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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. LACES OUT! What was that?? ... "this listing (7128560846) has been removed by evilBay..." it was an auction for the Jets field goal kicker that couldn't hit the side of a barn the other day. it was up to 99,999,999,990.00 before it got closed.
  2. hey dudes, heres the LINK. i figured it makes more sense to post them in that thread then over here since the toy section get more traffic and i don't want to kill space posting pics twice.
  3. ditto. what one suggests someone else should do, and what one is actually willing to do themselves, are two different things. i'd love to have one but its easier for you and everyone else to just buy a 1/100 kit(more detailed than any cast is going to be) and paint it yourself. it would be kind of ridiculous to make someone do all that work of sculpting and casting so a handful of us can buy a destroid non-conversion kit. the endo-skeleton on the other hand is quite useful and will sell better, since anyone thats got a DCK will by atleast 2, i know i will cause i just got my DCK today and i want 2.
  4. You can actually buy those by the can. You just leave it open at a place where you're trying to avoid humidity and it sucks it up. you see the can fill up with gel after a while... you throw it out and buy a new one or empty it out. Maybe you should buy some of those and put it in your basement/attic... come to think of it... so will I... no basement/attic for me, just a spare bedroom. so they make it in a can? any idea what its called? i can get the little bags anytime(i work in a furniture store) but a whole can?, this i must see...especially for the summer time when the humidity gets bad in NYC.
  5. But....the DUST! what dust? i got an ionic breeze(sharper image) and a air purifier(honeywell) going at the same time, plus i got one of those magnetic/static feather duster thingies(as seen on TV) for the nooks and crannies. besides, i move/display/play my macross toys often enough so dust doesn't have a chance to settle on them. dust only forms if you don't touch or move your toys around for a lengthy period of time.
  6. okay party people, lets start submitting designs now. if you got something totally original, i'd/we'd love to see it.
  7. i picked the last one cause i like mine open style....how else do you get to play with them.
  8. mental note... don't buy used konig from Renato. so far mine has been TF'ed from shuttle to gerwalk, gerwalk to battroid, then back to gerwalk. i figured out i don't have space to display it in battroid, the shuttle is butt-fugly, so gerwalk it will stay til the end of time. i'll pick up another one if i find it for $100 or less, otherwise whatevs....
  9. well i've had some stuff in storage and one thing i can tell you as a fact, is to use those little silica bags that say "do not eat" on them. they suck up all the moisture/humidity that comes near them. i have no idea where you can buy the but they do come in an array of food products and also come in the drawers of wood furniture(it keeps the wood from warping). i(psycho)usually toss a silica bag when i box it up, wrap it with tissue paper then some bubble wrap, then into a large cardboard box.
  10. that looks sweet dude! QQ, did you just pry the green visor out of the J head or did you have have to take the head apart to get the sticker back there? i think that reflective sticker really helps bring out the green. yeah, its been cold, i can't skate so i've been messin around with the custom heads. its funny cause i had orginally intended to just buy one 1/48 for the sake of having one, then the addiction kicked in.
  11. heres a group shot of some non-canon customs.
  12. heres another shot of the 1SJ with the red visor...i couldn't help myself.
  13. that 1A head EXO posted looks pretty darn cool, much better than the 1A head we got now thats for sure. dudes, don't get fixed on making a head that looks similar to existing VF heads, something totally new and original would be just as cool. either way, keep'em coming.
  14. $95 bucks and you walk out the store with it is a deal and a half, i'd be on it like white on rice. i paid $110 plus shipping for mine back in the day and i got them on sale.
  15. so messin around with rohbys S recasts got me wondering.... we got an official MW paint scheme so why don't we design our own official VF head? i was thinking, maybe we could have a design contest for the coolest head. nothing to elaborate, nothing to simple, but something thats cool looking and can be made fairly easily. people could post pics of their sketches/designs and we could have a poll/vote to see which one gets made. i'm not sure of all the details or if its even possible to make something like this or who would be willing to make it and sell the finished product but i thought it would be kind of a cool. maybe if theres enough interest, we'll be lucky enough to get one of our veteran casters to volunteer to take this project. any thoughts are welcome.
  16. That looks kinda dorky. I'm sure we can make it look something more badass like the T-800. just throwin this out there.... i think it would be really cool if someone designed a new VF head. maybe get a thread going, make it a contest or something, where people can post their sketches and designs of a newly dopely designed VF head, unofficial but official VF head for MW, kind of how we got a official MW paint scheme. we could have it run for 2 weeks so, then we have poll of some sort on which one is the coolest(and makeable), then ask someone to make a cast of it and sell them here. i'm sure a lot of the dudes here got some cool designs in mind. besides, it'll be fun and it'll bring us all closer together too! anyhow, just its a thought.
  17. okay so nothing really to do with the topic but whats the secret to catching interceptions? sometimes my guys just grab it(AI) other times it'll bounce right off their chests? whats up with that? is there some secret combo of buttons i gotta hit to make my dudes catch the ball? sorry if this is a silly question but this is my first time owning/playing a console football game so its all greek to me.
  18. i was saving my red visor for the millia S head but it looks pretty cool on the hikaru. he did some customizing here and there as well. you got some close up pics you can post?
  19. i would also be interested in seeing some more pics of this work of art.
  20. You're the only one close to trolling here, buddy. I would have expected better from a guy with insertcredit.com in his sig, guess not. don't feed the trolls...
  21. i don't mind if it gets locked as long as everyone gets to enjoy it. its all in good fun and no one here as ever dropped racial slurs on another member. as far as i know, we're all one big happy family. i'm especially liking gookemon!
  22. this is the funniest site i've seen in a while. CLICK ME its a racial slur site so if you're senstive, well then thats just too bad. they call canadians "frostbacks"!
  23. not to toot my own horn but i must say i did a pretty good job painting rockin the beer goggles last night. while this valk doesn't exist, everyone can thank rohby for the recast, exo for donating the original head, and fulcy for the hollowed out head lasers...thanks dudes.
  24. so heres the pic as promised, i'm kind of drunk right now, so forgive me if it looks bad. kids,....don't try this at home.
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