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Everything posted by Onimusha-shin

  1. you mean this? hardly comparable, especially its weaponry. Nah! Not that fugly re-drawn one. Referring to the one in the back of the original box and the one in the 1st print Technical Readout 3025. damn, no scanner and can't find the pic you want online
  2. you mean this? hardly comparable, especially its weaponry.
  3. good point, haha. lucky i never got started on 1/60s (though that means i'll never get an Ostrich or Elint ) but IMHO, the anime version doesn't even look good. i'd easily settle for M0's GBP (if it's called that) but in my opinion, none of the original Macross GBPs were too damn good looking in the 1st place. that said, i say Yamato has done a FINE job with bringing out the menace in the GBP design. a strike valk might not be able to inspire fear in a zentran cruiser's crew but a GBP with its missile pods open would do that and the Yamato version seems to have done quite well. just my two cents worth
  4. cool looking LV custom. i like the scheme. great job with the missile tips (yes, i'm awed by miniscule stuff)
  5. can anyone say ka-boom to the Stampede if it's leg missiles get hit? but still very
  6. i just have this to say: "damn if it's in a Macross episode or not, just get Yamato to make those toys!"
  7. on the show alone... Shin and Fokker looked gay when Fokker placed his hand on Shin's shoulder at the start of the show when they were headed back to ASKA. as for the AFOS calling out for its head, why doesn't anyone blame Mao for touching it in the 1st place? it seems that she was the one who triggered it. (earlier if you count Ep3 when she and Shin dived into the ocean) ANBU's translation of the words describing the Anti-UN's sub flying was quite amusing. 'The ship is currently flying!' as for the dogfights, well, it IS cool but as a mecha fan as well, i'd've like to see more Battroid or Gerwalk action, which was rather minimal compared to the booster-flying shown. more like a Top Gun dogfight other than the few non-Fighter mode action scences. also, too fast paced for the eye to follow accurately and properly appreciate at times. oh, i believe someone mentioned about the thrust-vectoring effect not seen in Macross for the VF-1s but i believe that the cool way that Shin and Nora maneuvered their planes is partially because of the atmospheric effects that is absent in space. and doesn't anyone think it's weird Nora didn't follow up her shot on Shin's 0A head when Shin was 1st trying to save Sara from the sub? and MAN, Sara really has some issues. just because her loved one is dead, she will sing the song of destruction? like someone mentioned, this is like a Kadun (of vengeance?) Nora's death? hrmmm... i would have thought that she's better than that to lose awareness of her surroundings, especially something as HUGE as the Bird Human. Ivanov's (Dick Daisy anyone? probably Nora's nickname to Ivanov on the bed) death was just as silly because the way he seeked revenge for Nora was childish as a tantrum and ultimately, he got spanked bad! Mao's appearance in Shin's cockpit? totally ridiculous, haha. and they had so much time to chat and all. while the battle raged. as for the Monster, well, i truly believe the claws didn't really serve a grappling purpose, thought it LOOKED like it did. plainly because when the shots were fired, the arms didn't budge much at all. plus the fact that they shot consecutively instead of simultaneously mean that recoil was spread out so i really don't see the point of the claws. as for Aries declaring her love to Roy, i also believe that her intepretation of the solution for avoiding the end of the world was that love should be spread and declared out. after all, it was Sara's love for Shin that drove her to revive the Bird Human and stop when she saw Shin was still alive. the cruising of Shin's 0A after the Bird Human disappeared was interesting. couldn't really understand how it was floating like that other than maybe spiritia aiding it? but the 0A's sudden drop into the ocean got a chuckle out of me, hehehe. as for Mao calling Shin a Bird Human, maybe someone forgot the story told by the old village man about the Bird Human and the Fish Human. i believe that Mao called Shin "a Bird Human afterall" is because he still rose out of the ocean after plunging into it , proving that he's suited for the skies and not the ground. well, didn't really get the ending and all. sad show, many unneccessary deaths (Sara, Aries, busty Nora, could-have-be-awesome-villian Dick Daisy... oops, i meant Ivanov) and the way the Bird Human, Sara and even Shin disappeared into the sky/space/hyperspace. too many things to consider and intepret so i'm going to leave that to you guys, hahaha. feel free to blast me. i'm a n00b about Macross stuff. very superficial fan, hehehe.
  8. what i considered possible was that since the arms need to be deployed out in Gerwalk mode (assuming not going into retro-thrust mode with only legs extended out), the arms can be extended out to some sort of clearance for the legs to unfold. somewhat like a gymnast position or yoga position? the old Takatoku toys arm mechanisms is how i picture it to work. any opinions? (feel free to bash me since i don't really know what i'm describing anyway )
  9. it ought to be painted matt black. a really flat black colour for it to be considered stealth. but all things considered, it looks fine to me (i like black planes )
  10. that's for non-Asian residents i guess. it is rather on the high side. personally, i'm still looking for one and hope not to pay more than US$125 for one.
  11. thanks for the tip H, now i need to find myself a hobby knife. /me ponders snatching one from his friend, hyuk hyuk hyuk and kudos to Valktronics. he's a great guy who discounted the price of his FP'ed M&M MPCs when i didn't have much savings to start with. being a student without any earning or spending power really sucks! and yes, after-market decals are definitely recommended. ^.^
  12. good lord! i thought i was the only one having problems affixing the gunpod to the arm armors in Fighter mode.
  13. yeah, i always wanted to know what that armanent is. any ideas anyone?
  14. doesn't the size of the MPC Alpha irritate any of you? the least Toynami could have done was stick to the original 1/35 scale used by Gakken.
  15. did he just say TONS of stores? do you own a toy store chain culverin? no sarcasm meant, honest. just that the way you phrased your words is very... exciting? after all, i'm still looking for quite a few 1/48s if i can get them cheap. we are talking about the Yamato 1/48 Roy Fokker VF-1S. i'd appreciate it if you could PM me with a list of what those stores of yours carry in terms of Yamato 1/48 Macross valks.
  16. where's the anime available? anywhere to download from? seems rather cool.
  17. Starship Troopers anime? is this any different from the CGI version of ST? i kind of liked that one, despite the lack of facial expressions.
  18. i'm still searching for the ever elusive 1/48 Fokker 1S. i started getting these late and now, i'm fuxored. please, somebody tell Yamato the world needs more VF-1's!
  19. roflmao!!! that's rich!
  20. no offense taken. i know how you guys can be so detailed about such stuff. where i come from, we don't usually have that kind of luxury. anyway, perhaps i stand corrected on this issue. MPCs aren't more durable. 1/48s are. happy? honestly, i've been busy so haven't really had time to fool around in detail with either. i did say IMHO didn't i? i did say playable right? well, if you ask me, comparing MPC to 1/48, it's easier to play with the MPC as like someone pointed out, there're more parts in a 1/48. i've never heard about how other valks have their versions of the BP8 part in the 1/48 break before. my bad. i did say i stand corrected about the durability statement right? i'm glad for you SDK7.0 that roughness hasn't done anything to your 1/48s. i can't say the same for mine. already i have a minor QC problem with Max 1J where its wing's airflap comes loose when jarred, even if a little. i've also heard of problems with the hip joints at the point where they're connected to the swingbar. some come loose in fact. like you said SDK, they're made for the adult fan that grew up with Macross. adults DO know how to play with care. that's called cautious treatment, not playing, haha. would you hand your 1/48 and some instructions to a kid for playing? i definitely wouldn't. it costs too much for that. but for the MPCs, i don't really mind, nor the Bandai reissues. granted, the head lasers would probably snap. it IS entirely possible they'll come back with broken joints or limbs, but i guess it'll still be playable.
  21. i would say the MPCs are more well-built for durability. if you read some earlier posts, you'll see stories of how the 1/48 parts break or snap. IMHO, MPCs are more playable due to them being closely designed after the original Takatoku designs. the 1/48s are more for display pieces and are very delicate things.
  22. i have another question. is it easy for the G-11 to stay in place on the arm armors of the FP'ed Valk? i seem to have a bit of trouble getting it to stay in place on my TV Max and Miriya. more on the former though.
  23. plus they wear those pilot suit. G-suit is it called?
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