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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. as they say in the military, "you can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs". back on topic people, or atleast have the courtesy to take you're numbnut flirtatious arguements to PM.
  2. i think hes talking about the saber they showed him rocking promoting ROTS. also, vader had 4 LS's in all. AOTC, ROTS/ANH(since its is actually the same saber) ESB and ROTJ(though i couldn't tell the diffference in entire film, MR did produce 2 of them). either way, what differnce does it really make other than from a collectors POV? a light saber is a light saber IMO. the only ones that are truly different is dooku's and maul's.
  3. good thing i got on the 1/48 train early, i haven't really overpaid for a valk so i have no regrets.
  4. damn dood, you paid $202 for a 1J! i think its time for me to start selling on ebay. welcome to the boards!
  5. well i agree with alot of th statements and i've brought this up before and it got shot down by a number of people. if you/i or anyone else sees, "make me an offer", "or best offer", just avoid the thread altogether. once the seller realizes that no one wants to play that game, he'll either post his asking price, leave, or take it to ebay. i view these type of FS threads the same way i view ebay's reserve auctions.....i don't play that game, i'll wait for the next one.
  6. Yes, he is manipulating both of them. I think the idea was that Luke had to kill Vader in anger to fully embrace the Dark Side. Palpatine envisioned Luke embracing the power of the Dark Side and using it to kill Vader. I think Vader was hoping that Luke would embrace the power of the Dark Side and turn on Palpatine in anger, and the two of them (Vader and Luke) could then kill the Emperor. Palpatine was expecting that day to end with only Luke or Vader at his side. I think he probably preferred Luke. But this new idea that he preferred Luke because Vader was so darn crippled in that suit is just plain revionist in my view. exactly! i just watched ESB last night, vader says something along the lines of, "you can defeat the emperor, he has forseen it, then you and i can rule the galaxy as father and son". if aything vader wanted to rule the galaxy with luke more so than with palps. the emperor was working all the angles as usual. for him, everything he does has to be a win win situation....thats how the man operates. vader beats luke, he doesn't have to worry about luke destroying him.... luke beats vader and the only way of doing so is by using the darkside hence luke would've been the emperors right hand man by turning to the darkside. i don't think he favored either but sith lords tend to like'em young just like michael jackson.
  7. vader a cripple? you're all nuts! vaders as bad as they come, plain and simple! sure homeboy got the shaft and had to get some body parts(a great movie) replaced with cyborg-esque technology. if anything, it made him even more of a badass since his droid like hands and legs were a lot stronger than flesh and bone. in ESB they show him jumping around a bit but i don't think GL had it in his mind that jedi were that quick until after the EU and video games started to protray the jedi in that manner. look at yoda when they 1st showed him in ESB, did anyone actually think yoda was going to be the man like in AOTC? did anyone think yoda is going to be bouncing around like a maniac, kicking ass and taking names? no one did, thats why in the LS duel scene in AOTC, everyone in the whole friggin theatre was like WHHHHATTTTTT!!!!!! as far as the emperor trying to replace vader with luke.... of course he was, just like he replaced darth maul with dooku(though DM died and wasn't replaced) and dooku for anakin, and vader for luke. thats what the emperor does, he lies and manipulates so he can have the most powerful of jedis by his side and keep the sith strong and in control. for those who haven't figured it out, GL likes to make up shiet as he goes along. once you accept this fact, and the fact that its a 100% fictional make believe story, all the SW BS will be easier to swallow.
  8. don't make me put you into the camel clutch!
  9. i'd like something like, "its a trick, get an axe" or maybe, "paranoid delusionalist" being a sharon apple attendee isn't all thats its cracked up to be.
  10. that shiet it totally rockin! i love it man....so whos recasting this?
  11. "the things i would eat out of that girls ass"....
  12. Lucas says that its THE Millennium Falcon. so that proves that maybe? maybe not? again, until i hear/see/read the words from GL himself, i ain't buying it. Its on SW.com, you can read it for yourself. of course it would be there, why wouldn't it be? the whole site is devoted to SW fanboys...actually not even fanboys but cult followers that jerk off to GL....yeah i care what they think.
  13. that pretty much sums up on the ranking of the SW films for me. ESB ANH ROTS ROTJ AOTC EOFTEBM - Every Other Film Thats Ever Been Made then TPM
  14. Lucas says that its THE Millennium Falcon. so that proves that maybe? maybe not? again, until i hear/see/read the words from GL himself, i ain't buying it.
  15. no reason to be a smart ass about it. i looked at the screenshot you post Hurin, but again, its so small(the pic and even on the big screen), i think jaded SW fans are seeing what they want to see. until i here the words from GL himself saying he included a shot of the MF in epi3, i ain't buying it.
  16. good answer, good answer!
  17. i saw it twice, once at a friends house and then at the theatre, and there is no MF in the flick. i think the jaded SW fans just see what they want to see cause i watched the space battle in slow-mo at my buddies house....sorry homies but i didn't see a MF anywhere.
  18. i hadn't collected any toys for years until i walked into a TRU when i was like 21 or so and bought a couple of lego sets(castle and ninja). some years past before i found myself walking the aisle(or isles?) of KBtoys(sometime after piesode 2 came out) looking for some video games when i saw this box of Star Wars lego(gungan sub). i said f-it and bought it. not even a week later, i found myself searching for more SW lego sets, in stores, on ebay, anywhere i could get more. well it didn't take long before someone posted some pics of a valkyrie they built out of lego on the lego website i frequent and i was all, "hey why didn't i think of that?, i love robotec"h(yeah you all watched it too so don't hate) and decided to make my own. after my feeble attempt in making one, i gave up on it and decided to go to ebay in search of a bandai hikaru 1J, just like te one i had when i was a kid. thats when i noticed all the auctions for MPC's and found my way to RT.com. i asked around to see who made the best valkyrie(veritech before i realized). but unfortunately, you're not allowed to speak of other companies on RT so they closed my thread before i could get any real info. luckly one dude contacted me and told me about MW and i've been here ever since. in my time here, my valkoholism got bad, real bad. originally, i just wanted one valkyrie just for the memories and bought a 1/60 super 1J, and i thought i could stop there but NNNOOOOoooooo. now i have over 40 valks or something ridiculous like that.
  19. alright dudes, how many times can i say I'M WRONG. i better go edit my post.
  20. I've never seen a Bandai Max or Millia come with super armor, only the VF-1s. Is that correct? you're absolutely right, oh my bad, i was thinking of the yammies. correction: there are no bandai max and millia super 1J.
  21. kit fisto is his name! the only thing is, hes actually supposed to be quite the bad ass yet he went out like a total punk....i think he blocked sidious twice before he got slashed.
  22. Speaking of Noeva... Where is Noeva these days? i dunno? i shot him a PM to holla, but got nadda. i imagine hes just busy with real life stuff....he has posted ont eh site in months.
  23. $35! WTF! i check there like once a day and i've never seen them for $35.
  24. hey its my first one and truthfully I don't have a clue what the dif is between a yammato a bandai and a takatoku you should familiarize yourself with this info HERE if you want to know the differences between all the different valks out there.
  25. i love this show when i get to watch it. its another good show that is unfortunately on wedensday night when i'm rarely home. i'll proably netflix it once they release it on DVD so i can watch all the ones i've missed. the season finale was pretty good and i can't wait til the next season! the raft scene at the end was killer. i knew they weren't going to get rescued but when they fired that flare and the boat rolled up(instead of some impending doom) and shined the lights on them, i thought they were going to get rescued but not be able to find the island again. but alas no, it was just the SHAFT that came to get them....i love it when people get the shaft.
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