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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. hehe, i just noticed you've been a member here since sept '03....where the heck have you been? as far as tracking down a brownie in boston, that might be tough, why not just go to ebay and pick it up for $40?
  2. i assume you're speaking of the re-release version by bandai.... if you paid $100 for the non-strike version, you got hosed. they usually go for about $40. if you got the Super 1S(thats the one with all the armor) you sort of got robbed but not nearly as bad, they usually go for around $65 or so. again, this info is only for the re-release 1/55's from bandai. theres much more variety if you find the originals.
  3. conehead guys name is ki-adi-mundi. BTW i only know this because....well i have no real excuse.
  4. i have no doubt the FPs will be released again. they already own the molds, they know theres a demand, so it would only be logical to release them again so they can make more money. i wouldn't be a bit surprised if they annonuced another production run right after/during the CF release. it isn't a new product so we're not going to hear about it until they contact their vendors and give them the good word. BTW, this is all speculation and opinion, i don't even need another FP kit.....yet.
  5. i didn't read anything GL had to say but its my understanding that vader brought balance to the force when he killed the emperor. in epi 2, both yoda and windu both said, "we must tell the senate we have lost our ability to use the force". the sith(or sidous) became too strong and so strong that his powers began to cloud the judgement of the jedi, hence the force was not balanced. after getting anakin(who is the most powerful of all the jedi) to join the sith, the force became truly unbalanced. then when vader "turned" back to anakin after tossing the emperor in rotj, then and only then was the force brought back into balance. thats just my 2 cents.
  6. well thats $10 more bucks in GLs pockets cause my friends broke me down and made me go watch it in the theatre last night. i must say, it was actually better the 2nd time around. i still don't think it was as good as ESB but thats the ol'timer in me talking.
  7. i think you need some help man.
  8. is that right? mace gets eaten by a space shark? who honestly cares what movie was number one?
  9. Shame on you! Go and watch it in the theater, at least the picture quality will be much much better. so you say. while bootleg quality isn't the best, you care for about 5 minutes, then you get sucked into the movie and forget about it....atleast thats the way it is with me. i got it out of my system for now but i'll probably breakdown and go watch it in the threatre to get the full movie experience.
  10. well i don't read any SW books, i just watch the movies and movies only. if i got one of those SW novels, it would mean the beginning of the end for me. once you go to the dorkside, theres no coming back.
  11. you forgot the most popular post.... COOL.
  12. he'll be back in the next next episode of 24 to take vengence for his mothers death!
  13. i justed watched the bootleg at my friends house last night.....IT ROCKED! one thing that sort of bothered me... i can't believe dooku went out like a punk? obiwan wasn't good enough to take on dooku by himself, yet anakin was? yet anakin wasn't good enough to take obiwan....thats too much madness.
  14. thats as far as i got in reading this thread and w/o having to read the rest, i totally agree.
  15. i highly doubt the 20 valks you're trying to get is going to put a dent in the yamato stock, all these folks are just crazy. I think he's saying that, if he can't get as many as he wants, he'll be okay with it. I don't think he was offering his valks up to try to sate demand. H i know that, i just think its mad funny that people are actually giving him a hard time about it as if he was single-handedly going to buy all of yamato stock. i know how godzilla operates, whether it be all at once, or over a long period of time, he'll get the quantity is aiming for. my man got deep pockets and the worst case of valkoholism known to man.
  16. i highly doubt the 20 valks you're trying to get is going to put a dent in the yamato stock, all these folks are just crazy.
  17. the chest is too big, the feet are too small, blah, blah, blah...... it sure as hell beats the 1/48 GBP armor we didn't have huh?
  18. MPC x 6 even at $80 would only be $480 1/48 x 2 at $150 each(and thats a stretch) would only be $300 so why would anyone pay $1000? if he gets $1000 for it, i'll eat my valk.
  19. even if yamato only made 10000 pcs, you think 10000 people are going out to the stores the day they're released and buy them all? just look how long it took toynami, whos friggin here in america, under a more popular name(robotech)to move 15000 valks and those are actually "limited editions" that are numbered and come with a COA. wake up people, theres going to be plenty to go around.
  20. you might be right but like you said, theres been a shortage of 1/48's lately so why would yamato screw themselves out of money and not make enough of them to go around? the 1st valk i got was the LV and i paid $135 and walked out the store with it. the most i've paid for a non FP 1/48 was two LV's both cost $200 shipped or less. outside of those 2, i got a fairly good deal on the other 11. army building? while it would be megacool, thats some expensive ass army building. you gotta be a crackhead(or godzilla and kensei ) to pull that off. i make a good living but no way would i be able to justify building an army of CF's....atleast not 1/48's, banprestos maybe.
  21. LOL! MGREXX, you sure you saw it? are you sure? like really sure?
  22. Oh, yeah, there are plenty of LV's floating around...IF YOU WANT TO PAY A GRIP TO GET ONE... I don't think these will be anything like the LV release, but the LV is a bad example to use in your argument. really? casue it actually took a full year and a half before the LV's started getting rare....not collectable rare but just seeing one in a store. just ask soze how long it took him to move his stock of LV's? i think he sat on them for a good year or so before people finally took them off his hands. also, no one that bought LV's from him paid $300+, his asking price was $155 plus shipping before the LV craze hit.
  23. its gone. try the homepage, graham might have copied into there?
  24. word up! whats the deal with this? i know i'm in for atleast 5 heads.
  25. damn you guys are all nuts. i ain't pre-ordering jack shiet(unless its ap). just like the LV's they'll be plenty of these floating around. plus if it sells as poorly as the hikaru 1S did when it first came out, i'll be picking these up for $110 each. if i'm really lucky, they'll do as bad as the hikaru and max 1A's and i'll be able to pick them up for $90. be patient my young ones, theres more than enough to go around and i think the wording is "latest release" and not "last release". why would any company advertise, "this is the last one, the very last release"? i can't think of a single company thats ever done that in history, toy or otherwise.
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