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Everything posted by Onimusha-shin

  1. I gotta admit... when I first saw this I heard that cheesy RT song! 395371[/snapback] maybe it's got to do with Robotech having the 'stealth' aka Shadow alpha/legioss fighter?
  2. congrats to XStoys on losing his bachelorhood (or sympathies, depending on his thoughts about marriage, haha) but i'm sure his lady's a great gal and very considerate wife. btw, where're XStoys and scolscud from? i don't usually pay much attention. both from CA? and yes, those two ladies dressed in pink behind XStoys look cute.
  3. NO TALENT here Just lucky enough to have made a few friends on the board over the years that were willing to put together my custom collection. Most of the ones I have on display were done by Kurt. Jung did the Blue CAMO Blue Rose and one of the MM Gaurd and Anasazi did the dark blue Blue Rose. Gene 375660[/snapback] no talent? riiiight! it all makes sense now. you're rich!!! custom paintjobs by Kurt and the others cost as much as a 1/48 EACH, don't they?
  4. Onimusha-shin

    1/48 Gbp

    so very true. but we haven't heard godzilla's take on this have we? personally, i find it offensive that Yamato is resorting to the takara way (BT repaints again and again). there are DEFINITELY better paint schemes than these recent ones.
  5. your collection looks awesome! *bows* Minmay has been scaled up to Meltran size. needs a GBP though. i'm sure you have one coming.
  6. painted up my VF-2SS SAP model pretty badly but i still love the mecha design. all of the mecha designs in Mac2 were unique, especially the enemy mecha. the destroids weren't too bad either. as for g-man's comment on the Metal Siren, well, it's kind of true that it doesn't look very good but still a very cool mecha. ace pilot kills battleships/cruisers with it. still holding out hope that eventually Mac2 mecha toys will appear. the silent fanbase needs to vocalize our wants and make the toy designers sit up and listen.
  7. still waiting on that...
  8. camo scheme would be far more appropriate for any destroids that might (praying for 'will') be released. stealth doesn't look too stealth to me, but more pictures needed before decision can be made.
  9. nicely done paneling! *kowtow* but didn't use Takatoys did you? the stickers seem to bulge out on the Hikaru 1S.
  10. to recreate a diorama? anyway, very nicely done DB. me ain't got the skills to do this that's why i passed on the conversion kit, plus still a student, no income. but you're doing a good job of tempting me. >_<
  11. kind of looks like a baby's bib, only it's a Skull squadron-style one and it's hanging around the tummy.
  12. oops, my bad, double post
  13. well, you could look at it the other way, he's just filthy rich and doesn't know where to spend it on.
  14. wow! you mean these things were motorized? guess that rivals most of our old-time companions the TFs.
  15. absolutely roflmao
  16. a lower level of QC? same case for my twin CFs. the material isn't right and the result is a badly fitted hole, with part of the circle-bar vernier rubber protuding out. apparently, they're trying to cut costs. at OUR expense!!! >_<
  17. those pics are ultra bad-ass. thanks aaajin & RTHK.
  18. for those who might not know, Ken may be in a fix as the price he originally put up was not accurate as his suppliers have not given him a confirmation. after realizing the problem of his US$80 pre-order price (not a problem to us though), he decided to close his pre-ordering and confirm again with his suppliers. last i heard, he said that he will contact those who pre-ordered with him to explain the situation if the pre-order price needs to be revised. for those who managed to place their orders, stand fast and hope that the price won't change.
  19. i agree. it just doesn't look right to me. call me prejudiced but CF's don't quite deserve the Strike Cannons
  20. exo is so devilish. but nice dig at godsie
  21. i'm still more concerned about the rumors of 2 releases: Limited Hobby Show version & normal production run. makes me hesitant about which version to go for since there's nothing about the differences in terms of features or price. >_<
  22. Onimusha-shin


    i don't really ask for much. i just want EVERYTHING. and so, it's obvious i can't vote up there.
  23. personally, i'd prefer the Metal Siren (hope i got that right) that killed a cruiser all by itself.
  24. kensei, you really don't know when to stop huh? need some loving?
  25. It doesn't fly in the atmosphere so how could that slow it down? There is no aerodynamic drag in space. maybe it increases fuel consumption rates?
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