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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. twinmoons is in the states but i'm not sure if they got them in yet?....hes on the left coast. BBTS should be getting theres soon...hes in chicago, i think? somewhere in the midwest. obivously VE, he also on the left coast. and soze is here in the states, though i have no idea where in states? after all hes kaiser soze! you might want to check out animekits.com hes in NJ but i haven't spoken to this guy in over a year so i dunno whats going on over there? i'm usre theres other US sellers i just can't think of them now.
  2. most everyone(etailers) have them around the same price give or take $5 bucks. in general, you won't find much of a discount for a newly released toy. i ordered mine from Neova and paid $155 shipped EMS. kevin at VE got them for $140- and UPS shipping is usually $5-$7 depending on where you are. if you want priority mail it'll probalby be atleast another $12....again depending on where you are. and i think soze might have his shipment in but i'm not sure.
  3. hey dude, shoot me your email over PM and i'll hook you up with a copy....i'm pretty sure i still have it in the box.
  4. and the canadians hit an all time low... faking being sick to play with toys??? and i thought i had problems.
  5. heres one just for you zeo-mare.... yankees vs. red sox da yankess win! daaa yankees win!!!
  6. i can't believe no one did this one.... star wars vs. star trek 14,400,000 to 7,350,000 star wars wins! now stick that in your pipe and smoke it, ya space hippies!
  7. "yo mama" VS. "my mama" 351k to 257k...yo mama wins. waffles vs. pancakes 1,320,000 to 2,090,000...i like waffles but pancakes win.
  8. anyone ever wonder why your right arm is bigger than your left?
  9. loved the books, can't wait to see how they go about making it into movie though.
  10. while i don't like paying the ebay fees, if people start to abuse it, ebay will find a way around the shipping costs or just remove your auctions and suspend your account or something.
  11. devils advocate, yeah that was a winner wasn't it? outside of the hot redhead getting full frontal, that movie/acting sucked sweaty rhino testies. regardless, shes a friggin hottie!
  12. mine is not so much a monster...more like a muppet.
  13. looks good, i've had this dudes BS(thats brickshelf not bullsh*t) gallery on my favorites for a while now.
  14. damn, everyone got theres so quick. i thought i'd be the first kid on the block(US) to have one.
  15. theres a fine line between "finding" potential weak spots and "making" potential weak spots. then again, i paid $155 shipped for mine. if i could get them for $100, i'd buy 3, display them in each mode and never TF them again....damn i need to move to feed my addiction.
  16. paint? i use Citadel Paints by Games Workshop, its the 40K warhammer paint(used to paint miniatures). its non-toxic water based acrylic paint so its pretty easy to use and pretty easy to remove if you make mistakes.....you can pretty much wash off the paint with hot water and a scouring(sp?) pad. one thing to note is because its acrylic paint, it dries relatively fast, so you gotta paint fast and smooth, or atleast add a little paint thinner to make it easier on yourself as well as prevent leaving visible brush strokes. i've done a few customs and really haven't had to match/mix any of the colors much, atleast not where it was driving me crazy. check your local hobby store, they should have a 9 color box set(thats what i got) as well as dozens upon dozens of other colors that might match perfectly for whatever your working on. okay the head stripe.... i thought about painting the stripe on the side but then it would look to similar to the J head, so i figured i'd try and keep things different. i guess i could extend the stripe down all the way to the chin but i'm not sure if it'll look good? i'll have to test it out with a white sticker just so i don't have to paint it until i'm absolutely sure it looks cool. as far as doing a stripe down the side all the way to the chin...i have a feeling if i did that, it'll look like Max got a spooge stain going down the side of his face.
  17. sorry for posting the pic twice mods and the gang but thought it deserved a spot in this thread. not much, not canon, but still neat. more pics to come when i have some mroe free time...
  18. thanks for the comps dudes but i wish i had some real skills...all i can do is paint some heads. i liked the way the head turned out as far as the paint scheme but i have to touch it up a bit, then i'll post some more pics. i kind of rushed through it when the idea popped into my head. the millia is in the works with a TV hikaru S(w/hollowed out head lasers, thanks fulcy) on the horizon...time to get yet another S head from rohby-sans. now only if someone would make some recasts of the A heads and J heads *cough-rohby-cough* , so i can swap around the heads like the branprestos, i'd be a very happy man.
  19. good point. i mean, Graham kind of went overboard(IMO) with all the TF'ing he did. if i get a brand new toy, i'll TF it into one mode and it'll sit there for months before i TF into another....thats just how i am. i've only TF'ed one 1/48 more than 3 times and that was cause it was my very first one. all the rest of my valks have been TF'ed twice if that, this includes the 1/55/60/72. WTF, its not like i actually play with these, its more like just stare at them with a lot of ooo-ing and ahh-ing. i think the solution is pretty simple, like any other toy, if you take care of it and keep the handling it to a minimum, it'll last a long time. but the more and more you TF it, the more you play with it and handle it, the more wear and tear you'll cause over the life of the toy. toys are meant to be played with but not to the degree of playing if you're paying a $150 for a toy as opposed to $50. just my 2 cents.
  20. i hear what you're saying and if yamato does re-issue the toy with fixes, i'll probably buy another....after all 2 is better than 1. but i definitely don't want to get stuck without one and end up having to pay some gougers price for the toy if/when it sells out....and i have a pretty good feelling these are going to sell out quick being its the only toy of its kind. (yeah i know so was the rau, but the rau doesn't TF) i got my koeing coming in early next week, so i'll take a look at the spots graham mentioned and try my best to find the simpliest solution to fix the problem. i've only seen pics and my hamster wheels already spinning in the noggin. UN_MARINE, the tab and panel are 2 seperate pieces as graham mentioned.....doesn't anyone read anymore? maybe graham got a suckie one and we'll all get good ones....it wouldn't be the first time.
  21. no not at all but if they make the only toy of its kind, then yes. okay but how many people did a review and point out the issues with the 19? 11? 21? now how many reviews have you read on the koeing then? now, granted its graham who wrote it but one persons experience with a toy shouldn't be enough to make you not want a toy, but to each his own i guess.... i'm with you here, i got no skills at all when it comes to modeling/customizing, hence why i only collect toys. i too dislike having to "fix" a toy that i paid an arm and a leg for but life ain't perfect and sometimes you gotta roll with the punches. you can't having everything the way you want it, lifes doesn't work that way. you don't want to deal with it, then don't buy it, but coming to complain about something you don't own, haven't held nor played with is pointless. you cancelled your order so whats the point of coming into the thread again? to point out whats wrong with the toy you don't own and continuing the bitchfest? we heard everyones(or should i say grahams) complaints already, pointing them out again and again, isn't going to help or change anything. i'm not trying to be mean to you or anyone, but just wait to read/hear some more reviews before you go willy-nilly about how crappy something is....give it a chance.
  22. yeah, its not canon but i could give a rats behind...heres a close up.
  23. not much of a custom but take a look.
  24. heavy chicks need love too, when else do you get to utter the words "we're gonna need more flour"... i've haven't heard that one in a long time. hey we all need some lovin, i know dudes into fat chicks, more power to them but my rule of thumb is, if her arse is bigger than mine, i'm not messin with it. i'm a whee folk and won't take a chance getting sucked into the abyss.
  25. bitch, bitch, moan, moan, its either this or a matchbox/takatoku monster that doesn't do anything but sit there. oooooo all those gaps? i can't think of a single TF'ing toy that doesn't have them. friggin QC? i can't think of a single anything that doesn't have some kind of QC issue. damn price? would you rather have it be $300? so its pricey but its really the only one to be made. cheap arse stickers? they've always been crappy, you survived. see, you still have enough life to come here and whine about it. it friggin TFs!!!! 3 modes?...1 mode?...i pick 3 modes. how can one stop all the bitchin? heres my solution to your problems.... take all your money, start your own toy company, make everything you want, exactly the way you want it. oh, thats not a option? then find a magic lamp and get the genie to grant you three wishes and stop your bleedin whinin. sorry but i find it completely pointless to read about "issues" with a toy that only one person has had a chance to handle. last time i checked, justified bitchin goes like this.....own it, then start the bitchin.
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