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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. thanks for the pics howard, much appreciated. its a shame theres nothing new in the ways of macross. i guess its a good thing so my wallet can catch up with my spending as of late but i was hoping for something....anything.....
  2. word up! *saves to favorites* i'm not sure if this has been mentioned but... is there a way we can list all the macross reference sites in one pinned thread? i only ask cause i've been around for the last 3 years and this is the first time i've even seen this site. if its been done already or linked on the homepage, sorry.
  3. you know, i almost went to the NYTF last year but i heard there were all sorts of crazy rules and restrictions, something about setting up appointments and what have you in order to enter company booths...ridiculous i say!
  4. if those pop off i usually assume its going to happen again so i just leave them off and toss them into the box so i don't lose them.
  5. i haven't a clue, i'll have to check. i've been using a while now and i haven't had anything weird happen.
  6. i'm in.
  7. mmmm.....tittties.....delicious..... my other favorite toy would be my monster. i've had it since day one and i never get tired of holding it, posing it, playing with it or stickin it where the sun don't shine.
  8. why didn't they just make an all out new cartoon? the total lack of imagination nowadays is getting ridiculous.
  9. its cool and ghey at the same time.
  10. you know, everyones friggin left arm is loose on this toy. i took apart the arm(the 1 screw in the bicep), put a thin layer of clear nail polish on the peg and its nice and tight now. Hey cheers Haterist! You're very talented with that nail polish of your's. Like the RMS missiles, can that be the solution to all loose plastic toy parts? clear nail polish works miracles for small pesky pieces that need a little grip. heres some other stuff i've used... "shoe-goo" for the hips on a 1/48. its actually to fix holes in shoes but i found when that black rubber piece wears out, this stuff is a miracle worker cause its rubbery, it dries clear, you can peel it off when it wears out and it doesn't damage the plastic. "elmers glue" for the loose mini-missiles or anything else i want glue but not forever. it dries semi clear, you can just fleck it off when you're done, and it does absolutely no damage to plastic.
  11. the large gakken cyclone. theres nothing too special about it other than its one of the few toys out there that was way ahead of its time. BTW, i see why its your favorite, thats shiet looks HOT!
  12. soze is a good man, you got nothing to worry about. yes the obsession only get worse. i said the same thing when i got here, "i just want one valk, you know, for the memories", then BAM! you're a valk-o-holic trying to find any excuse to buy another valk.
  13. i got nothing against anyone, and i'm not on anyones side. i'm just saying that since its someone elses site and that person doesn't give a rat ass what anyone wants, says, or even asks, that we should love along and let it go. that and treating people the way you want to be treated, and thats not specifically directed towards DT, that goes for everyone including me.
  14. try these sites... blastotoys animecastle tmpanime...otherwise know as twinmoons blueforgegames angolz gundamstoreandmore smallblueplanet i know theres more but i'll have to double check. BTW, VE has the 1S roy for $160... added: i think soze still has a few of FPs left? heres the link to his sale page, LINKits old but i know he had mad FP kits left. worst comes to worst, if you really can't find one, i'll sell you one of my super 1J's. otherwise you can try and convince the crazy valk hording team of Godzilla or kensei to sell you one of theres?
  15. well said. i can't say this enough but, do onto others as you wish others to do unto you. if everyone followed this(not even just here) and applied it to their lives, the world would be a better place and everyone would be a lot happier. and no, i'm no hippie, i just believe in treating others the way i'd like to be treated. if you're nice, they'll be nice. if they aren't, well then let karma take a bite out of their ass cause theres no good reason to stoop to their level. wow about a year ago these words would be the furthest thing from anything i'd post. i used to be a flamethrower toting little SOB, now i'm packing a pocket full of poseys.
  16. no problemo dude, i was a newbies once too. you know, if Neova doesn't have it or can't fid it, you can try PM'ing Seichii for his shopping service. heres the link to the thread... LINK i'm 99% positive he can find one for you or already has one but i cannot guarantee a price.
  17. i truely don't understand why people are giving some guy with his own website a hard time? its his site so get over it guys. i know thats not the answer you want hear but its the answer thats been given and you'll eventually have to accept it. DT, i know you want stuff fixed and updated and i know you've made a conscience effort to make it happen, but its now time to accept the fact that it ain't happening cause no one cares or has any time to do everything you want done. move along, start your own website, do whatever you gotta do, but requesting what other people should do to their websites to service your wants and needs is just ridiculous no matter how many ways you put it. its fine to complain but you're arguing a pointless arguement that you cannot win. my apologies if i came across in a bad way.
  18. honestly, i rarely get a good deal in NYC, all the stores tend to be a total rip off. i usually buy newly released macross stuff directly from Neova(hes in HK) and i get a pretty good deal on top on getting stuff when its first released. if you'd like, we can buy stuff together and save some money on shipping? you're pretty close to me and it would take me all of 15 minutes to get to you or vise versa, i live in washington heights(uptown!) on 185th st. and i've been looking from someone to partner up with to get some group buys going. other wise, i shop at valkyrie-exchange.com(in cali) cause kev's a cool guy and he always has macross stuff available since hes a big fan himself. toy-wave is good too and hes also in HK, decent prices, good serivce and a reliable seller. bigbadtoystore.com(somewhere in the midwest) is also good but his prices are a little steep compared to everyone else. sign up on his mailing list cause he has sales all the time and thats when you can get some really good deals. i.e. i got 2 super 1J for $310 shipped.
  19. tell them to bite you and get it from Neova. hes got them for $48(i know i recently bought 2 of them) plus shipping which should be like $15-$20. at worst, it'll be $68 shipped all the way from HK.
  20. women, like they should've been.
  21. yyamato is in this business for the money and i suggested a while back, they should release one destroid paired up with one enemy mecha(whatever scale it may be) and they'd be making money hand over fist. i doubt this will happen cause it makes too much sense just like the likelyhood of them selling the upcoming 1/48 GBP bundled with a CF instead of the 1J.
  22. don't use HLJ, if anything ask one of our overseas members like Seichii who actually has his own shopping service and can pretty much find just about anything and he ships stuff very quickly. i've ordered from HLJ one time and one time only cause it took over 2 months to get my stuff. waiting a month is kind of ridiculous, but 2 months is friggin retarded.
  23. okay just to clear some things up, theres no way we're going to get our very own unique valk built by anyone here. its fun to dream but making a valk from scratch is not only hard but expensive as all hell. this is specifically for a 1/48 head ONLY so we can take one of our 1/48's, slap a custom designed head that one of our member designs, do up the MW paint scheme and in the end, have a unique un/official MW valk just for us.
  24. you know, everyones friggin left arm is loose on this toy. i took apart the arm(the 1 screw in the bicep), put a thin layer of clear nail polish on the peg and its nice and tight now.
  25. i say get the 1S roy(get the additional fastpacks) or the super 1J hikaru since they are the most recognized valks and still on the market at a fair price.
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