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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i totally agree with you. i think GL pulled a lot of crap out of his ass in trying to figure out how to write(though he claims he had already written it) the PT movies. he had to link everything together one way or another, he just chose to do it himself and f-it up for the fans. had he hired an actual writer, i think the PT movies would've probably been a 1000 times better. i still have hopes for ROTS, if he really listening to the fans that is.
  2. Does anyone else find the young Anakin chilling or disturbing, I guess was my question. I agree with the ultimate character arc. I'm not saying his portrayal was faulty at all, just interesting in its execution. when you say young, do you mean TPM anakin? or AOTC anakin? i found in TPM he wasn't disturbing at all. he was just a little slave kid that all of the sudden gets jocked by some jedi's about how strong the force is with him. in AOTC, he showed more of the darkness within him like in the scene where hes bitchin about obi to padame. at first hes all cool calm and collected, next hes a whiney little bitch, then they go to a close up of his face where he has this evil look on his face. i wouldn't say thats disturbing but more of GL trying to show that anakin has an alter-ego without actually saying the words.
  3. lets not forget, the monster goes back to the light side. the SW saga is about the rise and fall of darth vader. how would you write a story of someone who starts out good, turns evil, then goes back to being good? he has to show all sides of anakin/vader in order to convey the story. if anakin just started out evil and stayed evil, the story wouldn't be half as interesting don't you think?
  4. pic removed, it was a spoiler.
  5. ummm, cause it already exists right HERE its sort of misleading cause the tab says "toys" and not customs, maybe they'll fix it and make it toys/customs.
  6. No, you obviously don't get it. Where did I call you gay?!? You read male fitness/body building magazines, right? Whether you use them for arousal or not. . . those are pretty universally understood to be gay porn. Most people who buy those magazines regularly aren't buying them for the workout tips. Sorry, it's true. But I'm sure you just read them for the articles! H touche! thats one for hurin.
  7. so like i was saying, this new movie is going to rock. as much as i find this back and forth funny, take that shiet somewhere else and start your own thread on who puts the "G" in gay.
  8. Ah! Terrible! I've never been a jerk. I just type what normal people are thinking. In a way YOU are like this also. You type what iritating people think. You are like the the oposite of me. You exisist BECAUSE I exist... I am your Father .
  9. anyway... this new movie is going to rock.
  10. word up! take that shiet to PM or something.
  11. how about SATAN himself? hes baddest mofo of them all.
  12. in case you boys haven't figured it out, A1 is purposely breaking your balls. i imagine its for his own personal entertainment as that is his steez.
  13. could you imagine how depressed this person would be if his stuff went up in flames.
  14. i'm still me though i wish i could change my user name already. they only reason i'm haterist is cause i heard some rabbi on TV use it and thought it was mad funny. i'd like to be "do not disturb" like i am everywhere else, or "knutsmcmillin" as thats been my handle for years.
  15. thats why the 1/60's still rock! nice custom.
  16. well you guys got to remember, in each of the movies, a bunch of years go by, for that reason there has to be gaps within the character development. i.e. lando. if it were less spaced out there wouldn't be as much of a issue but thats how it goes sometimes. TPM, well i won't go there cause i didn't like it all that much and thought it was more directed to kids than the adult fan base. i understand what GL was trying to do, and i guess i'd do the same thing since kids are the ultimate comsumers and i'd want to make the most money possible. that being said, TPM sucked the suckies suckers balls. i feel you that AOTC should've been done on a deeper level. i felt as thought GL should've added a lot more of Anakins training and his inner battle with good and evil(like ESB) and a lot less of the cheesed out love story with padame...though it is kind of an important part of the story, it didn't have to be so cheesey. its like pulling teeth watching the horrible acting in those scenes IMO. but in all fairness, i liked the fact he tried something new(drama) with AOTC by making it into more of a mystery story than an all out space battle or something of the like. i think a lot of it had to do with the feedback(mostly negative) from the older fans that bashed TPM for being too much of a kiddie movie with a lack of story. AOTC was full of story(as most mystery movies are) but not the ones fans really wanted to here about.
  17. I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure 1/1 low viz or final vegeta are probably way ahead of him. alright, my post wasn't so people could single someone else out that they think deserves the MLWPME award. i actually have no idea who the most long winded posting member ever is but i guess someone could start a seperate thread and we can have a vote.
  18. Sorry you consider me long-winded, just trying to be communicative, I guess at the expense of being succinct! no need for apologies, just keep your posts short and sweet and it'll make people want to actually read it. thats me having a sense of humor. j/j
  19. i wouldn't say all grown up....i just know better. i've discovered, its far more civil(and a whole lot easier) to disagree with someone using a bit of humor rather than a long winded nitpicking post. its ironic that Hurin has chilled out and Majestic has now taken his place as the most long winded posting member ever!
  20. well this person its not really a bad guy since he turns into a good guy as teh movie progresses but the Grammaton Cleric(christian bale) from Equilibrium. he was truly the badest man with 2 guns i'd ever seen! he was also in American Psycho, though the movie did NO jusitice in comparison to the book. oh and lets no forget Arnold in the Terminator! has he been mentioned?
  21. do not disturb

    TV-1A head

    damn, now i gotta make a TV max just to rock this head.
  22. nice work NB4M. and like an idot i sold off all my chunkys.
  23. IMHO, if you're that into SW, then you deserve to be made fun of. i too am a SW fan but not to the point where i got to continuiously whine about it. i collect SW stuff(just lego) which puts me in the catagory of nerd/dork/almost-semi-fanboy but i've learned to accept it. that being said, i'll bitch about ROTS when i actually see and not pre-bitch beforehand.
  24. i guess there wouldn't be a TV show if there were only smart people in it. you gotta have the morons in there to keep the storying going especially in a show like 24. if it were me in charge, i would've had this nipped in the butt within the first 2 hours because i'm fairly bright.
  25. Yeah, she needs to be tried for treason. They could have just destroyed the damn thing or hid it, but NOOOOOO, let's carry this big red bullseye on our back and mark ourselves for death! most defintely! i say the bitch should get tortured CTU style. they could opened the case and tossed it into water or bash the crap out of it rendering it useless and burn the gamebook....they were campers, i'm sure they had a lighter between the 2 of them.
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