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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. wwwweeeeeeeeee!
  2. i wonder how it would get up if someone/thing bumped into it? i just can't see it getting off the floor without the help of a real person.
  3. nope, that ain't soze's auction but defintiely his pic. if i know a pic was stolen from somewhere else, i just don't bother bidding. the way i see it, if you're too lazy to take your own damn picture, then its not worth giving that person my hard earned money.
  4. WOWed again. nice work man
  5. why bash the guy because he created a story? its not like any of us created a story like robotech, nor did we even "borrow" a story that we rehashed to be something else. its really easy to sit on in the stands and bash someone when you yourself haven't done jack shiet for the anime world. so write your own story, sell it, air it, then let us rip into you for not making live up to our standards. let the man live i say.
  6. woohoo! thanks for the update kevin.
  7. yeha dude neovas da man. i usually get all my stuff through him and he takes ccare of me proper. speaking of sucking up, have you clicked my link?
  8. good thing i've been holding on to a replacement 1S tailfin with a straight skull. i'm a boy scout when it comes to crap like this.
  9. it not that shes that hot, were just horny old perverts. back on topic, i heard through the grapevine that a mace windu figure with a light-up lightsaber is on the way.
  10. the only ones(that i know of) that can be mounted with the gunpod is the YF-21 and YF-21FP. i'm not sure about the 11B/FP cause i sold it before i got the stand. heres a reference list of what can and cannot be displayed with gunpods. 1/60 - none can be displayed w/gunpod in fighter mode 1/48 - none can be displayed w/gunpod in fighter mode 1/72 - 19/A can't be displayed w/gunpod in fighter mode 1/72 - ??? i don't know 1/72 - 21/21FP can be displayed w/gunpod in fighter mode
  11. cool, i thought there were some new toys coming out or something. i've seen dozens upon dozens of orguss auctions and that generally means that there something new on the horizon. yamato? making orguss toys? eh, you never know?
  12. I wish I'd been that lucky. I'd had my 1J on my dresser one day, bumped the dresser, and it went off the back, landing on a solid concrete floor. The left shoulder joint and the backpack hinge broke. I have no clue about how to get them fixed (at least I can get recast BP8's from Rohby for my 1/48; I just placed an order for the second one [for the same Valk! ]). yamato and their damn backpack hinges. its the one part they should've made tougher but chose not to. i had the same thing happen to me with rohbys flexi-version recast but i was getting buck with my valk....and not naked you sick fools.
  13. Don't worry! It's coming soon? Yes but not soon enough j/k I can wait a bit more, but not too much Same here. We all have a small window of opportunity for our wallets/pockets to recover. except me...thanks to the holidays, i'm pretty broke you're broke? me, i gotta start inviting myself to dinners at friends houses if i plan to eat this winter.
  14. LMAO! i'm loving the pic of the guy with his head shoved up his ass. reminds me of a few people i know here.
  15. hence why i'm waiting for the directors uncut version on DVD to come out.
  16. a festivus miracle indeed! added: i was moving my super 1J a while back holding it by the legs. being that the toy is top heavy it toppled over and i tried to grab it before it hit the ground. i literally bobbled it higher than my head and dropped from 6' up or so then came crashing down. not a single broken piece, not even the tiniest of scratches....the 1/60s RAWK!
  17. you smoke lots of crack huh? nah man, i mean sleepers, meaning people slept on them when they were in the stores. they don't realize they want them until a few years later, then shell out the big bucks for them. i.e. low viz, its not that old and people sort of wanted one but didn't want to pay $150 shipped, so they slept/passed on them. some folks(the smart ones) stocked up knowing that at one point folks will desperately want one. as soon as people started looking, the price shot up to $300+.
  18. shes got a new movie coming out where she plays a stripper. i will wait the direct uncut version to be released on DVD of course.
  19. while this sort of belongs in the auction section i figured it would probably get more attention here. i dont' know if you guys have noticed, but whats up with all the orguss toys on ebay lately? is there some newly designed ones coming out? or are people just cashing out? mods, if you feel this is the wrong section for this, please feel free to move it.
  20. If you want some good sparring swords that can be used for full contact sparring without full padding (only head and hand protection needed), you can order them from here Just mention Graham sent you Graham thanks for the link man! they got some great prices. one thing that concerns me, while the weapons are dulled and blunt, i'm not sure if i can thwack someone the way i want to thwack them. i think they'd just be really pissed if i pinged them in the head, then the battle will truely begin.....there can be only one!
  21. where did you get yours? if you don't feel like blowing up anyones spot, just PM me.
  22. Damn, I just sold mine and got only 175 bucks for mine. I guess it's a lesson learned that you have to present your auction professionally with lots of detail and nice photos. Oh well... Well, it depends. On ebay things are real funny. I mean I am selling a buffy the vampire slayer figure and 2 weeks ago I saw one go for $39. Right now I don't have a single bid. Go figure... i'd hold on to the buffy figures...those are "sleepers" that'll turn a pretty penny a few years down the road.
  23. whats so bad about the gashapons? i think they're cool.
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