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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. ummm, cause its not like some grounds crew comes along and repaints a fighter if theres battle damage. they patch it, then their off to fix the next one. oh and nice work again kurt.
  2. so is the jury out on when the shadow is being released?
  3. you got quite the imagination there, you might want to seek some help for that.
  4. yeah those are the FX sabers. you can swing away(not like a madman) and they make sounds. as BSU said, the new epi 3 FX sabers are a lot better than the older ones. the only thing that bothers me about them is that the blade doesn't come off.
  5. AVP sucked rhino testie sweat, i can only imagine how much more AVP2 would suck.
  6. LINKY The thread about the transaction gone horribly awry is HERE The thread about the boycott is HERE damn thats cold, they totally blew up his spot over there. i guess he deserves what he gets for the obnoxious responses he sent to that dude.
  7. The sound is supposed to be greatly improved over the earlier generation FX sabers, and the LEDs are brighter too. Check out some of the prop forums for a better review than I can give you. They seem to love the new ones, and those guys are picky as hell. And since you mentioned him, there's apparently a movement in the prop community to boycott Parks Sabers. He apparently kept an original piece he had borrowed for replication for far longer than he had agreed to, then returned it with parts missing and others replaced with his own reproduction components and denied the whole thing. Again, check the RPF for details. well that sounds cool then, i'll check out the FX sabers again since they're a bit more affordable. PS getting boycotted? he did what? thats totally f-ed up! but who knows, maybe the person who lent it to him could be lying too? that guys been making sabers for a long time and i can't see why he would ruin his rep over this. WTH is RPF? rebelscum prop forum?
  8. Actually, from the reviews I've read the latest crop of FX sabers are almost identical to the regular non-functional prop replicas. If you like the ROTS designs, they're highly recommended. really? but does the sound chip still suck balls like the older ones? i got to play with the FX one a while back and the sound effects were kind of *makes fart noise*. its not as a bright as the PS and it takes like 6AA batteries as opposed the PS which only takes 1-9volt. plus you can upgrade the PS to be even brighter with an additional 9V. eh, what do i care, i don't own one and the only one i want is the darth maul saber but its like $450+ and its not even licensed.
  9. i have the old school hasbro one from 1980 something and it still works! i was kind of in the market for one a while back but the MR's don't light up, the FX are totally budget, the parksabers are cool but cost way too much. maybe one day if i'm feeling exceptionally dorky, i'll pick one of them up.
  10. because they didn't think of doing it until after the fact. they released a bunch of regular non FP valks, then released the strike and supers, then realized, shiet! what about the previous releases? they had time to make it so the 1D can have a full set of FP on it but didn't bother to release it with it. the TRU CF(or the other CF) can support the leg and arm armor but no backpack booster. so you're next question would be, will one ever get made? NOPE, never gonna happen. its been a long time since they've released a new valk or anything 1/60 scale. you can do what i did and just buy a bunch of 1S strikes and give them some custom paint jobs. only problem with this is, you can't make the strikes into supers hence why i've been looking to score some strike-side missile launchers with no luck.
  11. try some clear nailpolish for those pesky loose joints.
  12. totally agree. i understand people wanting to collect MISB or MOC stuff but whats the fun if you don't even bother opening one? what a waste! the only MISB collection i have is of SW lego sets but i generally buy 2 of each set so i can open one to build and keep the other one sealed for a rainy day...and even thats kind of ridiculous considering how expensive lego set are. to each his own, but damn open something....anything....please!
  13. hey now, bitchin is MW most favorite past time.
  14. lame, wanker, dork, whatever you want to call him, its still better than your diorama. i wish i had a Flagg and so does just about everyone else on these boards, that shiet looks hot with some valks on them....display shelves are kind of stale.
  15. i almost got convinced to see it on friday but i opted to see kung fu hustle again. i knew the movie was going to be suspect. no way were they going to squeeze this into 2 hours.
  16. supposedly they look better with the stickers but i'm lazy and haven't bothered to put them on. i'm sure some aftermarket stickers are in the works, maybe they'll be out after teh shadow comes out? correction, the after market stickers are out there.
  17. this is what happens when a woman doesn't put out...
  18. ooooooo lookie there! people are shooting automatic weapons, maybe if i stand in front of them, in the dark! they'll see me and stop firing. well its getting down to the nitty gritty, only a couple of episodes left.....who else thinks that Marwan's going to be stopped? the suspense is killing me.
  19. wow, 2 years old and still kicking, yeah smaller boxes i say! and to the person whos trying to get rid of their boxes, i'd be willing to take a couple off your hands.....namely the inserts for any of the Super Valks.
  20. if the auction says MINT, its probably a lie. if you touch the weathering on the LV, it'll leave a finger print or rub off. i have 3 and all but one was actually MINT and thats the one i bought at the store when it first came out. the other 2 i got, sellers claimed it was MINT but of course they weren't.
  21. my folks picked up one of those water filter based systems. and while it rocks(i was forced to see it in action when i went to visit them), i don't think its worth anywhere near the price they paid for it....they got ripped! all i have now is a dustbuster with a stick on it. like blaine23, i also have hardwood floors so i have to sweep and mop....can't really get any cleaner and nothing is left flying around after you mop. oh and i got one of those wet swiffers for the quick clean ups.
  22. except the 1D, VE an VT.
  23. thats a question for the ages. i mean, they(i forget which company) made that battleship yamato with all the bells and whistles, so why not a SDF-1? who knows? maybe its secretly in the works?
  24. well i had one but sold it many moons ago. i'm planning to get one if some other company puts out a new one. the taka's, matchbox, etc, just don't cut the mustard. i doubt it'll come to pass but i have my fingers crossed in the hopes of a new SDF-1 will be made.
  25. damn EXO you are THE bearer of bad news aren't you?....everyone shoot the messenger! i heard through the grapevine that there will be a really cool mac+ accessory which i'm sure will please everyone. and i know Eternal_D's 1D will be there. so what else is going to be showcased? i know you dont' want to give away too much info, but i'm all the way here on the east coast so theres no real way for me to see/buy any of the cool stuff you guys are bring out until after its over....when everything is sold.
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