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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. the problem is, they don't care cause their target audience is in japan and HK where poeple off the street can just walk in and buy it. they're technically not allowed to sell to the US, so shipping and box size is really the last thing on their mind. yeah it totally blows but thats it goes sometimes.
  2. why is it that this toy gets no love? it came out, people got them, then the excitment quickly weithered away. we still talk about VF's to no end but the konig doesn't seem to have the same mojo or get the same TLC. has anyone done anything in the ways of mods? or new paint schemes?
  3. you da man, thanks! BTW, whats up with that model kit? it looks sa-weet! anyone know who made them? or can read japanese?
  4. back from the dead yet again....heres a new question for you guys, anyone got some nice screen shots of the X-02? or know where i can find some? i tried to google it but all i get is a bunch of sites pushing cheat codes...no screen shots of any of the fighters. the reason why i'm asking is, i want to build a nice detailed one out of lego. BTW, i got S rankings from normal all the way to ace now. killing the ace pilots unlocks each of the paint schemes, the S ranking across the board unlocks the 2 left over X-02 colors.
  5. I am with Mechamaniac. I want a 1/48 version. ditto here. i'm hoping that theres some new AND better mac+ toys on the horizon but i ain't holding my breath. yamato releases weren't up to par with the rest of the VF's, even the 1/60's are better than the 1/72's. its pretty much why i don't own any mac+ valks any more.
  6. 1. missiles are missiles but if you want some ideas, check out the model section since everything there gets painted. 2. try switching them around with some of the other missile clusters as "catch pieces" are not all exactly the same nor the "clip attachment" on the wings. i've noticed some are looser than others even when they're brand new. same goes for the RMS missile clips, some are super loose on one wing and tight on another. you gotta cycle through them until you find the right one that fits snuggly into that particular "hole" in the wing. does this make sense?
  7. same here man. and i got 4 strikes i'd like to make into supers. i was thinking about asking rohby, but i don't see much interest in getting the booster casted....so far its only been me and you.
  8. ditto.
  9. she was in a bunch of flicks....spy kids, son in law(great flick)and yes, the one. if you want to see her naked, check out the movie "jaded". supposedly she gets all sorts of naked in it.
  10. i'll be downtown later on this week so i can pick up the bootleg.
  11. i believe that the HCM 1J. its 1/72 scale i think?
  12. just sell me your FP strike armor, then you'll have valk for the GBP.
  13. you're not going nuts, the 1/60 didn't come with the FP armor thingy on the strike side. i've been looking to get the strike side launcher myself so i can make my strikes into regular FP's.
  14. what hasn't been said already.... i'll take 2 please.
  15. ummm, this is for the armored gerwalk, not the GBP. they are 2 totally seperate armors. when he finishes, he will have the parts casted, then set up a thread in the FS section to take orders. back on topic... looking good my man...though it would look even better if it were on my valk.
  16. no. they only released the TV armor with the VF-1J hikaru and the M&M's(but those are colored). if you want the TV FP armor, you got 2 choices....buy a super VF-1J or try and convince someone to sell their TV armor. otherwise you can get the strike armor and not use the strike cannon(though the color isn't the same).
  17. yup. i don't know what Panzers done other than the rude comment up above but it seems people have a strong disliking for him.
  18. well i think? i found the secret to getting the S rating. basically don't go after the "named" fighter pilot until you get the A rating shown on your HUD first, then go hunt down the named pilot. you get the S ranking once you shoot him down. i tried going after the pilot first, then blowing everything up but you end up getting only a A rating when its all said and done. well thanks for the help you guys, maybe i'll get to pilot that last fighter tonight....not that it'll matter cause i've killed this game already.
  19. you can always get bootleg copies of the DVD's but you ain't getting no bootleg copies of a 1/48 valk.
  20. yes the recast are available(as shown on the 1st page) but i don't think its available in the LV color. you can always ask rohby if can do it but theres no guarantees. click the link in my sig to contact him.
  21. 2 more weeks and they'll probably hit $39.99, like the second one. i should've been keeping tabs at gamestop. i thought they would be total POS but the more and more i play with them, the more and more i like them....though i would've like it even more had i spent $40.
  22. it don't matter which one you pick cause in the end, you'll end up buying both.
  23. so after a 8 hour session of AC04 til 3 in the morning, i almost got all "S" rankings on Ace. just two more levels(whiskey corridor and megalith) and i should have all the planes and all the paint schemes, then i'm off to buy AC05!
  24. i unlocked a lot of the paint jobs but still the X2 eludes me. i've been strictly playing on "ace" level....could that be the reason why i can't open that last fighter? maybe i should play the game through on "hard" instead? heres a stupid question.... how do you get the "S" ranking? cause i literally blew up everything on every single board(even the "named pilot" on each level) and i still got a "A" ranking on some of the levels?
  25. how did i know you'd be the one who would be able to answer my question. so doing this would unlock the very last fighter? the very last slot? its not a fluke or anything like that where the slot was put in there by accident? sorry for the silly questions but i've owned this game for like 2 years, and never played it til this past thursday. since, i've been playing it like a maniac, i had no idea it was going to be this good.
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