agree! That's one of the best SV-51 Nora's I've seen. I think that paint scheme needs some pretty heavy weathering to make it even begin to look realistic.
  20. Ooooo, that looks nice! The VF-0S isn't even my favorite design, but you've done a great job with it. Congratulations on being able to get paid while doing your hobby. A couple of suggestions -fixing that canopy seam and completing the panel lines around the tip of the nose would really help. Also, darkening the recesses inside the gun barrel and maybe some drybrushing of the gun barrel tips would add to the realism. Like I said, these are just some tips from what I can see. Other than these nit-picks, your paint finish looks flawless and the decal application looks perfect! Hopefully we will see some more of your work on the boards here. (Welcome by the way!) P.S. Everyone here really loves build up threads. (hint-hint) It looks like you could share some good tips with the rest of us!
  21. Ahhh! Thank you!
  22. Didn't see anything in that thread about Gundamhead's launch arm, but I know some people will be excited if it gets reissued too. Just out of curiosity, does adding the embedded metal parts (brass tube, steel bar etc.) make the casting process much more difficult?
  23. That's definitely a great home for those masters to go. I hope they work out well for SSM.
  24. I was watching that auction. I don't think the price went crazy high, but for me, I couldn't bring myself to pay much more than the cost of a Hasegawa Strike kit. But, if you are happy with your purchase, then that's all that matters!
  25. Those Valk heads are neat! Those are 1/48 scale right? that's a fantastic idea. They would be awesome at like 1/12 scale or so! Your modelling skills are quite good. Thanks for showing us your work and welcome to Macross World! I hope we see more of your stuff around here.
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