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Everything posted by fearyaks

  1. I know this guy. Some you know that I sell MPCs on eBay. I used to sell to this cat, and he'd pay immediately and turn it around and jack up the prices by $30 or so. He doesn't sell as much as I do but if you take a look at his past auctions, people do buy these things. $450 is insane but I wouldn't be surprised if he found a taker some time this month. I also wouldn't be surprised if the got these puppies off of eBay recently. Also, regarding the MPC armor, it's insane how those prices have sky-rocketed. I luckily found a set for cheap (packaged with a VOL1 and a poor description). I haven't decided if I'll eBay it or sell an MPC set with it. I think it's become the most difficult piece to track down (even more than the bookends)!
  2. I presume funtac is the same as blue-tack or blu-tak... a sticky substance like silly putty that people use to stick posters and stuff on the wall. You can get it at most places that sell school/office supplies.
  3. Are you referring to the airbrake? Just wait until you've got it in batteroid mode and it swings down...
  4. He's got a cool CF and I actually like the Max... kinda different.
  5. Well at least things worked out well. Our burglar alarm (Jawa) is in canine bootcamp now so I'm a bit concerned about our simple 'locks'. Our other two dogs are big wussies and wouldn't scare anyone.
  6. I know my opinon doesn't really matter but I actually have no problems with Hurin or Haterist. I've communicated fine with Haterist before and by all accounts, he does have a short fuse but it's fine. If you know someone acts the way they do, you don't take it as personally. Re: Hurin, it is nice to at least see someone back up his/her arguements in a logical fashion. Give them both a break as they're both decent members here and don't deserve being banned for bickering.
  7. No Prob... That russian mech is $3000 http://www.dustgame.com/product/KV47_1.html http://www.dustgame.com/ Holy crap! Is it a 1/2 scale or something? Ouch. Though I imagine that's what, two Yamato 1/1 helmets?
  8. Cool... thanks again Exo. Do you know who made the Russian Mech? -Sage
  9. quick questions - Who makes the Green Goblin statue and who makes that Russian mech? And thanks for the pics Exo... i can enjoy Comic Con through you!
  10. You can host what? The image scans.
  11. LOL - nice pic. You single baby parents won't get any sympathy from me and my triplets. You ain't heard nothing until you hear baby screaming in 3.1 surround sound. Holy crap. I'd be more scared about what's going to happen when they start moving. Our little one is going to be crawling soon and the concept of baby-proofing our house scares me!
  12. I can host if needed.
  13. Good day except for the sun sleeping bit (but then again, I can tell by your icon you're into that). What I wouldn't do to see some rain in this concrete slab of garbage we call Los Angeles.
  14. I've bought from Valktronics a lot and never had an issue. (if you need some info on him).
  15. It's about time a football game is released at a discounted price. At least VC tries to make engine changes to their games. I'll be buying both this and Madden for my Xbox. Oh, and there's obviously something wrong with the cover as TO never lays out like that to catch the ball. Give him some alligator arms and I'll be a believer.
  16. This place had quick shipping and decent prices for the Alpha SPs too. Cool to collect but not at full price!
  17. Gene- hurry up and post your custom collection. I've been checking out all the custom threads but I'd be interested in seeing the Blue Roses together. great work as usual Jung!
  18. I know you used to be able to get them on eBay for ~ $15-$18/pop. I'm going to wait though as I think they've got a whole new series coming out in a few months (and these ones won't be shorts).
  19. Pretty cool Vader, what type of assembly was required?
  20. Looks good. I need to get some cabinets for my stuff this month but I'd really like something that had more horizontal space for more interesting dioramas. Good prices too for those Ikea pieces. Keeps the dust off!
  21. Hmmm. so it's supposed to be like the boat rolled under the bridge? Or simply that it rolled over and recovered. It's setup to look like it's rolled under the bridge but if that's the case, how did the barge get to the other side? Unless a lot of time elapsed between pics right>?
  22. Not as good as I am!!! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...lear+fast+packs True... I choked and forgot to change my default search settings to something greater than 30 days. Wow, those prices are crazy. That someone would buy these actually gives me hope that someone will buy my brother's Boba Fett motorcycle statue I'm eBaying now. Don't get me wrong, those are cool helmets but wow, I'd really have to win the lottery before coming home with one of those or I'd be sleeping and eating from it.
  23. bigkid - I've tried searching for them and no luck. Don't even know a good query to use on Google and I'm pretty good at searching. Did Yamato make these?
  24. The Toynami Appx A are going for insane prices. I remeber thinking people were crazy buying them for $75 a couple of months ago. To put it in perspective, I sell my MPC Roys for around that much! Edit - holy jehovah! I thought my bid was pushing it on this auction. http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?V...item=5908322991
  25. Ovatak - from what I understand, yeah, the picture is of the 2nd issuing.
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