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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. is it atleast one of those cool gummy pilots? or the stiff plastic ones?
  2. awwwww yeeeahhhh! not that i don't already own a roy, but i need my macross fix....i need it, i'll rob an old lady if i have too, just give me my fix.
  3. not really, so far the only complaints are that someone received one with a crooked tailfin print and the loose panel on the wing. other than that, no one really has had anything bad to say about the 3rd releases. as far as BP8's breaking, i think most of the people who break them are first time owners of a 1/48 and think they have to push the backpack up like you do with the 1/60's. i almost did it with my first 1/48 but luckly i was TFing it in front of 2 people that owned 1/48s and they quickly told me to chill and just flip it up.
  4. thanks dudes. i also pre-ordered mine from VE. he charged my card last week or something(which is usually the sign when he expecting stuff) but i haven't heard the good word. i'm just hoping Kevin didn't get the shaft from his distributor by only sending him 4 of them.
  5. while the idea is cool, they'd be too slow in real life. it would take all of 3 seconds for a human to target this thing and blow it off the face of the map. while it probalby takes it atleast 10 seconds to move, turn, aim and fire...and thats only for stationary targets. the only way these would work is if we were literally invading some country. we'd need thousands of them to form a line, then have them blow away anything in its path. otheriwse this is nothing more than a robotic bomb disposal unit with some rockets and guns, completely pointless IMHO.
  6. Nothing wrong with an 80s look. Now please excuse me while I comb my mullet and go for a drive in my IROC Z28. lol! though i really hope you don't drive an IROC or even worse a disgus-tang.
  7. i feel ya man, but it ain't too bad, i got a valk like that a while back. i'd rather have a loose panel than a broke one. neova...good packing, fast shipping, good guy, good seller. i usually get all my macross stuff through him. now my question has yet to be answered.... have these reached the US yet? meaning have US retailers recevied them in yet?
  8. ain't that the truth! ooooo, i saved $30 on this...i saved $40 on that....now i can get a 1/48 for only $70...i just "saved" $70 on a valk, woohoo! so where exactly did i "save" money?
  9. tell me about it. its like highway freakin robbery over here and thats if you find anything good. i wish i had some left coast connections.
  10. okay, it cool but can you open and close it? or do you have to remove the top or something?
  11. do not disturb


    i likes me some titties!
  12. heres a pic of the 1S with a bic lighter
  13. officer pods... i like officer pods. again, you only get 1 per set
  14. q-rau, notice the clear plastic foot thingy to help it stand cause they made the ass end too heavy. you only get 1 per set
  15. group shot of all 3 regult...gotta have them all!
  16. mission 2 set, you only get one regult
  17. heres a pic of the tomahawk, you only get 1 of these per set.
  18. heres the 19A on display. notice how i can't have the gunpod on...
  19. side view, as you can see the "make believe" arm section just slides into position underneath the valk and provides nothing but asethetics.
  20. here the pic of the lower support screw.
  21. heres a pic of the support screw for the upper section of the arm. i'm really glad they added this cause the 1/48w/fps is way heavy.
  22. heres a pic of the 1/48 clip...it such a bitch to get out, i didn't bother taking a seperate photo.
  23. pic of the clips and what goes with what
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