I know this guy. Some you know that I sell MPCs on eBay. I used to sell to this cat, and he'd pay immediately and turn it around and jack up the prices by $30 or so. He doesn't sell as much as I do but if you take a look at his past auctions, people do buy these things. $450 is insane but I wouldn't be surprised if he found a taker some time this month. I also wouldn't be surprised if the got these puppies off of eBay recently.
Also, regarding the MPC armor, it's insane how those prices have sky-rocketed. I luckily found a set for cheap (packaged with a VOL1 and a poor description). I haven't decided if I'll eBay it or sell an MPC set with it. I think it's become the most difficult piece to track down (even more than the bookends)!