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Doctor Reggae

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Everything posted by Doctor Reggae

  1. Zinjo and other have made mention of a time space event...I've been out of the Mac loop for a while, so I've been wondering what they're referring to.
  2. At the risk of sounding completely clueless...which in this case, I suppose I am, but is there a link to something that describes what the time/space event in 1995 was? The Compendium doesn't list anything for it. Thanks!
  3. I restrained myself to only Blackout and Barricade today...and I gotta admit, they're pretty damn good. Barricade's alt mode alone is pure love.
  4. Looks like there's going to eventually be a Leader-class movie Starscream and a Voyager-class Bonecrusher...no pix yet, but here's the news link from Seibertron... http://www.seibertron.com/news/view.php?id=10304
  5. BotCon T-cracker's cool...but my days of paying literal arms and legs are done too, I think. Hell, I just got done auctioning off a good portion of my old Botcon exclusives. Makes me glad I've got all my G1 jets, though.
  6. Cool enough...thank you for the possible heads-ups about the audio clip. Whatever the scenario, it does sound pretty good. As for the T-cracker repaint (maybe) of movie Starscream...if I have the money, I'll get him. I seem to be giving more preference to my jet-themed TF's right now.
  7. ...and an audio clip has surfaced on the Sector Seven website, of what seems to be Starscream's voice. http://www.sectorseven.org/classified/anomalie3-402mig.mp3
  8. AC Toys posted a pic of a repaint of movie Starscream--has a new head sculpt and a Thundercracker paint scheme. Check it here: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=130815 Thoughts?
  9. A clearer pic of MP Skywarp is up...check out his "gritted teeth" expression, which I tend to view as "too much Taco Bell" expression instead. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=130493
  10. God knows my finances still can't really afford any more TF's...but I definitely want Barricade, Blackout, and probably (maybe) voyager-class Starscream.
  11. Some of the movie toys are starting to appear in Toys R' Us's in Ohio...there have been reports of finding deluxe-sized Bonecrusher, Bumblebee, and Jazz. Check TFW 2005 and Seibertron for links and pix of Jazz's figure.
  12. This kind of fits here, but Robotech.com has put up info about the next series of Masterpiece toys: Cyclones and Shadow Fighters. Check the info here: http://robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=304 http://robotech.com/gallery/galimage/views...gory.php?id=188
  13. Actually, I was reading the Sentinels novels into my early 20's, and since RT was the end-all, be-all of anime storytelling for me at the time (except for Akira), I remember all of the plot elements pretty well, even from all of the Robotech novels. The trick for me will be to judge (initially, at least) TSC's animation in comparison to the original RT series. I've seen Mac Zero and Plus, but I'd like to look at TSC visually as its own entity compared to the original animation. Since I've become a Macross fan, though, this might be a bit tough, both in terms of animation and story. Story-wise, I'm curious to see how they address the gaping continuity holes (or how they don't), especially since I still remember all of End of the Circle. Lol...this sounds like Secret Confessions of a Former Robotech Junkie.
  14. You remember correctly...and I'd forgotten about that "mindstuff" term too. It used to sound cool to me, way back when, but now it sounds like a bad Rachel Ray cooking word.
  15. Red Devil, mucho thanks for the pix of the SDF-3 and SDF-4. I'm hoping to pick up the DVD in the next couple of days...as a former Robotech fan who became a Macross convert, I'm curious to see what nostalgia factor will come into play for me. One last question, about the Ark Angel--what's the backstory behind it? On RT.com's mecha size comparison page, it's shown as being substantially larger than the SDF-3 and -4.
  16. Cool, I suppose...any pix of the SDF-3?
  17. Some pix of the CGI models for Starscream, Ironhide, and Frenzy have been posted...check 'em here: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=122313 http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=122318 http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=122320
  18. ...and more pix of Blackout's toy from the movie as well: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=121991
  19. More pix of MP Megs have surfaced...check 'em here... http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/toyforum2007/20/
  20. Even better, here's a couple of the pix:
  21. Some colored pix of the movie toys have appeared at Seibertron. Check 'em out here: http://www.seibertron.com/news/view.php?id=9350 Prime and Jazz look pretty decent, I think.
  22. That's actually the first Star Wars TF I've seen that I'm interested in. He'd be a great companion piece for Unicron and Primus.
  23. The gallery at Seibertron is up. Man, that's a lot of kibble. http://www.seibertron.com/toys/gallery.php...e=0&start=0
  24. Just a second...I've got the pix saved, so I'm posting them to Photobucket...hope this works!
  25. Pix of Ironhide--in toy form, at least--have appeared. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=119982
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