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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i got me a connect on a SKS but i'm in NYC and they don't get down with assault rifles.
  2. heres the top
  3. heres a couple of pics of my toy room.
  4. yeah dude, he didn't look to happy about seeing him, then he talks smack about his woman! i was waiting for tony-sans to put a cap in his arse.
  5. so get this, because of kensei story, i had a nightmare last night that all my macross toys got stolen. it was all messed up, i mean they took everything in my house that was macross, the toys, the boxes, display shelves, what a nightmare. then i thought i woke up from the dream(like some elm street movie) and ran into my toy room to make sure everything was there, instead all my stuff was still stolen, and i flipped out, tossing and turning in my bed ready to kick some butt, then luckly i really woke up. sure i'm laughing about it now, but in my dream, i was super amped.
  6. is that so? well then, i'm definitely getting a head and we'll see what happens with the wings.
  7. i've been looking for them forever but no ones got any spare LV parts...its too valuable now.
  8. yamato QC isn't that bad...thats not to say its all that good either, but better than most of the toy companies(producing macross toys) out there believe it or not. i see you posted your issue in the WWWMY thread, take a pic of it, maybe someones got a replacement part?
  9. i think your problems stems from buying a toy from tisinc. some say good thing, most say bad, i only know a few people that shop there and thats only when they actually go to his shop at F&S. hence i shop other places run by fans that come here to chill with us. the nose and and FP attachments will fall off while your TF'ing the toy about 90% of the time. i usually take off the FP attachments(just the mini missile launchers) when i TF it just because.... your other problems, i don't know what to tell you cause i've got 3 VF-1J supers and none of them had any problems or had anything pop off. all i can say is be glad nothing broke.
  10. hehehe, i just saw that one like 20 minutes ago and thought the same thing. hes got a reserve on it so i won't bother baby sitting on this one.
  11. $5 plus $2.50 for shipping.
  12. my sentiments exactly. i took the FP's of one of my 1/48s the other day and no matter how i looked at it, it just looks horrible w/o them, i mean really freakin bad. the oversized chest plate pretty much ruins the entire toy. it make the arms look too skinney, the legs too skinney, basically the chest plate alone makes the whole toy look wrong, in battroid any way. my advice, if you're gonna get a 1/48, don't bother unless you're gonna get the FP's for it. thats the only thing that'll make the battroid mode look decent.
  13. in most secured places, lock down is completed automated but maybe CTU got some kind of flintstones device where someone has to peddle the doors closed. either way, those little things don't bother me too much. what i thought was really funny was, it was totally obvious she was trying to make a run for it, but not one single person in CTU had a walkie-talkie or even a nextel.
  14. well CTU wouldn't be very covert if they had 10 armed guards standing outside a door all the time. like with any other TV show/movie, theres always a hole here and there in the story.
  15. thats actually not bad at all, i kind of like it.
  16. yesterdays episode was the best one yet! i'm glad that the mole got caught...finally, like it wasn't too obvious. i love how they tortured one of their own, and by one of her friends no less., hehehe. i thought she was finished for sure but alas no. i'm just glad they didn't go back to driscolls daughter this time around, let just keep her out of this shall we.
  17. you mean like me....
  18. eh, i wouldn't worry about it, all the haters are just jealous of us 1S max owners. did you actually paint the arrows on the side of the head or did you use a sticker like me?
  19. i guess a 1/55 head would be cool and a lot easier too since it'll be big and ugly. i just said 1/48 cause i was hoping if we came to an agreement of some sort we could possibly get one of these heads made and then sell them here to MW'ers that want them. this is all a bunch of marlarky at this point since i have no idea if who i have in mind(Rohby ) would be willing to take on the project? i would like to find out what material i would have to sculpt the head with in order for it to be "castable" but no one has answered that question yet. slightly off topic but, we got some good artists on the site don't we? i didn't think folks would go all out with their drawings/sketches, if i forgot to say it before, awesome work dudes. rick randy, anything goes, as long as theres a possibility of making it. it could take on the characteristics of another existing mecha head but something new and fresh would be equally cool. in the end, i'm hoping for a newly designed head that we MW'ers can slap on our 1/48s, you know, something unique just for us. added: so far, i like Zentrandude head design because of its simplicity and it would be easier to make. don't get me wrong fella's, the other heads that people posted RAWK but some of them would be too difficult to make. added some more: so far we got atleast 57 people that like the idea of having an officical MW VF head. most molds last for about 50 casts which means it could be profitable enough for someone to do. 50 pcs x $15(give or take, i don't know jack about the costs of casting) might make it worth while for one of our casters to get involved.
  20. damn that looks really sweet now! i really like the patches on the wings, keepin coming and i'll keep drooling.
  21. ahhh whatevs! we all sat here and bitched about how the konig release date kept getting pushed back, then when yamato finally comes through, now we're gonna start bitchin that they released it too soon. it seems to me, no matter what yamato does, they just can't catch a break. BTW, WTF is up with that! forcing me to buy an inferior toy so they can force me again into buying another one with the all fixes....friggin yamato!
  22. sorry to hear that man, good thing no one got hurt though. i hear you on getting insurance, i recently got renters insurance(thanks to the advice of jsarclight) cause i was worried what would happen if people broke in and stole my macross stuff. sounds ridiculous to get insurance just for that(plus in case my apartment catches fire) but its really the only thing i have of value outside of my furniture, clothes, and a PS2. i've had one break in when i was 13 and it totally sucked. they ransacked my house and it took like 2 weeks to clean everything up. nothing was ever the same, no one felt safe in the house and we live in a nice community too. my mom had nightmares as well as my brother and we ended up moving out cause i'm mom wasn't sleeping, eating or doing much of anything. if i ran this country, i would make a new law that states, if you're ever caught and convicted of theft, you lose your hand. just cut that sucker off so that everyone knows you're a thief and you'll think twice before stealling when you see that stump you got for a hand.
  23. kakazaki, not the look but his attitude. i like to party, i'm over confident at times, talk way too much shiet, and i'm always canon fodder when my friends and i play paintball.
  24. union workers are slackers, they have absolutely no incentive to work hard casue they get paid regardless of how much work they do...or should i say don't do.
  25. hey i'm looking for a 1/60 1A max chest plate, if you got one, hit me up.
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