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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. heres everything that comes with the stand minus the valk.
  2. heres a pic of the millia-rau and max-rau leg covers
  3. heres the front/side view. i took a pic with a bic lighter just to get a better idea of the size.
  4. side rear
  5. profile
  6. so to continue with some more reviews of silly macross products, i figured a review on the gashapons(my new found love) was in order. mission set 1 so i got 2 of these sets at $10 a piece. each set contains 5 figures so its not bad considering the price but the details are lacking as well as poseability for the first mission sets. because they are made of vinyl, if they are poorly stored or packaged, they'll pretty much be jacked especially the wings on the 1J hikaru's fighter and gerwalk...hence why i bought 2 sets. this is currently the only set you can get the 1J hikaru in... the set itself contains the following figures... 1J hikaru in fighter 1J hikaru in gerwalk 1J hikaru in battroid 1S roy in battroid tomahawk destroid so whats so great about them? well for one, anyone can play with them without any fear of breaking them. theres not much you can do with these other than have them stand there but they're pretty neat nonetheless...i mean its only $10 for some macross goodness. i wouldn't say these are a "must have" but if you got the other sets, the completist bug will have you wanting. by far the worst of the 3 sets but worth owning. these are kind of HTF, so if you find a couple in your local anime/hobby store, try and hook up some members here who might be looking for them. mission set 2 this is where things get better in the line..more for the robotech people if you will. so i also got 2 of these sets a $25 a set. yeah definitely more pricey than the mission 1 sets but they're about 100 times better in everyway. the set itself contains each of the following figures.... 1S roy battroid 1J max battroid 1J millia battroid 1A CF brownie battroid 1S strike hikaru in fighter mode 1S strike roy in fighter mode with pivoting display stand regult, it only includes 1 but there 2 varients, 1 with the large missile pack and 1 with the small, and they each come with the extra piece to make a regular pod. well damn, this set only has 7 figures, so whats with the $25 price tag? first off, the poseability is great...i mean out-friggin-standing! in comparison to the M1 set(mission 1). the arms, head, feet, knees, hips, etc...were talking more than just a few points of articulation. these are also made of vinyl but they(bandai) did make a huge improvement by making the wings for the fighter modes with semi-stiff plastic to prevent the wings from bending like in M1 set. all that being said, this is VHTF cause everyone bought atleast 2 sets to get each regult varient and the brownies aka CFs. if you can find these at your local anime/hobby store, i'd defintiely pick up whatever stock they got left, believe me, everyones subconciously(sp?) looking for these and you very rarely see them offered up on ebay, if at all. they're way cool, fun to play with and doesn't take up too much space. mission set 3 i picked 2 of these up as well(like you couldn't have guessed) for $20 and $25 for each set. they aren't much different from set 2 but this is what i consider the DYRL set. this set contains each the following.. 1S strike roy in battroid 1S strike hikaru in battroid 1A super max in battroid 1A super hikaru in battroid 1J super max in gerwalk 1J super millia in gerwalk q-rau, green officers pod after looking at what it comes with, you'll see why i bought 2 of these as well. these aren't much different from the M2 set, so theres no need for me to repeat why these are so great. if you're a valkoholic, like i'm a valkoholic, these are definitely a must have just to fool around with, keep at the office, carry in your pocket(if you're that guy ) you can pick these up for fairly cheap(less than i paid) now cause they've been out a while and the market is saturated with them at the moment. if you're a DYRL fan, if you like super/strike armor, you can't lose with this set. okay thats it for now, i'll try and post some pics when i get a chance.
  7. dude thats gotta be the biggest gouging i've seen in a while. shoot, more power to him if he gets someone to buy it for that price.
  8. so in my feeble attempt to keep this site going( ) i decided to do a small review for this as well. here we go... first off, the stand looks nice but its far from movie accurate. basically yamato took some plastic, made it somewhat look like the launch arm in DYRL, threw it in a box, slapped macross on it, to be sold to suckers like us. some assembly is require but not much of a hassle as it shouldn't take you more than a minute to put together. they did a fairly good job making sure the stand would work for all the yammies out there. its displays all the 1/60s, 1/48s and 1/72s. while this doesn't seem like a big deal, its a first for yamato to make something of this nature and actually have it work for each of their toys....i commend them for that. the only thing that really bothers me and i'm sure most everyone here that owns one of these, is that theres no way to display the valks with gunpods...what a pisser huh? yeah its killing me too. the valks are held on by a interchangable plastic clips that attaches to the bottom of the valk and theres quite a few of them. oddly enough the 1/60's got 2 clips, 1 for the most of the 1/60's and a seperate one for the VE and VT. also seperate ones for the 1/72 11b, 19, 21 and 21fp. the only problem with these clips are, its a total bitch to take on and off(especially for the 1/48s and 1/60's). you have to half-ass TF the 1/48 to get the clip off and you have to remove the legs on the 1/60s...kind of a pain in the butt if you ask me. the stand itself is very sturdy overall and they added additional weight to the base so it doesn't tip over. they also made it so you can tighten and loosen 2 phillips head screws in the arms at its pivot points for additional strength and support. they were also nice enough to include 2 extra screws just in case. overall its not bad but it ain't too good either. it kills me that yamato went through the trouble of making the stand work for all the different valks but w/o gunpods. i had no interest in purchasing this from the very beginning but then broke down a few months after it had been released. personally, i think its one of those 50/50 items to own, i have it and i'm still on the fence about whether it was worth buying it. the price.... if you can get one on sale for $30 or less, i say get one. otherwise i'd stick with the tripod display stands as you'll get 3 for the price of 1 of these. i'll try and post some pics when i get some free time.
  9. okay, so i got the max-rau a few weeks back and thought i'd do up a review so i'll just get straight to it. the first thing i noticed was that the QC was a bit better and the joints were alot tighter than the initial q-rau. nothing much more to say about that. the poseability is still lacking for this figure but it was never that poseable to begin with and theres very little out there to compare it to being as it the second rau toy ever. the blue/purple isn't my favorite, i wish it could've been in a darker/richer blue. as is, it looks like the color of the cheap ass jerry's kids candy you see everywhere that no one ever eats. again, not my fav. but not that big of deal either. they did a better job with the missile covers for both the shoulders and legs this time around. originally, they used a flat white paint for these and made it extremely easy to scratch/leave marks. this time around they used a hard glossy finish paint which IMO is a lot better as far as keeping those particular parts clean. oh, and no sticker sheet for this one either. obviously theres no figure...go figure. but we all already knew that and it would look silly if you had a giant Max displayed next to your 1/60's. i have both of them and they're displayed with the cockpit closed so it doesn't take away from the scale of the rest of the 1/60 line. besides, i collect macross toys, not macross figures so it didn't really bother me. lastly and most important, the price... being one of those, i-gotta-have-it-when-it comes-out type of people, i paid quite a bit for it...just under $100 shipped from HK. was it worth the money? IMO, yes cause its really the only game in town. would i buy dupilcates? possibly, since i think the max-rau will be more rare/collectible in the future. i mean, you only see it for about 5 seconds in DYRL, just like the 1/55 e-seeker...which is still one of the most expensive valks to buy and one i'll probably never own due to its ridiculous price tag. i say, if you're willing to be patient, you should be able to pick these up for a lot less when US sellers need to move out their overstock. as is, most US sellers have these for $90-$100 plus shipping but there should be a price drop sometime soon and hopefully you'll be able to pick these up state-side for about $70-$80 shipped. either way, i think its a great toy to own and display with the rest of the 1/60 line even if it doesn't transform. i'll try and post some pics when i get some free time.
  10. in the snwoballs chance in hell that i actually break down and buy one of these....i think i'll just leave them MISB. why open them and ruin the value. if i opened one, i would proably end up revisiting my days of old and strap the the sucker with a bunch of fircrackers and M80's.
  11. forget about the vid, look at his avatar!
  12. so whatcha charging for your painting services?
  13. geez-le-weez, we need something new in the way of macross. now we got members fighting over pics and server space. i never get tired of seeing the TH, its da bomb!
  14. yeah yeah, HLJ is over there, which isn't over here. jesus christmas thats expensive! it doesn't pay to be a macross fan if you live in europe does it.
  15. i already know there in HK, i'm just wondering if the US retailers/resellers have receive these state side?
  16. a little OT but have these arrived int he US yet? or just in HK?
  17. OH MY GOD!!!! i think i actually agree with Hurin! nice post.
  18. thats your first airbrush job? i guess you got some natural talent cause it looks way nice.
  19. So now that you are adults do you ever go visit him in his padded cell? oddly enough, he now teaches 2nd grade english. i wonder what his students would think of him if they knew?
  20. i knew a kid in grade school that use to pick up dried dog crap, put it in his mouth to get it nice, moist and chewy, then fling it at the girls. funny then, quite disgusting now.
  21. like any other message board, things do slow down, people lose interest and move onto other things but its not like there isn't a community here. not to be mean, but if you don't like it here, why not find another place to hang? instead of making a suggestion to shut down the site? sorry, but just because you think things are slow, doesn't mean there aren't people that come here religiously everyday. i talk to atleast 2 people a day through PM's if not more and post something in regards in regards to macross or helping another member whether he/she is new or old.
  22. nice dude! thats why the gashapons rock! you can't do that with yamatos.
  23. hehehe, i know where you live hirohawa!
  24. haha! great idea! i gotta bust out the ol' plastic tree and hokk it up with some gashapons.
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