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Everything posted by StealthLurker

  1. NICE!!!! Love them 1/55s, complete Jumbo Machinders and SOCs! Nice arrangement. Let's see them sentais!
  2. Ordered some from HLJ too. Waiting, waiting....
  3. I'm pretty good about locking doors...
  4. I believe he said it was an e46 M3. Which is no slouch of a car, and can take out soem lower level Porsches andmaybe a regular Corvette, but it's not exactly a supercar. I thought he said it was a 99' M3, the e46 version came out in 2000.
  5. The common misconception of the Corvette. The current Z06 will outperform an e46 M3 in any measure of performance. It's not your typical American muscle car in that it only goes fast in a straight line, it's an awesome car that gets dissed because of the bad reputation of American cars. I'm not saying the M3 is a bad car, it's an awsome car... but don't under estimate the current Corvette because it doesn't have the snobby branding of a European sports car manufacturer. Don't know about the Z06, but my Dad has a regular 2000 C6 Vette, he and I have raced, on the straight, and in curves we have switched cars also so we could get a feel for the other... He spend many years working for GM Defense labs, TRW, and Jet Propulsion Labs (JPL), so he was and is extreemly partial to American engineering. After getting his vette, his only comment was that the M3 is superior in EVERY way, he was really dissapointed. On the day were were racing each other and we switched cars, I couldn't believe how much of a crap box the vette was... The thing cornered like a school bus. your STOCK *E36* M3 smoking all those rides left and right on straights? Man that's hard to believe. Must be horrible drivers....
  6. Man that is freakin huge! NICE. =]
  7. The new DX is pretty cool imho. I hated the dino zords of last year, but I really like the design of the Deka. Unfortunately, no diecast. My mini-review and pics are here: DX Dekaranger Robo mini-review
  8. word! It's not right that I have my Mazingers and not a Voltes V. I need that, the Daimos and the Grendizer to relive my happy childhood in the Philippines... Ain't that the truth... but the SOC line ain't gonna end anytime soon. In due time... but this new guy is a welcome addition imho!
  9. Bound to happen, yet sad. There's still a good library of games left behind.. enough to play for many years to come. As for Atomiswave, I'd like to think SNKP is not dumb enough to forget about their 2D fans completely at least... I hope. RIP 1990-2004
  10. Rented it from blockbuster. It's a decent film. Worth the rental, on the fence about a purchase tho.
  11. Those are amazingly sweet.
  12. This one's for sentai fans and hurricanger fans in particular.... I posted a customized Tenraisenpuujin, some hurricanger collection pics and a comparison between US vs Japanese senpuujin: http://robotjapan.proboards12.com/index.cg...1127503&start=0
  13. A car wash would rock... My fraternity had car washes all the time to raise money for the Cancer Society. All I had to do is take my shirt off and divorced women would line up to watch me wash their car, I porked some of em too, but I didn't charge for that (probably should have). You are an arrogant one aren't cha.... Beyond words... Dude that's fricken dorky. LOL hahaha...
  14. Beautiful work sir. Thank you for sharing it w/ us. =]
  15. Hello Admins, I made a post regarding the closing of capcom coin-op in the 'Other Anime or Science Fiction' forum and it appears as if it was deleted. I don't really mind, just curious about the reasoning... considering there are threads about video games in there all the time. Currently a thread about Onimusha 3 even (a Capcom game). Just need some clarification so that I don't post something overly off topic again. Thanks in advance.
  16. Being a hardcore 2D gamer....my gut reaction is to knock it, but I'd give it chance before I really say anything. I ended up kinda enjoying some of the HyperNeoGeo64 games.
  17. Actually about 2 years or so ago during halloween, we opened the garage, turned on all the games, setup some black lights, laid out some dry ice and passed out candy on the driveway. Let the kids play a couple games and get some candy while they were at it. The neighborhood kids seemed to really enjoy it. Just to see the big smiles on the children's faces was a great feeling in itself.
  18. Here are some pics of about 10% of my toy collection. Unfortunately, most of my stuff can only exist in rental storage, closets inside the house/garage at least until I get a place for a nice toy display room. I collect everything from macross/robotech, godaikins, rangers, godzilla, transformers (jpn only), gundam, etc... basically anything that's a cool japanese toy in my opinion. Some collection pics
  19. Congrats! The packaging of the originals is far, far superior in terms of art.
  20. As far as I can tell there is no diecast. However the quality of plastic is pretty good. The figure has a good amount of weight to it... with diecast you could probably use it as a doorstop. hehe I paid about $80 shipped for it and yes it was originally available in Toys R Us. Most definitely! It's one of my most favorite video game platforms of all time. I've got 2 cart systems (modified), a CD unit, neo pockets, 4 neo arcade machines, piles of collectibles and a bunch of ports.
  21. Forget the Toynami Voltron III.... A friend of mine told me about this coming out a while back and have been mildly curious ever since. I saw one for a reasonable price on ebay and thought why not give it a try. I had no expectations, but was midly suprised by it's size and proportions. The sculpt is a lot better than I expected and comes w/ quite a few gimmicks (working lion cockpits, tons of projectiles to fire, etc) Also below are size comparisons (vs Takara Masterpiece Prime, vs Standard GoLion, vs bootleg Jumbo Grade RX-78)
  22. And to you other kids all across the land. There's no need to argue. Parents just don't understand! totally fresh.
  23. Now that's how you play w/ your toys.
  24. For "kiddy toys" about $1600 on a pair of tokyo marui remote control godzillas Video game wise... many, many G's on arcade machines/boards and neo-geo home carts. In terms of Cars/mods and Home electronics... man that's a whole different ballpark.
  25. ART. Simply art.
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