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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. your posting style is quite annoying...how about that for an opinion? it reminds me of another used-to-be-super-arguementive-son-of-a-motherless-goat turned not-so-bad-of-a-guy-now. its fine that you don't like the prequels but do you have to complain about it over and over and over again? in every single SW thread that pops up? haven't you gotten it out of your system after all these years? or are you so hung up on GL that you can't help yourself? seriously, its one thing to voice your opinion once, even twice or three times is cool, but over and over again is simply retarded IMHO. thats why people are giving you a hard time. its not cause you're posting your opinions, it cause you can't stop posting them over and over again. like i said, you can complain all you want, but here are the facts.... you're going to cough up the $10 to see his movie, then another $20 when the DVD comes out, and whatever other merchandise is released before, during and after the movie. can you honestly deny this? and prove it? if not, stop your continuous bitching please.
  2. i've never been wrong in my life, just not completely right. BTW, i'm the prime minister of the Questionable Department.
  3. i remember these!
  4. i know better, i only read his first sentence.
  5. Are you saying that Agent ONE should leave Macross World because he so hates Macross 7? Because, apparently, you're arguing that some people have no place in a Star Wars forum because they can't stand TPM or some of the changes Lucas has retroactively made to his prior works. To say that someone can't participate in a Star Wars forum unless he likes each and every tiny aspect of each and every film. . . well. . . are you sure you mean to say that? We do agree, however. I also get annoyed when people pop into threads for fans of a movie/series, only to call them all idiots and rip on that movie/series. But that is not the case here. The explicit purpose of this thread was to gauge how many people think the third prequel will suck as much as the prior two. Obviously, that invites discussion about how much the prior two sucked. H if A1 hates it that much, yeah sure he can leave here but he doesn't post crap like, "my childhoods been raped" and other "nonsensical" statements of the like. he simply points out how gay it is and teases those who say its great. personally, i think he should save himself the headaches and avoid posting in any mac7 thread since he seems to hate it with such a passion but i think he enjoys it too much...giving people a hard time, not mac 7.
  6. i love how SW fanboys that claim to hate Lucas continuely talk about the man til no end. if you don't like what SW has become and you don't like GL, then don't join SW forums to bitch about it. heres a good example.... you know, i hate macross but wait, i'll hang around THE macross site and tell everyone how much i hate it. i'll talk about how macross raped my childhood, robotech is the one and only, and how big west ruined my life.....but wait, i don't like macross and i'm no fanboy.
  7. listen up i got something to say... its better to burn out than fade away.... one of my favorite lines from the highlander also.... "i'm candy"..... "of course you are"..... the emperor from SW was awfully mean, more so than Vader. the mummy was also a pretty cool bad guy as well as gary oldman in the professional. and what about the dude from "killing zoe"? he was pretty badass, fruity too but he was still pretty bad ass.
  8. anyone else want to strangle that bee-otch that gave up the football? jack did say, they were terrorists, that the football has complete access to all the nuclear devices in the US, and that they would be killed if they were found no matter what. yet the bitch gives up the football? i hate stupid amercian bitches. if i were jack, i would've put one between the eyes and called it day.
  9. bla-ble-ooo-ah-hum-ena i'm stepping all over my tongue here. nice work man, so thats the one you've been working on just for me right.
  10. I understand that and it would be really cool if it worked (and looked) the way we want it to. But it doesn't. It only works when you're not touching the thing. And it doesn't look that good, either. In order for the 1/60 to look good, you'd have to pose it a certain way, set it at a certain angle, and by the time you did *doh*... pieces come flying off! (literally) I'm down for whatever (armour add-ons, transformables, etc) IF they work (and they seem to have worked up to the 1/60 GBP... )... And it doesn't have to be a boring "posable" toy... they can do more with it. Maybe have the armour come off to show off certain parts of the valk or whatever... Like I said before, why hide a $130+ good-looking toy under armour? I understand that some of us want to be able to amuse ourselves with the realism of having the toy work just like mecha in the movie with its detatchable stuff, which is fine. But like I said, 95% of the time, it'll be eye candy. But we'll see how this 1/48 armour holds... i totally understand your logic and agree with most of it but you gotta remember, theres nothing logical about the members here. we are valkoholics therefore we must have them all. even if the armor hides the valk and even if it just sits there like eye candy, we must have them! i'm an old fan so i don't really "play" with my toys as if i were a 12 year old, my stuff just sits there on a shelf and looks pretty but i'll be damned if theres a empty slot/hole in my macross collection.
  11. sure theres more plastic but thats not going to drive up the price that much IMO. the 1/60 GBP was like $30 in HK($40 US). if you paid anywhere near $60, then you got hosed my friend. toy-wave is taking pre-orders at $69 and weighs in at 2k(according to ken's guestimate) which i think is awfully heavy and probably completely wrong.
  12. ooo, this is still alive!
  13. i may have an extra set, shoot me a PM.
  14. i doubt it. i think they purposely posted the price tag to guage the interest and to see how people feel about the price and the product. i for one think its 100% overpriced since it lacks any of the coolness of the strike armor. i mean, atleast you can transform a valk with FP's, the GBP is nothing more than a stagnant piece that truly does nothing but stand there to be oggled at. sure its cool as hell but i can't justify paying more for the GBP armor than a set of FP armor.
  15. the toynami alpha is nothing more than a glorified gakken. yeah it has few points of articulation in comparison to the gakken but nothing dramatic where you can get some crazy ass pose out of it. my MPC alpha just stands there like the gakken i used to have....i haven't really seen a alpha toy or model that was that poseable anyway...well maybe the superposeables but they don't really count since they don't TF. the plus for the toynami version is the opening missile hatches(other than the arms) and if it didn't have this feature, this toy wouldn't be worth buying at all IMHO.
  16. now only if yamato would..... great work as usual kurt.
  17. Hey Haterist use this: Converter *adds to favorites* thanks dood!
  18. thank you kindly! re-evaluate? that sounds like a woman talking...
  19. Depends what the currency exchange (yen vs. dollar) is at the time it is released or purchased. okay how about a guestimate?
  20. sorry to ask this stupid question but how much is 8000 yen?
  21. or your standards are lower than ours.
  22. right on! i wouldn't buy the blue alpha unless you're planning to actually go to the store and open it up right there on the spot. the one i got from VE was f-ed up and it ended up costing me additional money to ship it back....this shiet is ultimate pisser.
  23. its fra-gee-lay....must be from italy. i thought the same thing but these suckers get better the more you play with them...or atleast mine did. after the whole VF MPC fiasco, i think toynami made an effort to make these alphas joints super friggin tight.
  24. the rook alpha was on sale about a week ago on the gamestop website for $60....its probably $40 by now. i just picked up the alphas recently from VE as well and for the most part, i was pleased with them. if you don't have any alphas and 5 -1/48's, i say pick up one alpha first, see if you like it, then pick up the others.
  25. ah, i can talk all the BS i want, i have 3 super 1J's and i'll probably end up buying the armor and the bundled set.....how else are you suppose to get the cool box? BTW, i'm the dumbass that bought the regular 1J just to keep the blue box. 1st super 1J, armor goes to LV#1, 1J get sacrificed for the 1D project. 2nd super 1J, armor goes to TV roy, 1J planning to sport fulcys armored gerwalk project. 3rd super 1J, armor stays on 1J or goes to LV#2 depending. 1J gets outfitted with the TH armor if that gets made. 4th 1J GBP, stay as is. GBP armor only, goes to LV#3. well thats my plans so far.
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