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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. well why not start a new thread to see if theres interest? depending on the cost, i'd be down to purhcase atleast 5 of them.
  2. i just bought the SW lego clone turbo tank and the wookie catameran(sp?) yesterday. i should be receiving them shortly.
  3. it doesn't matter cause you'll end up buying both scales eventually. welcome to macrossworld, where the search function is your friend.
  4. LOL If only it was that simple. He has doen that and they've figured out which new "private" is him everytime. They don't want him there. He's not wanted on any board I know he's been to. He's a message board troll in every sense of the word. I recently just watched him destroy a thread where a guy was simply askign for advice on Dell computers. There's just no hope for mgrexx and I also believe he's trying to get banned here as well. Only hoping for some kind of notoriety before he goes. Telling him to grow up will have no effect. I've been pretty damn patient and civil (haven't cussed him out or anything) with him since he started posting here frequently and that's a hell of alot of effort for me. Still, I can only hold back so much but luckily it seems he's gonna get himself banned even before I burst. well thats too bad. i guess its pretty easy to figure out who someone is if they're being a pain in the ass all the time and in the same way. either way, RT is back up so hopefully he'll stay away from these parts.
  5. well then, its simple. he can register a new user name by opening another emaill acct, problem solved. why have a RT head whos going to bitch about how great robotech is on a friggin macross forum? he got banned from RT so i assume hes trying to get banned here too? MGREXX obviously doesn't learn from his mistakes sooooo...... not for nothing MGREXX, but you're either part of the program or part of the problem. grow up and accept the fact that no one cares but you. and to semi-quote A1, here me now, remember me later and take your girlie arse to the gym....or atleast back to the RT forums.
  6. jeez its been a while since the whole RT vs. mac. thing came up, thats how all this got started isn't it. honestly, if MGREXX is such a RT head, he should've just stayed there instead of pushing his RT propganda on someone at MW. just by reading some of the posts in that thread, its seems clear that he was trolling around waiting for someone to argue with him.....and it didn't take kliq to jump in. in the end, who gives a shiet? robotech....macross....as far as i'm concerned its all the same. same characters, same basic plot, same friggin story, who gives a rats ass which one came first or which is better other than some fanboy with some anger management issues.
  7. i say ban everyone on MW!
  8. eh, last nights episode was alright.... i just love how they keep adding more hot chicks in every episode....and i'm not talking about that "butter face" chloe they brought back....man shes busted. why kill the chick(mrs. araz) but take Jack alive? could you BE any stupider!
  9. looks awesome man but i have too many 1/60 1S valks(6) so it'll look funny if i do just the one. if someone makes a recast, i'm totally in.
  10. ha! whoever bought them got robbed! TRU has been sucking balls for a while now. the real problem with keeping a toy store profitable is, kids aren't into toys like they used to be. yeah, of course kids like toys, but since the invention of the console gaming unit, thats where all the money goes. everytime i walk into a toy store, the gaming section seems to get the most traffic. also keep in mind, that the parents buying this stuff will also play the games as well and they'll continue to buy games for themselves and their kids. IMHO, the only way the toy market will take a turn for the better is if someone creates a new stir in the cartoon community and builds a toy line to push the name brand. no pokemon BS, no yugi-o crap, little playing cards are only profitable for so long. i mean like a cool freakin cartoon with fresh vehicles...GI joe-esque type stuff. and it can't be just one cartoon, they need to create a bunch of new cartoons all with a possibility of starting a toy line.
  11. dood, you gotta be kidding me. i'd like to see all of them so i can finally convince myself to collect the bandai valks....i tried, got 2, then sold'em(you're getting one of them) cause i couldn't live with the fact that i'll never complete the collection. to me, its not worth collecting something unless there an actual chance of completing the set. the super-o and e-seeker are not worth the money or atleast i can't justify paying that much for a chunky monkey. plus i'd have to buy them from arafat. the strikes not far off but if i'm going to pay that much, i'd rather get another 1/48. maybe one day.....
  12. ya see, this i just don't get? why buy toys that you're never going to open? i even have dupicates of stuff and i still open all of them. how are you going to enjoy them if they're in the box where you can't touch them?
  13. well i gave the cod piece the scotch treatment to avoid using glue, yeah its tape but you can't see it with the legs on. the hips/legs.....i dunno, mine stays on just fine and i've slapped it on several of my 1/60's. then again, i barely posed(other than standing straight up) or played with any of them so they don't have the loose hip/leg problem even with the legs spread apart. the only gripe i have with it is the flip-flop missile hatches. they don't completely close and it bothers the shiet out of me.
  14. and thank you for joining us here again at "deep thoughts". its a TV show, its fake man, i swear.
  15. blah, blah, blah, she needs to get nekked!
  16. that'll work. i was mainly wondering where that hottie came from?
  17. damn it! i missed the last 2 episodes so i'm totally out of the loop now. luckly i got to catch last nights episode.
  18. actually, i tried it, but no dice.
  19. just don't close the browser once you log in, thats what i do.
  20. i'm actually glad to hear that. i hate how directors chop up there films to get it down to a PG rating cause they feel it'll do better at the box office. who really cares if its PG or PG-13?, any kid thats a SW fan is gonna find a way to see it one way or another.
  21. hmmm....i wonder who got that $75 hikkie?
  22. exactly! toynami box plus, the valk is packaged in battroid mode making it sleeker and cheaper to ship. i don't care for all the gold and embossing...they should've spent that money on the toy itself. yamato box plus, well there is none, they look decent, but the GIANT arse fighter mode packaging is murder on the fans here in the states. thats my only real gripe, well that and those fruit cake rave boxes yamato put out for instead of the classy black ones.
  23. maybe those trekkies should donate that 3 million to the movie instead of the TV show.
  24. one thing on mirror backing.... while it looks great, it blows when you have to take pictures.
  25. even a plain old window pane blocks most UV rays, the whole UV protected glass is a total sham IMO. say you spent a bunch of money on some UV coated glass....now would you be willing to display your toys in direct sunlight? i doubt it and neither would i. it might help but it isn't going to prevent anything.
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