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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i wouldn't say all that man. they'll continue with the more popular/well known mecha and chill with the obscure stuff. also, while most fans know what the monster is, i think yamato made a HUGE mistake having it packaged in bomber mode. yeah it saves on box size, shipping and such but a everyday fan might see it and walk right past it thinking its some crappy toy. IMHO, they would've made alot more sense had it been in packaged gerwalk mode which would've screamed "I AM THE MAC MONSTER, BUY ME!"
  2. damn bsu, you got all tehpic hook ups don't you. i can't wait to see that space battle.
  3. damn it again! and i thought graham picking it up for $100 was a good deal.
  4. super cool, i asked about this a couple of months ago, is this supose to be a kit or a toy? i assume(hope) its a toy.
  5. watched it, can't wait to see the new epi coming on tonight.
  6. dude, not to take the wind out of your sails, but $90 is WAY over priced. if you look harder, you could've picked it up for about $60-$65 shipped.
  7. howard, you're one strange cookie with a twist sense of humor....i love it!
  8. mines still lost somewhere in limbo. damn this shiet killing me right now.
  9. yeah yeah yeah, i meant OR.
  10. its called skillz and kurts got a lot of it. he offers customizing services, shoot him a PM if you're interested. fast packs can be purchased from "soze" or VE(valkyrie-exchange.com).
  11. word up, you hold a Fp valk for like 5 minutes and your arms actually get tired. welcome to macrossworld, may your wallet be forgiving.
  12. Google is the ONLY way Leno would be able to overcome the FUNNY that is the "Cone Zone". be cool my babies....
  13. okay, i don't know if this has been asked yet but, is there any diecast content? the shuttle mode looks like you could beat someone over the head with it.
  14. you probably got sold a used toy as new. yamato boxes aren't really sealed making it way too easy to sell them as MISB....especially if you scored it off ebay.
  15. the type of plastic doesn't make much of a difference since most if not all white plastics yellow over time. the only thing that varies is the speed/rate at which the yellowing occurs.
  16. why you no good bastid! its the anticipation thats killing me, i even cleared a nice spot for it on my shelf last night. i guess its not a bad thing if i get it on the weekend, atleast i won't lose sleep messing around with it all night.
  17. everyone and their moms is getting them and then theres me ---> all i can do is wait patiently.
  18. not true at all. i know some smokers and there stuff is fine. I mean smoking near their toys,, like in the same room. If you smoke in a different room then it doesn't really matter much. well of course, but they smoke like chimneys(atleast a pack a day) and smokers tend to smoke throughout their homes....there isn't a room without an ashtray.
  19. damn it! i just tried tracking my package and all it says is it left HK on 1/3/05 but it was shipped out on 12/30?
  20. not true at all. i know some smokers and there stuff is fine.
  21. i think its a TV max, the 1/60 FP armor and YF-19FP all bundled in one.
  22. wow, the extensive knowledge about the topic at hand and willingness to help is just amazing.
  23. ahhh this age old topic again. so far, theres no actual scientific proof that explains yellowing. some say sunlight, some say UV rays, some say humidity levels, some say it depends on the chemicals used to make the plastic, but no one really knows? i had a MPC(dodges bricks) once and i had it boxed up in a closet away from all sunlight. after a few months i opened the box and BAM! yellowing on the wing! now this toy hadn't seen the light of day since the day i got it. i opened the box, saw how crappy it was, and i was ashamed to put it on display. so back in the box it went. there was no good reason for the yellowing whatsoever. no sunlight, no UV rays, little to no humidity, WTF??? some say, if your toy yellows, that direct sunlight will get rid of the yellowing but i have yet to see someone prove it. all i can tell you is try your best to keep it away from sunlight and and other outside factors(smoke) and your toys should stay good as new.
  24. all this waiting is freakin killing me! for crying out loud, i want to play with my monster already!!!!
  25. You should still have the instructions in the box. cool, i wasn't sure if it was in there cause i didn't need them. my childhood memories kicked in and i TF'ed in about 2 minutes.
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