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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. says the man with no friends. Dude, Jemstone is a woman without any friends... Get it right!. Jem, J/K, nothin but love. so she/he says. i don't believe anyone is who they say they are on the internet. has anyone actually met Jemstone in person? is she/he indeed a woman? until then, shes a guy as far as i'm concerned. No offense taken. I mean look at you who has to pretend to be a man. It's gotta be pretty rough so I feel your pain. i don't have to pretend, i am all MAN! i make guys like A1 kneel before me, kneel before zod!
  2. heres a good one for you guys, where this from?
  3. says the man with no friends. Dude, Jemstone is a woman without any friends... Get it right!. Jem, J/K, nothin but love. so she/he says. i don't believe anyone is who they say they are on the internet. has anyone actually met Jemstone in person? is she/he indeed a woman? until then, shes a guy as far as i'm concerned.
  4. i think the reason why vader looks small isn't because of anything other than, you never see vader moving around like a maniac in any of the films. the screenshots i've seen of vader looks like hes in the friggin ballet or something. when someone just stands there, it looks far more menacing than some fruit cake in a outfit doing 360's. in the OT movies, he just stood there and said evil shiet. the LS duel between him and obi in ANH was super short and vader barely had to do anything to take him down. in ESB, vader used the force to kick the shiet out of luke, not so much the LS action. in ROTJ, vader had to do a bit more to take on luke but not much, plus he was suppose to lose and also "act" like he didn't want to kill his son.
  5. and the award for "most pointless post of the day" goes to none other than...... LADIC!
  6. says the man with no friends.
  7. of course i'll be buying this if it comes out. i don't like online RPG either but shoot, its friggin conan, i want to be conan. BTW, i'm sure A1 is creamin in his pants right now.
  8. I'll be 31 ten days later. I found the trick to turning 30 sucessfully was to essentially feel like you were 30 since you were 28. Then it doesn't hit you as hard. H well i feel like i'm 50 now so it shouldn't be too bad. i'm a broken down old man waiting for someone to buy me a walker.
  9. the lego version is better and more swooshable too! i heard that lego will be releasing the obi and mace JSFs with a couple of droid fighters towards the end of the year as a package deal. without those damn LULS(light up light saber) figs. i mean they're cool but i want a regular mace windu minifig.
  10. i'll be turning 30 on june 10th and hopefully i'll be dead by then or right after....getting old sucks.
  11. don't put stickers on them and you won't have this problem. seriously, as many times as this has come up, theres no good explaination why toys yellow/discolor. people say its sunlight/UV rays, some say smoke, some say moisture, some say the molecular structure of the plastic and the different chemicals used to make the plastic....the list goes on and on but no one that i know off has proven or disproved any of them with any scientific certainy therefore, you're screwed one way or another.
  12. eh, last night epi was kind of bleh. i really want to beat the guys ass who's playing president...what a freaking tool.
  13. i'll take the finished one.
  14. well my name ain't up there but i definitely want a set....again depending on the price which i don't think has been discussed. i mean if its got a ridiculous price tag(cost of a new 1/48) i'll have to pass, otherwise put me down.
  15. that and some pics in battroid.
  16. the ewoks were the classic underdogs, small, stupid, insignificate if you will, yet they still managed to beat the bad guys. jar-jar would've been cool if he was a jedi, a badass gungan, pretty much anything but a bumbling fool.
  17. yes, and thats supposed to be a secret.
  18. well thats exactly how this story is told. young anakins portrayal was far from innnocent, he grew up as a slave with a mother who was a slave and worked for that shifty bastid Watto in Mos Eisley which is run by Jabba the crime lord and he enters pod races to win money.....yeah thats innocent alright. thats like me growing up in the streets of new york, turned hooker in las vegas, with the crime rate of S. American while its being run by the gambio crime family. as far as abrupt out of character jump, i dont' kow what movies you've been watching but its far from it. in ROTJ luke calls him out on it when he turns himself in on endor. ""i feel the conflict within you father, thats why you couldn't kill me then, that why you won't take me to your emperor now". "its too late for me my son, you don't know the power of the darkside". in ESB, vader could've easily killed him but couldn't/wouldn't? he could've let the emperor finish him on ROTJ but vader stopped him? showing that vader still had good within him and love for his son, like any other father.
  19. i think you're the only one my friend.
  20. it looks pretty cool, if someone decides to make it, i will buy.
  21. cool man, i know i'm down to get atleast one set for sure(depending on the price). i know Eternal_D has one in the works but he mentioned something about sanding, polishing, screwing, painting, basically stuff i'm no good at. nothing against D but thats a lot of work for a unskilled non-craftsmen like me and godforbid i f-it up in some way, i'll be SOFL.
  22. did you say arc trooper....its not mine a but custom one that one of my buddies made
  23. as far as the debate of clonetroopers being stormtroopers, i'm not 100 % sure but they did a good job of showing the similarites they share as each film progressed(though ROTS is not out, we all know what the new clones look like). heres a pic, yeah its lego but thats all i have.
  24. whats with the i'm sorry, i'm not keeping track of 32 pages of pics just for you....my bad.
  25. so i posted this pic in the wrong SW thread....did someone say crispy?
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