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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. well said. i don't want the assbag RT wagon tipping over on the yammie trail. last thing we need is to make 1/48's even more expensive then they already are.
  2. hehe, i like what OOOO(hayao kakizaki, its in japanese is why you can't see it) did and will probably ended up doing that way. now i just need to fix the max head i did and get another head to do the millia. i'll get pics of the max and hikaru up tonight when i get them done....it only take about 5 minutes to paint so it should'nt be too difficult. again, is anyone planning to recast the A and/or J heads?
  3. well i posted this on the other page but since nobody likes to read...
  4. life is messed up, so whats your point? if they get a broken one, they can simply bring it back and get another, so i don't see what the problem is? only people that are gonna get stuck in the end is sony and rightfully so. are they scanning serial numbers now? that doesn't mean you can't go to a store that doesn't scan them. my other solutions were to buy a new one and put more money into sony's pockets after they robbed me by selling a shoddy product. or send it off to be fixed which would've still cost me time and money. again, i'm not saying everyone should do this, just the people that could live with themselves afterwards. this is nothing new, this stuff happens everyday, its part of the game, and you know what they say, "don't hate the playa, hate the game". in the wise words of one Jango Fett.... i'm just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe.
  5. okay, a stupid question here... is it on at 8 or 9 o'clock? i totally forgot and i don't want to miss it.
  6. yeah, i'm gonna try that out too tonight when i get home. as i mentioned eariler, i thought about doing the stripe on the side to keep within the 1J theme but i don't want the S and J heads to look too similar. i like to mix it up a bit just to keep things interesting. it does look pretty cool with the stripe on the side though. maybe try painting the little dipple in the top of the head a different color so it stands out a bit more?
  7. i know it looks weird, i'm get rid of the stripe on the face part, make the stripe on the top a little wider, and paint the head lasers the correct color. i did this in like 5 minutes, right before i went to bed, whatcha want from a brotha? i'll do it up tonight and post pics when its finished.
  8. i hand painting...no airbrush here. i'm using waterbased acrylic paints so its fairly easy to wash off with warm water. i lost photoshop on my machine at work so i guess i'll have to wait to try it out when i get home.
  9. points taken. i only did the stripe all the way down because "aaajin" suggested it and i wasn't sure if it would look good? i think its alright but i think a stripe just on the top of the head would look better like i did with the TV 1S max head. i'd try the arrow thing you suggested zeo-mare but painting arrows is kind of a bitch, they never come out right. anyhoo, i was just messin around last night. i'll finish it up a bit and post another pic. added: i thought about doing the stripe off-set to one side to keep with the 1J theme but i think i'll look retarded.
  10. heres another custom head i did up last night. i'm not sure about the head stripe thing and i gotta finish it up but whatcha think?
  11. . I doubt very much if someone geeky enough to buy Star Wars comdoms would ever get to use them. Anyone remember the film "Skin Deep"? They had a scene in a dark room that involved glow in the dark condoms. Very funny. they even had the lightsaber sounds IIRC? john ritter was in that. i only saw it once but i remember that scene.
  12. its a one way ticket to coma-ville.
  13. well then it would be too bad for that person now wouldn't it. i shouldn't have to suffer because Sony released a shoddy video game console. i took care of my PS2 and it crapped out after 2 years for no reason whatsoever and i wasn't about to spend more money for another. if/when the one i have now breaks, i'll be swapping them out again. call me whatever you want, but i'll be the guy who keeps getting brand new PS2's for free while some sucker can buy it over and over again each time it breaks. sucker = not this guy --->
  14. i can't believe you of all people just wrote that!?!?!
  15. heres the TV 1S hikaru, well the link any way. LINK
  16. sorry but i think that is the height of ultimate silliness. talk about diluting the brand Yeah, god forbid children should enjoy anything Star Wars related! i'm liking the Vader Tater, i think i'll pick one up for shits and giggles.
  17. just an update since mcpaz brought back the old thread... 1/72 - 2 1/60 - 12....13 if you included the q-rau 1/48 - 5 2 TV.FPs, 3 reg FPs another update... 1/72 - 3 1/60 - 13...14 with the q-rau 1/48 - 7....all with FPs yet another update and back from the dead..... 1/72 - 1 1/60 - 13...14 with the q-rau 1/48 - 11 coming soon, 1/48 - one more Roy 1/60 - max rau 1/100 - koeing moster added: almost forgot 3 x GBP armor. gotta have 1 for each head. and that silly DYRL display stand...what a waste of money. heres my 2005 update... 1/48 x 13 1/60 x 19 1/72 x 1 1/100 x 1 non yamato stuff x a lot of crap well thats about it for now, i clearly need to chill with some of this stuff.
  18. actually i looked at the leg/wing design very closely and basically, its nothing more than another mathematical error on yamatos part yet again. if you look where the legs/wings are connected to the fuselage(crotch area), you can see the hinges were originally designed to sit flush when in shuttle mode. but the hinges don't close up correctly, they stay sort of split...does that make sense? either way, this is what causing the gap in that area. the way problem can be corrected is if the "catch piece"(the hole the clip goes into) on the back part of the lower ankle is moved up about an 1"-1.5" which would put it right smack in the middle of the mechnical joint whatchamawhosit so thats not really an option. the other options is to move the catch piece assembly(located on the side of the big cannons)itself back 1"-1.5", which could be done but i won't be taking on that project. so now all i can do is hope for a re-release(which is unlikely) with all the fixes.
  19. this is a shot of the missile launcher open. it opens further if i put some plastic wedges in there but it looks decent.
  20. heres the hinge assembly that could've worked but doesn't work.
  21. heres a shot of the inside...notice all the glue there for no apparent reason other than to cover up their mistake.
  22. thats how its mounted on. originally the black piece didn't come up that high so i did some digging.
  23. heres the missile piece removed.
  24. okay long overdue pics here. you can see here that the piece was glued down
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