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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. everyones cool? what you talking about noob? why don't you take you and your suckie collection get out the fock out of here you freakin loser! j/k welcome to macrossworld you got an awesome collection....you got a chunkey 1D, yum!
  2. thanks for the pic graham, it looks sweet. now here comes the best part of the thread.... let the pre-bitchin begin!
  3. take it easy everyone. i don't know why people are asking about VEs and VTs? let the cap'n get the 1D going and then, sometime down the road when its finished(like in may) you can ask him all about other 2 seaters. no reason to bombared the dude with a bunch of pointless questions at this time. besides, every time he has to come here and respond to a post(that has nothing to do with the 1D), that less time hes getting to put into the 1D finished. [conan]be cool my babies[/conan]
  4. it was called the "galaxy defender" and it sold for like $10 at target and walmart....they might still have some since the toys were kind of an eye sore. and yes, i remember the valk with the LED cockpit. the only redeeming quality that made it worthwhile was to get the gunpod/clip and missiles.
  5. not only that but why would you spend on bunch of money on a upgrade kit, sand it, file it, paint it, apply decals, then box it up? yeah, same thing I was thinking... i'm still trying to figure out what the heck hes gonna do with 60+ valks? theres only a total of 8 1/48s so even if you had to have 5 of each, 3 in each mode, 1 to play with and 1 to keep MIB, there still leaves 20+ unaccounted for? i'm telling you man, him working for MS is a smokescreen, you and i both know what godzilla really does for a living.
  6. this is great! now i can block even more people from PM'ing me....and the best part is, they know i got the space!
  7. not only that but why would you spend on bunch of money on a upgrade kit, sand it, file it, paint it, apply decals, then box it up?
  8. i stand corrected. i didn't have valks next to me to compare, being at work and all. i never realized there was such a HUGE difference so scratch my idea. i just thought a detachable nose cone would be cool cause then we could come up with some way to attach it to the forearm of a valk. yes i'm dreamin.....
  9. same here. if its affordable i may buy a couple.... as far as making certain parts removable, i think thats fine, we'll live. you know what would be super cool(and perhaps easier to make) is a detachable nose assembly? sounds silly but we could just swap out the nose and BANG we got a two seater. slap on the new longer heatshield, some minor adjustments to the tailfins(only for VE and VT) and its done. i know the chest plate is a bit different for the 2 seaters but IMO not so much so that a new chest plate would need to be casted. just my 2.
  10. now that was the ultimate spoiler link! i guess now i don't have to throw down my money and watch this movie...you know, since i know exactly whats going to happen...i've totally lost all interest in epi 3 now.
  11. okay so what about the strike-side mini missile launcher for the 1/60? did anyone ever cast them? anyone interested in them? or is everyone over the 1/60's? i need 4 myself...anyone?
  12. why thank you kindly sir, much appreciated.
  13. okay, so what do you want for 6 stickers?
  14. really? i'm gonna start looking around for them cause they're kind of sweet! yes the HLJ waiting game... you pay out the butt for EMS shipping which is supposedly 3-5 days but it takes(as you said) 2 weeks to arrive. anyone else see something wrong with that? yeah i know customs can hold it up but if i charged you $15 for priority mail shipping and you receive the item 2 weeks later, how would you feel? not happy i'd imagine. HLJ does a great job getting some cool stuff but if HLJs got it, then toy-wave will have it. if toy-wave doesn't have it, then Neova or Seichii can find it. all these dudes will ship immediately as opposed to HLJ which uses the when-they-feel-like-it or when-they-have-enough-packages-to-ship program. thanks but no thanks, thats just my opinion.
  15. I have a character flaw...I find it oddly comforting to know I have something preordered and don't have to worry about it. HLJ has me suckered there. I don't really mind waiting the extra few weeks to get it either....I just like knowing it will come and I don't have to think about it anymore. You ever get your LowVis? i hear ya but if i pre-order from anyone else on the web, they actually take the time to update me so i know whats going on. HLJ, you don't have a clue, when you do try to talk to them, they make you jump through a bunch of hoops and you'll maybe get an answer....maybe. off topic, LV, yeah i got it. it wasn't MIB as its was stated, more like LIB(loose in box). i could easily tell that the valk had been TF'ed more than a few times(finger prints on the weathering) since i've owned over a dozen of them(all new) and none of the ones i own and played with was as loose as this LV. the box itself was kind of bleh, scratches all over, dings, corners all white and peeling up...not very pretty. i would've gone into it further in that particular thread but people kept chiming in telling me what a great deal i got. while it seemed harmless to them, i didn't appreciate it much and i didn't want to get into it any further at that point. in the end, i finally aquired the last valk in my 1/48 collection so i guess i'm happy.
  16. cool but i ain't ordering jack doodie from HLJ, i hate playing the waiting game with them. i'm sure we'll be able to pick these up stateside and not pay and arm and a leg for shipping. according to HLJ, they should be about $30 for the set of 10....not bad, not bad at all. heres the link for those who want to pre-order but i would suggest waiting since they'll probably have an early/later bird special where you'll get 10% off but not if you pre-ordered them...they won't honor that. that doesn't make much sense does it?
  17. now that i think of it, all these new episode 3 lego sets are coming out in the next couple of months so this isn't a bad thing. plus aoishima(sp?) releasing the aliens dropship in may or something and then the long-awaited-if-it-happens 1/48 GBP armor. so its all good in my hood. off topic.... if you want to see the pics and info from Toy Fair regarding all the new lego sets, click this LINK
  18. you know, thats the one thing that didn't make sense. i mean the dude is dead, chop his finger off and torture the chick just for kicks. what would've been really cool is if they had Sarah torture that bee-otch for setting her up. oddly enough, if i were tortured by some company i worked for, i'd beat that crap out of driscoll and quit, wouldn't you? That's what I was thinking too, but then I just remembered that with his finger print, you would also need his password. But since he's dead, Marianne is the only person who can get access with her print and password. well it makes sense since you put it that way, but then again, why not just chop her finger off and get the password? she wanted a deal didn't she? also, i'm like 99% sure that homegirl is making run for it as soon as she gets the chance. i don't think her part of the story ends that quickly so i assume thats why they wrote the story that way. they have to give her a chance to make a break for it to keep the side-story going.
  19. dunno, but i can't see why they wouldn't be sold in the US. they look sweet!
  20. you know, thats the one thing that didn't make sense. i mean the dude is dead, chop his finger off and torture the chick just for kicks. what would've been really cool is if they had Sarah torture that bee-otch for setting her up. oddly enough, if i were tortured by some company i worked for, i'd beat that crap out of driscoll and quit, wouldn't you?
  21. i just sold the backpack assemblies to fulcy and goldenboy forever, try PM'ing them with your request and i'm sure they'd be more than willing to help you get the part you need. the only solution to the tabs getting worn is to get a new back plate fromt eh chest assembly. i have one just in case cause i know when the those tabs give, i'm gonna be SOFL.
  22. well heres the reason why i'm asking.... i made some custom S's, namely kaz, max, and hikaru. now while i like the strike cannon, i would like to be able to make into regular FP armor as well like with the 1/48 armor. i would also like match skull emblem stickers for the FP's on each of the valks.
  23. haha! no its not official, a MW'er made that a little while ago and posted it here. i think he was asking $50 or something like that for it. the price was a bit too steep but its pretty darn cool.
  24. so i got 2 questions for ya's 1. has anyone every casted or thought of casting the 1/60 mini missile launcher? on the strike cannon side to make regular FP's? 2. has anyone made 1/60 skull emblem stickers(red, blue, green) for the FP's? thanks in advance for your help.
  25. this totally sucks rhino grundle, looks like i'm going to start collecting vintage...sigh.
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