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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. damn, i can't find the pic now but they were all over ebay a little while back. those cheesey motorcycles that TF into a robot but it didn't look like a robot, more like a gobot reject.
  2. actually thats not bad at all. it looks pretty cool and it doesn't look like it would be impossible to make either.
  3. this definitely deserves a spot in the customs section. awesome work man, i especially like the clear visor you used....wicked cool!
  4. thank god...i hate this show.
  5. Depends. Complete, $250-$300. incomplete over $200 depending on incomplete. MISB-$1000 eh, a bit to rich for my blood. maybe if they remake it one day, i'll pick it up for $100. its still pretty good definitely a cool way to display your valks.
  6. i'm lovin it, wicked cool man. i wish i had the flagg...whats one of those running these days?
  7. i'll try a grab a screen shot of it or atleast more details on exactly which scene i'm speaking of.
  8. at first glance i thought it was an orguss but the animation is so quick and dark its hard to tell what it was. a super 1A with orguss armor huh? i thought orguss was an entirely seperate from macross no?
  9. last might was a good one, outside of the my daughter allergic to testicles, blah, blah, blah.... one problem with this show is waiting for the next damn episode. they should really consider doing a 2 hour show or make it into a mini-series..something to speed to things along.
  10. so i finally finished watching the macross TV series and noticed that in one of the episodes(on disc 7 i think?, the one with the big space battle and all teh VF's got FP's), they showed some other mecha outside of VFs and the destroids. am i crazy or were there other mecha?
  11. i'm diggin the 19 esque head on a VF. way cool. so anyone know what i would need to use in order to sculpt something and possibly have it casted?
  12. llok pretty bad arse. can't wait to see the finished product.
  13. look at the incriminating evidence! you know theres a bunch of cops that are members here.
  14. cool, i remember seeing this before but i couldn't bring myself to make it. i know its sturdy but what if it falls. and whats up with those 1S M&M's? you know, i got me a set of those too.
  15. you can use clear nail polish to tighten the joints. its only a band-aid type fix but it does work. painting...you're on your own buddy.
  16. you crazy kids. if you got more than one 1/48, just keep a few of the gunpods with the straps attached, a few w/o. then just switch the gunpods around amongst the valks. if you only got one valk, then try and score an extra gunpod.
  17. so what kind of material would you have to use to make a sculpt that can be casted?
  18. because its macross and this is after all macrossworld. seriously, i think its just another transformable toy plane is why people like it and want it. i like VF's as much as the next guy but i wouldn't mind seeing something new.
  19. *gulp* Sand? Ok....I'll try, but how do I get the sanded area to look like the rest of the part after sanding? actually, i just used a blade and cut off the little tab whatchamawhosits that are in the way. i said sand incase someone didn't want to cut into it. honestly, its not a big deal and it take like 10 seconds to do. i'll take a a couple of pics and post them here as a reference when i get a chance.
  20. you ain't alone man. i re-arrange my stuff constantly(3 times a week) or whenever i'm bored.
  21. damn dood, i've always known how many you had but looking a number and actually seeing it, is totally different. i'll be saving these pics so next time the woman gouges into me, i'll just show her your collection and tell her shes lucky i ain't you.
  22. same here. i tried to display all of them in fighter mode but it takes up too much space. back on topic, get a 1/48 and call it a day. don't wait too long cause if you snooze you lose and the prices on these puppies is going up. either pay out the butt now or REALLY pay out the butt later.
  23. well if you don't like the prequels, don't watch them. if you think epi. 1 and 2 killed SW for you, then why watch epi. 3? oh, i see it doesn't matter cause SW is still cool, jedi's rock, lightsabers are badass, and the force is still mysterious. this is what people on MW call "pre-bitching". i know this is a discussion forum but its not for people to come and whine about what they don't like, didn't like, or will not like...especially if they haven't actually seen it, its just ridiculous. believe you me, everyones got the same problems with SW and Lucas, its just that some of us here are more mature and realize that no matter how much bitchin gets done, it ain't worth squat.....unless you think our opinions will sway what Lucas is going to do, which it won't. simply put, theres a way to share your opinion without blowing it all out of proportion which many SW fans do...gorw up, its a friggin movie for christ sakes.
  24. boooooooooo! hisssssssssssssss!!!! don't let these little whiney fanboys get to you man. SW fans in general tend to be a-holes, even if everything in the movie is perfect, they'll find something to bitch about look at vaders boots man, thats not the boots he was wearing in the OT, my childhood has been raped. oh, look at the emperors cape, its use to be a different shade of black, lucas sucks. wait, aren't those suppose to be lasers? cause according to XYZ magazine, they're supposed to be plasma cannons. WTF! all BS aside, is anything anyone has seen so far going to keep you from watching this movie? ever? meaning you won't pay at the theatre... you won't ever rent it... you won't buy the DVD when it comes out... you won't buy any of the toys and figures that come out.... you won't even watch it when they put it on TV.... right? you fanboys need to grow into fan-men and stop all your bitchin. if you honestly believe Lucas ruined your life with a movie, you really need to re-examine whats important in your life and maybe join a support group or something....its just f-in sad really.
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