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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I must have the 2nd release 1/72 M+ version, I don't have a rainbow tint canopy or FAST packs. Did the 1/60 scale versions come with the removable cockpit pod?
  2. Blazerwing

    yamato VF-11B

    I just recently got a Yamato VF-11B macross plus edition, I was wondering if there are 2 different versions of it? All of the transformation vids ive found online are not for the one that I have.
  3. Well, I received my VF-0 and VF-1 master files earler this week and I should be getting my 1/48 Hesagawa VF-1S in a few days then its a weekend of measurements and scaling conversions.
  4. I thought about that, then it would just be a matter of taking measurements and doing the math
  5. I could still use some tips on forming the other parts, more specifically the nose section, leg nacelles and the main body. There are no cross section images to make forms off of.
  6. Thanks for the tip, I just checked out some of the scans. There were even some pictures of the parts in the racks, I think I'll try printing some of them out and taking some measurements and see if I can enlarge them to the scale I need. If it works maybe I can use them to make patterns for some of the parts like the wings and vertical stabs.
  7. Thanks, I checked out those books. I'll be ordering them this weekend! There was another I found to that might be ad use, the Variable Fighter Modeling File IIRC. I must have that as well.
  8. Hello, I'm new to this forum, I've spent the last couple of days going through a lot of posts in this section to find infi and to make sure I'm not reposting anything that already is already up. During my search I ran across a VF-0 1/32 scale scratch build, that's along the lines of what I'm trying to do but larger (possably 4' long from nose to feet). Once upon a time when I was much younger I made a 3.5' VF-4 out of styrofoam and balsa, I had both nacelles and the fuse finished but sadly it was destroyed before I could finish it. Fast forward 20 years I'd like to give it another go, now my question is where can I find any really good 3 view scale drawings? I have a few of each but I need more, especially top and side front views. Also any tips on fleshing out the shape would be appreciated, I plan on using primarily 6mm depron foam with a few styrene bits thrown in. The VF-4 I did was all freehand cutting, carving, and sanding. I'd like to be more accurate this time around.
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