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Everything posted by StealthLurker

  1. I went to about 4 diff CC's in my area and scored 33 games. Thank you circuit city.
  2. I was a big NEC fan back in the day. Still have my TG-16, TurboExpress, TurboDuo, SuperGrafx and NEC PC-FX. Too bad it didn't really pick up here stateside.
  3. I remember that site from a while back... me and the coworkers were laughin our asses off at that site. One of the interns actually came in w/ one the shirts one day too. Funny sheit.
  4. That it awesome. Thanks for the pic.
  5. Reissued Voltron is 30 bucks? Really? Is this in every way the same as the old die cast toy from the '80's? If it is, why am I not aware of this!? I need to have one! I already have the cheap ass, crappy Voltron: The Third Dimension toy, and I would prefer a hard core, die cast toy. So, who's got one? :-P If you're talking about the 're-issue' trendmasters voltron yes it was $30 bucks at toys r us a few years ago. Not as good quality as the 80s us version. However, crazy people on ebay keep going into bidding wars for this item and jacking the price waaaay beyond $30. I'd say for a 'cheap' new voltron toy go for the HK Lionbot. Better quality than the Trendmasters version. About $40-50 + shipping from HK.
  6. word. bootleg the domestic bootleggers. As for a domestic version voltron, I'll stick w/ this guy... more of a presence and MUCH cheaper too!
  7. Nice! I always imagined a great macross display room w/ some all glass display cases and a plasma nearby looping DYRL or Flashback forever.... oh and a nicely framed DYRL movie poster or goldbook poster too.
  8. Gotta luv the classic 1/55 GBP. As for the Yamato vs Bandai GBP, I don't care. I'm just happy Yamato has *finally* made one. Both versions may not be perfect, but there's enough beauty in each to appreciate their existance. Once again, it's a good time to be a macross fan *again*.
  9. Toynami MPC: 15 Bandai/Takatoku 1/55: 30 (customs, vintage, reissue) Takatoku 1/76: 1 (non-transformable + GBP armor) Bandai 1/65: 9 Bandai HCM: 7 (customs, stock) Bandai 1/100: 5 Yamato 1/60: 40 Yamato 1/48: 28 Yamato 1/72: 12 Also models, doyushas, gashapons, bootlegs, etc...
  10. Ah the memories, I used to have that little guy. Always wanted the large taka/matchbox version but my parents said it was too expensive for a toy.
  11. Like this? Sweet! Where did you purchase the cycle armor from?
  12. Nice collection sir. I like how you sprinkled the little arii figures w/ the mechs.
  13. oo nga pare! Yep it's all about Greenhills. Haven't been there lately, but I remember always going there for my video game/toy fixes. Also remember "Virra Mall" when I was a kid.... lots of cool ass toy stores back then and those pay by the hour family computer "arcades".
  14. When I was in college tryin to make a dollar out of fifty cent was hard.
  15. Exactly. Broken/severed legs here we come!
  16. ..... that thing looks horrible. Stick to takatoku or matchbox for a toy version.
  17. Haven't been keeping up w/ macross releases lately.... wondering if these have been widely released yet. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3192124013&rd=1
  18. Thanks for the heads up. You rock. =]
  19. Inhumanoids? I liked that cartoon BTW. I liked the guy called "decompose" because he could create zombie/skeleton dudes.
  20. shogun warriors, godaikins, convertors, m.u.s.c.l.e. (kinnukumen sp?) men, starriors, zoids, crossbows and catapults... ah the 80s had great toys.
  21. Yeah I used to shoot my sister w/ my Daimos's Fist and missiles back in the day. Great fun. =] BTW, do you also collect super robots from the marmit "Legend of the Fierce Super Robots" line? The sizes and sculpts are pretty cool imho.
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