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Everything posted by fearyaks

  1. The main drawback to the Land Warrior system, the current one, is that the sucker weighs 80 pounds! Isn't there another gov funded project which will enable soldiers to carry larger weight-loads? I remember seeing some exo-skeleton leg-gizmos which increased a soldiers carrying capacity by quite a lot.
  2. I think the bigger nail in the shield's coffin would be that it basically doesn't work, is a waste of money, and as you pointed out, 'vending machine nukes' or suitcase ones. I think the problem with the F/A-22 that others probably pointed out is that in this war on 'terror' a F-15 can do the same job the Raptor can. The article referring to India's pilots scoring hits on US planes doesn't say that India is a threat but that we're getting lazy and working on pet projects like Anubis pointed out. Personally? I don't really see a reason for the F/A-22 when we can't even get basic body-armor and rifles to the troops in Iraq.
  3. Quick question about the stand ... I've heard that it needs assembly and will also require painting. I presume someone here can confirm/debunk this.
  4. who like to torture and kill innocent people so they can get there own way. Not to smack around the hornet's nest but some might say the same thing about this administration.... I seriously doubt all the people in Abu Ghraib/Guantanamo bay are 'guilty'.
  5. Hah... I look at my armored valk and think 'how on earth does this thing 'pose'? Mine is precariously balanced right now but looks like a big busted, heel-wearing drunk celebrity with its chest hanging out, weighing it down. And no, I'm not one of those strange valk-lovers out there with some strange fantasy. I just see the thing as completely un-poseable.
  6. So I am in no way a gun-nut but is this basically the OISW (or whatever the acronym is)?
  7. Lat - 33° 59' 35" Long - -118° 24' 2"
  8. Kurt - I always enjoy your work. Do you have a collection of all your customs (besides ones posted on the MW custom page)?
  9. Ehh... it interests me only slightly. I'm starting to get into JL but I can't find many older DVDs. I don't suppose there are plans to release a 'season I JL' DVD set are there?
  10. Some of my 1/60s.... I had to photoshop out the hanging cords. I've got some 1/48s that I need to take photos of.
  11. I'm in the middle of putting my TakaToys sitckers on and noticed that the radar-dish sticker is way too big for the radar same with the cockpit stickers. Anyone else notice this? I guess I might have to raid the wife's medicine cabinet for some nice small scissors for those guys.
  12. Mine did not come with sickers/instructions either.
  13. Found an image of the Navy's new uniform... heart-print optional! You'll notice there is no longer a neckerchief required and no sign of that controversial beret
  14. Err... it wouldn't be knee pads would it?
  15. Yeah... I've got a VF-1A DYRL Max but I think the valks w/FPs look better in B or G modes. Didn't know the DYRL Max who battled with Milia was a 1S... I'll have to check that out again.
  16. what is interesting is that special forces are becoming more and more frequently used by the armed forces to complete tasks This is a Rummy thing though right? I remember reading 'back in the day' that Gen. Franks wanted to do a more methodical 'brute-force' method of invading Iraq and Rumsfeld wanted a quick hitting force with lots of spec. forces groups. Could be wrong, but it all depends on the commanders right?
  17. the Q in action with a Super Max. Sorry I don't have a side-by-side one. I think there's one in the MW toys gallery.
  18. I've set it up with my Super-Max 1/60 and I couldn't setup a CF such that it was getting crushed so that one is just swooping in. Had to do some re-organizing as I don't have an 'offical' display area in our extra bedroom. It's still pretty large though. I'll have to watch DYRL again to compare scales.
  19. fearyaks

    Dirty Valk

    Do you have similar weathering/dirt for all three modes? I'd be curious what this valk looks like in the other two.
  20. I think I'll have to display it with my 1/60s but they'll look mighty puny next to it. I suppose that's the point though right?
  21. Dang. I recently got my first 1/48 from Neova and I though there was something wrong with my poor VF-1A and it's lame gorilla arms. Good to know there is a way other than 'luck' to get the things to stick together.
  22. FF - how did you get the GBP to hold the gun? I thought all of the hands were 'closed fist' types?
  23. Neova might sell them. I know he parts out valks at times and sometimes offers the hands separately.
  24. So I've been hoarding Yamatos for a bit now (only displaying a few) and when I decided to pull the trigger on a Q-Rau I knew that it would be displayed. Having read that it was more on par with the 1/60's I definately expected something that was of a simlar size. This puppy is almost as big as my 1/48's and the only thing that convinces me that it shouldn't be a 1/48 (remember, I'm kind of a newbie w/regards to Macross) is that the Millia pilot is kinda smaller. Sorry if this was a pointless thread. I hope to get a good display going with my 1/60s but those stands.. .shoot, they could almost buy me a 1/48!
  25. You know what I've found in cases like this is keep asking and asking until you get someone who knows what the heck is going on. Once they agree to help you out, be really nice and get their name so you can always refer back to the situation. Also, did you pay using a credit card? I would imagine if I paid using my Amex and this happened, I'd simply get on the phone with Amex and explain the situation to them to try and refuse payment. Good luck. It's a pain in the rear but sometimes I figure cutting the losses is better than dealing with the stress.
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