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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i love it how everyones going all ebert and roper on this cartoon. seriously, this movie/series isn't really that deep, no movie is. its all depends on how people perceive things they are seeing and hearing that make a movie "deep". i could say SW is a "deep" movie and pick it apart to show you how deep it is but can you honestly look at me with a straight face and say it is? its all perception.
  2. if anyone needs to buy a new PS2 because there old PS2 is broken, heres a tip for ya.... PM me for info.
  3. Yeah, no wonder you didn't like it. Minmei's music is pretty much the backbone of the whole story. Based on your comments, I would direct you to my above "Jerry Bruckheimer" comment. But hey...to each his own. I think it's safe to say that DYRL is...a strange cinematic animal. But it sure is pretty to look at. yeah but the chick is singing in japanese, i have no idea what the heck she's singing about? if i could understand the words, perhaps it would be more tolerable. yeah i know she sings the same songs in english, but listening to a japanese song in japanese is different from listening to a japanese song in english....ever heard any asian rap?
  4. DYRL isn't my favorite either(dodges everyones desktop computers). i mean the action sequence are super dope, the music...well lets not go there. i can see why the movie would confuse someone who never watched the TV series. i lent DYRL to my older brother the other day(as well as macross plus, he thought that was awesome) and he thought DYRL was alright but his biggest complaint was he couldn't figure out WTF was going? that and the music, oh! that terrible music! we watched robotech when we were kids but he felt the movie and the series were so different from one another. i tried to explain to him why DYRL was made the way it was but he thought the TV series was 100 times better....to each his own i guess. in any case, its safe to say he'll never watch DYRL again because of the chopped up story line, the music(while important, its annoying as shiet IMO) and the lack of action scenes. to be brutally honestly, i could care less about minmei, misa or any other chick on the show, i want to see more action! i wanna see some VF's kicking the crap out of the zentradi. i know macross wouldn't be the same without the whole protoculture bit, but why not more arse kicking scenes? and lose the damn music, atleast don't play the whole damn song like they do in any other movie. now everyone can sharpen their pitchforks and get their nooses ready.
  5. nice place to meet asian women.... at the bank cause they're gonna clean you out!
  6. Future floor polish will give you a nice shiney canopy...dunno if it'll help with the seam line but thats the only tip i got. let it soak a few hours, let it dry, looks like crystal.
  7. ahh, great minds think alike. i'm 100% debt free so my tax refund is going to be spent solely on me.
  8. According to the Compendium, they are auxillary missile launchers, that allow the missiles stored in the arm to be launched when in Shuttle mode. Graham Does it have a locked-open position on the toy? I'm too afraid to pull on it. okay, so no pics as of yet as i got my first day off work in about 10 weeks....sorry but i ain't going into work just to grab my digicam. i tinkered some more and opened the other arm last night to "fix" that one as well and oddly enough, the other side wasn't glued down as much. honestly i think yamato wanted to make this feature then realized that their "math" was all wrong so they scrapped the idea and glued the thing shut. i did get both of the launchers to open where you can clearly see the missiles without having to hold them open. the only problem i've run into is, while i got them to open and shut freely, i now have to figure out a way to make them stay open and shut. they stay closed if you push them in but they still have a tendency to flop open time to time. they stay open but have a tendency to close since the original design flaw prevents it from actually remaining open....does that make any sense? as far as keeping them open and closed, i haven't fully figured out exactly what i gotta do? right now, i have some small plastic pieces wedged in there to keep them fixed in the open position and our good friend gravity to keep them fixed in the closed position...whatcha want? i'm new at this. i wish some of our better customizers would jump on board and try to make this "lost feature" a reality. i'm sure dudes like fulcy(non-removeable 1/60 heatshield...i still ooo and ahhh looking at that one) could come up with a better idea on how to get this feature to work without my ghetto non-skilled customizing techniques. i defintely have to go to work tomorrow so i'll posts some pics then of the work in progress. sorry for the delay homies.
  9. you mean, you can actually see the missile when it open? or you can see the missile when you hold it open? mine is all glued down in the inside where the hinges are located.
  10. According to the Compendium, they are auxillary missile launchers, that allow the missiles stored in the arm to be launched when in Shuttle mode. Graham EXCITING NEWS!!! so after reading your post, i decided i should open up the arms and check out the goods for myself and low and behold.... THOSE DAMN THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO POP UP! only thing is, it was a design flaw by yamato. its totally all glued down, so don't force it open. it looks like they were originally designed to pop up because theres 2 hinge pieces that are connected(kind of like the koeing arm design but on a smaller scale) thats being held together and a screw that holds the rounded mini missile launcher to one of the hinge pieces. only thing is its totally fubar'ed! i spent the better part of the evening digging out the glue, cutting out excess plastic, trying to make enough room for the piece move more freely. i haven't gotten to work as of yet....sorry but the design flaw is actually a really BIG design flaw so its taking some time. either way, i'm gonna macguyver that shiet and l have a fully operational retracting missile launcher by the end of this evening. YEAH I KNOW! YOU WANT PICS! sorry i left my camera at work so i can't take pics now but i'll bring the piece to work and post the pics tomorrow.
  11. yup, i'm totally down.
  12. cyclone rider armor stickers? when did that come up? i'd be down for those. while i don't own this toy anymore, i wish i knew you were going to do this otherwise i would've never sold it.
  13. well heres another review from your friendly neighborhood haterist. lets get started with the box. classic cheapo yamato box as usual...nothing to write home about. one thing that bothered me more than anything else is how they wrote "koning monster" in script making it look ultra cheesey. the stickers are crappy as always, way to go yamato! they give you an entire sticker sheet but only give you placements for 3 stickers that they could've tampo printed on to make our lives easier. yeah, whatevs, i don't put stickers on my toys so i don't care but why bother printing all those stickers if you're not going to bother showing people where to put them. the instructions make no sense so don't bother looking as they provided absolutely no help whatsoever. you'll be better off looking at the pictures on the box and using common sense before tunring to the make shift instructions they made. now to the toy..... obvious its a variable bomber that TF's into 3 modes which i think is wicked cool. i mean, why bother making a regular monster that just sits there when you can have a monster that does it all. its big as i expected and pretty well constructed overall with the exception of a gap here and there. like with any other toy, it has its weak points, namely a few clip-type pieces and some pegs here and there that showed signs of stress straight out the box....yeah i ain't too happy about it either. its nothing major(yet) but i don't play with my toys nor do i TF'ed them often so i haven't run into any problems as of yet(knock on wood). again, this is more of a collector piece than a toy, so the more you play, the more wear and tear you cause there by increasing the likelihood of breaking something, then coming here to whine about it. the toy is made of ABS plastic which makes it more durable plus they used colored molded pieces so you don't have to worry about paint chips...me likey. the diecast content is minimal at best, mostly just pins and screws. if you love diecast, this really isn't the toy for you. bomber mode: it comes packaged in BM and it ain't the prettiest either. probably my least favortie since it looks like a giant triangle made of plastic with some makeshift wings. there are absolutely no gimmicks, no missiles, pods, nadda....not even landing gear. yeah thats weak but this is yamato "the king of the halfasses" we're talking about here, what did you expect? i'd love to talk more about this mode but i only had it in BM for about 10 seconds before it hurt my eyes. gerwalk mode: gerwalk now but destroid before it became variable soooo.... my favorite mode(for obvious reasons) and probably the most popular i'd imagine since this is what we all know and love. it has these "supposed" points of articulation but none of them does jack. poseability is minimal, it can take a step forward but thats about it. oh, and you can spread it legs...yippie! GM looks great but the arms on mine are a bit on the floppy side and i honestly can't understand why yamato chose to construct the arms this way? its doomed to get loose over time and not a long time either...this is probably my biggest gripe with the toy. but to be fair, theres no other toy out there to compare it to so they did a decent job. battroid mode: i was really surprised how cool and imposing it looks in this mode. one thing that upset me is you have to an entire balancing act to get it to stand and you can forget about it being poseable...it just isn't. they did a fairly good job on the sculpt and nothing major looks out of proportion but again, there isn't much out there to compare it to so its hard for me to judge it. the hands are kind of dinky(hooray for chicken hands) and can't hold much of anything. i think a gunpod(perhaps a bazooka) would've been neat addition but its not canon and yamato isn't known for all the extras they throw in. overall i think its cool but i can't see me displaying it in this mode too long since i have to worry about it falling over with the slightiest breeze. in closing: overall, i give this toy a 7 out of 10 and thats me being generous solely based on its uniqueness...is that a word? while i think its a really cool "display" piece, i don't think it makes a really great toy...yes theres a difference. the lack of poseability in each of the modes, the lack of details(panel lines and such), and the lack of gimmicks/extras is what killed it for me. yeah i knew all this before buying it but hey, its not like i'm bitchin about something i don't own. i don't regret the purchase because i do think its a one of a kind, but i do regret the price i paid as its clearly not worth the $150+ i paid for it. this is definitely not a toy i would buy multiples of unless i got a really good deal, even then i don't know if i'd buy another? if you're a compleist, well then you got no choice, if you want something to display, its pretty cool, if you want something to play with, then this is not the toy for you. if anyone would like to add to this, please feel free to do so. i'll be posting pics and scans of the box and such in the next few days so please be patient. if you want more info on this check the 38 page thread in the toy section.
  14. In gerwalk mode you can get some uneven leg length if you don't have the leg components arranged identically. Check all the joint angles between the two legs. hehehe, i was j/j about my monster leaning towards the left....its more like a bend now. get it?
  15. whos whining? if thats what you consider whining, then every single post on this entire site is whining. i'm not a MOD, but can this thread be locked so this doesn't continue....and no, i'm not whining, just being the voice of reason.
  16. well i don't know about you guys, but if it doesn't come with any kind of figures, i'm gonna buy some 40K space marine miniatures(not sure if its the right scale yet) and pack them in there. those 40K space marines are kind of cool.
  17. super cool custom man, most original, i'm lovin it.
  18. okay so after 3 hours of fiddling with my monster, i finally i figured it out. basically i stopped looking at the instructions and just used common sense. why does it seems my monster is always leaning to the left?
  19. okay so, i TF'ed this thing to destroid mode but i have no idea if i TF'ed correctly? anyone got some detailed pics of how it should look? i looked at the box, the retarded instructions, peolesdru's step by step instructions and all the pics i could find but i still haven't a clue. any help would be greatly appreciated. outside of that, i guess i like it.
  20. WOOOOHOOOO!!!! i finally got mine. no sleep for me tonight. OT, but whats up with the script font on the box? it makes it look so damn cheesy.
  21. the turkish mom is whats keeping me interested at this point(4 hours so far wee!) not only is she evil, but shes sexy evil...something about her eyes and i like it. i can't stand that driscoll chick, she a tard but i guess she fits the bill when bosses are concerned. hopefully she'll get capped or something cause she sure is an eye sore on my TV screen.
  22. her name is "Aisha Tyler"(sp?) and she used to be the host for that show "the fifth wheel" and yeah shes a hottie.
  23. like the pins and screws.
  24. you a mod? stfu then. why don't you chill homie. you seem to have some anger management issues(ironic coming from a guy named haterist), you might want to seek some professional help there buddy. OT, i finally figured out what STFU stands for.
  25. well theres no real way to tell how big it is making it impossible to take a guess? if its 1/48(which i think it is?) with diecast, then it should carry quite the hefty price tag....not that that would stop me from buying it or anyone else for that matter. i'd take a wild guess and say atleast $100 and probably $50 for the APC.
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