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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. sorry to drag this old thread up from the dead but i actually had a question about AC04 but didn't want to start a new thread. i've checked all the gaming sites and theres no info on how to get that last slot unlocked. i've beaten this game to death in the last few days but i can't seem to unlock the very last fighter(not the one that looks like the YF-19). anyone know what i gotta do? i've beat this on every level(twice on Ace) but that last fighter has been eluding me.
  2. thats even worse than the galaxy defender. its hideous i say!
  3. please do. i picked up the 3rd issue roy a while back and wasn't too happy with it and ended up selling it off for parts.
  4. where have you been howard? everyone up in this piece is looking for a 1A max. not me personally, but a lot of guys on the baords are still looking for one. and you could make some extra money. I thought there was an oversupply of those. Remember someone unloading a couple cases at $90 a pop. Thats cheaper than what I can get over here. I figured no one would pay 14,800 yen for one, much less any comission on top of that. eh, ya never know. seriously, a lot of guys are looking for them and while Neova was nice enough to hook a lot of members at $90, that was a one shot deal and if you missed the boat, you're going to ebay and paying out the butt. you can always post something in the FS section and see if anyone is interested before making any kind of purchase. BTW, if thats a 2nd edition 1S roy they got there, i'm down. if its the 3rd issue, i'll pass, the QC isn't nearly as good.
  5. where have you been howard? everyone up in this piece is looking for a 1A max. not me personally, but a lot of guys on the baords are still looking for one. and you could make some extra money.
  6. i've been saying this since they first released the news. if they take this route, they get to release a new valk with new armor and they'll make a killing on them cause everyone would buy the bundled version with the CF and probably an extra GBP set on top of that. they can bundle it with the 1J but i don't think they'll see the sales they would if it was released with the CF. we all want a CF, none of us really want another 1J do we? atleast i know i don't.
  7. personally, i think its going to be the same price as the strike FP armor, if not less. the FP armor has all sorts of details and gimmicks in comparison to the GBP which so far, looks as though the only gimmicks they made for it was removeable missiles(this should be a given and not considered an extra bonus feature) and the side armor(thats if it actually comes with it?). until i see pics of details/gimmicks that surpass the quality of the strike armor, i can't see it being worth more. i.e. the original MSRP for the 1/60 super VF-1J was more than the original MSRP for the 1/60 VF-1J GBP, therefore, i can't see the 1/48 VF-1J GBP selling for more than the 1/48 Super VF-1J. off topic, please don't jump down my throat about this but.... its never a good idea to discuss prices of up and coming products. it only helps sellers gauge the maximum amount they can charge for the item which IMHO is information they don't need to know. i.e. if something costs $40 but everyone and their mom says they'd pay $80 for it, how much would you charge as a seller?
  8. thanks for all your help guys, much appreciated. i thought i had to be gentle with these(toynami infamous QC) but it seems you have to get buck with them if you want them to TF correctly. so far each of them TF fine(minus the blue) and all of them have enough chest clearance with ths landing gears down(if properly TF'ed). heres my first impressions..... the blue alpha sucks. the shoulder won't go down all the way in battroid and it won't sit flush in fighter mode....hopefully i'll be getting an exchange. the red is good, it TF's nice(after a few transformations), a couple of paint smudges here and there and some minor QC issues but nothing major where its driving me nuts. the green one is the best out of the 3 so far. my biggest gripes..... i don't like how the nose is pointed upward but i think its more of an optical illusion cause of the curvey paint job around the nose. WTF is up with the piss poor head design? not so much the look but it doesn't even fit correctly. all of them have a slight tilt to them because of the crappy mold they used to make the neck piece. other than thhese few things, they're alright..... no, i didn't find them cheap(small discount ) but i did get them all in one shot from one seller. i paid more than what they go for on ebay($60 or less) but then i'd have to worry about 3 people telling the truth and pay for shipping 3 times.
  9. i'm all over this one!
  10. well folks, i bit the bullet and picked up the 3 MPC alphas. i tried to TF the sucker but no such luck. i can't seem to get the wings to pull out "gently" from the body or swing the legs out to batroid mode. am i missing something? or is it cause toynami caked on the paint and thats making it such a bitch? BTW, i should have my head examined for buying all 3 at once. i dunno what i was thinking.
  11. one word....KROKUS! thats the first album i ever stole....on tape! i was 11-12 years old.
  12. oh yeah! but you better come strapped cause dollar bills are frowned upon....its all 10's and 20's up in that piece but the women....oh the women. BTW the hudsonhotel is a tranny bar A1. the women you keep talking about are actually men. j/k
  13. shoot, so much to do, so little time. look for music you can't find. go down to bleeker and look for albums you can't find anywhere else. i tell everyone that comes in from out of town and they always find something they've been searching high and low for. go to the interpid....WTF, its a air craft carrier with planes planes and more planes! the MET's always a good time....and don't listen to those mofo's in the front, you don't have to pay to get in. you can make a donation but its your choice. clubs, are you into clubs? cause NYC got a lot of them. depending on your tastes, you'll find a band you like or a DJ spinning somewhere in town. if you're trying to meet some chicks and actually want to get laid, go down to some dive bars in the LES(lower east side) the women there are a bit more relaxed and willing to use you for sex. for eats, i'd hit my katz deli, its sort of expensive but the sandwiches are monsterous for the price. the reubens are good and forget about the brisket....it falls apart in your mouth, yum! if you're looking for something in particular, pick up a zagats.
  14. Uhm, I am going to go out on a limb here, and postulate that he's not going to sell the 1D head by itself... Oh, and there is no order list here. wait for the official thread in the for sale forum before posting requests and quanitities... yeah yeah yeah, i'm just saying how many i want in case he feels there isn't enough demand to go ahead with the project. i'd rather know how many people would be willing to purchase something before going through all the trouble of getting it done, then finding out theres like 5 people who want them. either way, i'll be on the lookout.
  15. if that ain't the bitch calling the hobag, slurm. you remind me of another member who had the same problem as you, though hes a rather swell guy now. i'm not taking sides, but if you know MGREXX is a whiney annoying little bee-otch, why direct any comment towards him? are you trying to be a troll? are you trying to feed the troll? if not, just stay on topic and ignore the SOB, be an adult and let that panty wearing fruitcake suck himself off. back on topic, the TH is the be all end all of valkyrie armor, i must have it! seriously, if you make one, please, please, please, consider getting it recasted. i can guarantee you'll make money hand over fist.
  16. you can put me down for 4 sets of hands, foesho. oh and one of those 1D heads.
  17. sticker placement? try using the search function. BTW, yamato stickers suck, you might want to try and score some after market stickers from either VE or twinmoons. i'm not sure if they got any 1/60 scale stickers left but its worth a shot.
  18. i'm not sure what kind of magnets toynami used(probably the cheapest crap out) for the MPC's but i can tell you they didn't lined them up correctly. the legs were originally designed to stay up in fighter mode, theres magnets behind the calf and where the back plate meet(notice the little metal plates on the backside of the shoulder lamps).
  19. $200 - if you're super lucky $250 - if you're lucky $300 - if you're not so lucky $350 - you might as well step in a pile of steamy shiet cause you're getting hosed i haven't paid over $200 shipped for one of these suckers and i refuse to go any higher. if you stay lurking the boards here(like all the friggin time) you might see someone offer one up for about $250 or less but its rare....like once every 4 months or so. good luck, you're gonna need it!
  20. the arm armor, well thats a whole other issue....i can't help ya there. recast S head, PM rohby, i have the thread linked in my sig.
  21. you have to cut a bit of the arm armor off...the little plastic part that touches the gunpod grip. i don't know how to describe it but its pretty self-explanitory. just take a thin knife or exacto blade and shave some of it off. if you need a pic, let me know and i'll post it for you tomorrow.
  22. i like all types of music, i prefer listening to good music, if it sucks, i don't listen.
  23. you know i'm down for 5 heads. BTW, why not post exactly what you're planning to buy? the molds on average last for about 50 casts so i figure he(or whoever) needs atleast 50 guaranteed sales for this project to actually happen.
  24. I stated that fighter mode as regular variant is realy tight it's the strike variant fighter mode that's floppy. It locks at the intake points, the problem is at the arm-leg locking points. The pegs on the forearm armor aren't flush tight with the holes in the legs, so when you shake the valk they detach from one another. then don't shake your valk. you might try twisting the calf a little so that the pegs on the arm armor and the holes in the legs line up correctly. i dont' really get buck with my valks so i don't really have this problem.
  25. i usually browse rebelscum for my SW news...
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