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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. 3 additional extra figures do not equal $100. i know i've been saying this is a no brainer for yamato but for that price, it'll do about as good as their q-raus. using the price of a fan made garage kit doesn't justify the pricing of a manufactured toy.
  2. time for me to chime in on this one.... alexis bledel - easy on the eyes, super cute, but can't act worth a damn. not that shes big time but shes stuck in gilmore ho's mode and can't get out of it. maybe its her soft spoken nature or her monotone voice? samuel l. jackson aka the black mans john wayne - sure we all love him, hes been in some good films, but hes the same character in every movie and uses the same facial expressions. scarlett johanssen - super hot but not very convincing in any of the movie shes been in. i find it odd that no one in the world cared for her early in her career, then luckly she got lost and translation(panty scenes are bonerific!) and became an sought after actress. she had me pitchin a tent back then but has since left me limp in everyone of her other movies. angelina jolie - she needs to lose the stupid look/pose she does in every movie. the only movie she was good in was GIA and thats cause she got all naked.
  3. when you get your parcel, make sure to go to a currency exchange site and see what the "real" shipping charge was. he has that really convienent shipping table which is completely lobsided in his favor.
  4. them bastids! they're stealing NB4Ms designs!
  5. pfft! just looking for any excuse to show off that armor huh!
  6. the reviews/posts here seem to be mostly positive... i think i saw a pig fly by my window.
  7. i have nothing nice to say. we'll just leave it at that.
  8. i don't mind whats being posted, the bitch!n is funny, sometimes its extreme, but i don't care one way or the other as long as its somewhat constructive and on topic. ----------------------------------------------------------------- the thing thats been bothering me lately is having to sift through pages of pointless posts that are posted for the sake of posting. i feel some of the newer members are using the forum to toss in their not-even-on-topic 2cents and/or not-so-whitty banter in every single thread that comes up. its cool every once in a while but i come here to check whats going on in the world of macross, not to read unneeded replies to stupid off topic posts that go on for pages. its annoys me but its not the end of the world.
  9. i don't mind the stubby nose cone but if someone makes a recast, i'm sure i'll buy it.
  10. not long at all. all i had to do was give up eating and stuff, that and make my weekly sperm donations.
  11. give me the executive summary. whats coming out and when?
  12. i was trying to read but i got distracted by the use of the term fanjaculations
  13. really? then how come you can open a wholesale account with them? they're one of the biggest toy distributors and buy in greater volume than any brick and mortar shop. more volume = costs less. not someone i want to shop with but yes, toy-wave has them for $100. they might be $118 now but this was his post from april 28th.... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=25905
  14. wow, look at HLJ ridiculous asking price.... http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00078 12800 yen = $124.44 and thats not including shipping. they're the biggest name in the game and get the biggest discounts, yet theres smaller vendors that are selling these for $100. i wish there was a middle finger emoticon.
  15. i heard a 2nd issue ivanov is coming out soon, can anyone verify this? graham?
  16. i got wood and i didn't even need my viagra!
  17. if they want to sell high priced toys in this economy, good luck to them. people are broke and only going to be more broke as the price of everything and anything is continuing to go up. while this news sucks there is a plus side, it means all that high priced stuff that no one can buy right now will eventually go on sale.
  18. hmmm....a non-updated toy from the 80's and they want $85 for it?!?!? i guess its good news for the 1/55's collectors but wouldn't people rather put that money towards the upcoming 1/60's?
  19. the only thing that looks weird are his tiny ass feet. still rocks.
  20. the only thing i like about this movie is christina ricci.
  21. there is no good way to do it. its pretty much glued together which means you gotta pry it open and hope you don't jack it up too much in the process. you can always fix it with putty, sanding, and painting but matching white paint is probably harder than matching any other paint color out there. i'm not sure why exact you need to take the head apart at all considering all the S heads are pretty much the same outside of the little arrows on the side of the head and the tiny dot on the forehead. if you want to paint it just paint it assembled, it'll save you a lot of time and hassle.
  22. mask it in place. you have to break it to remove it(or dissolve the glue thats holding that part down). its just easier to mask it down and it guarantees the back/yellow lines will be straight.
  23. now they're talkin May huh? this means stateside vendors won't get them in stock til some time in june, maybe even july. i have no problem with any delays if it means i'm getting a better quality toy.
  24. yes. the difference is there was no second release, just a restock. think of how long it took before the 2nd release of the vf-os, thats how long it'll be before we see a fixed version of the ivanov
  25. jesus christmas! clearly this guy doesn't have enough macross toys.
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