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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i don't, i blame the both of you....reading comprehension buddy, 1-800-ABC-DEFG, get hooked on it! that by definition is the meaning of being a troll. i dunno? maybe the dude that don't know how to have a nice cold glass of STFU? browning points? from the community? yeah thats what i'm after, thats how i plan to take over the world! thats why you see me on the site all the time...don't know if you noticed but i don't really come here anymore because i could give a ratass about 99% of its members....and BTW, you're in the 99% group. if you're gonna be condescending, just do it, no reason to hide behind one of these. i thought you changed for a while there but your back, 100 times strong and about 1000 times gayer. and as far as my newly acquired zen, i found it as soon as i stopped reading your posts. but now i'm on the verge of losing it because i was actually stupid enough to read this one. you happy now? actually its just Bsu who's done, you're still talking smack at your butthole, as usual. you can but i doubt he gives a rat ass what you got to say....like the teacher from Peanuts whahwhwhahahhwwhhhahahahah. but if he does ban me, oh well.....i think i'll live. yeah i know i could've PM'ed you but it wouldn't have half as fun as this. in closing.... SUCK IT! i haven't lost my temper here in a long time, all i was trying to do is chill you guys out, then you have to come at me with your cocksucker attitude leaving me no choice but to be a dick to you. it also doesn't help that i quit smoking so my patience(especially for you) is nil. G
  2. I'll disagree! I can think of several weapons I'd rather have the shotgun over. Butterfly knife, nunchucks, a bow and arrow, slingshot, pretty much any kind of staff, taser, etc... wise ass.
  3. No way, man. No Raptor is getting within 50 feet of me, much less within lightsaber range. yeah but see, its not that i'd just have a lightsaber, i'd also have my jedi powers. if a t-rex could walk the earth again, then i'll be flying in my valkyrie, jump out of the cockpit in mid flight, ignite my lightsaber, and cut the t-rex in half! same thing would happen if it was a pack of raptors, but this time, i'd use my force powers to pick one of them up, then swing him around smacking the crap out of the rest of the pack, then i tossed him into the air, jump up 20 feet and cut that mofo in half too!.
  4. fair enough, but knowing this, why start shiet with him? why not assume he wasn't mocking you and just answer the question(w/o arguing) and move along? and honestly, don't just blame him, its the both of you guys that i see arguing endlessly in every single SW thread thats popped up recently. back and forth, back and forth, the least you could do is keep it one SW thread so the rest of us can enjoy the others. seriously dudes, chill out, get back on topic, or just bitch through PM's. this has been going on for weeks now, aren't either one of you guys tired yet?
  5. sorry hurin, but that sentence right there shows you took his post and blew it out of proportion by making the assumption that he was posting in his"usual mocking tone". seriously Hurin, you started it, so chill out.
  6. when i was referring to GL, i was referring to movies(not TV shows) he wrote and directed himself which i thought consisted of the SW saga and indiana jones movies....that were good any way. sorry i even brought it up, you guys really need to calm down.
  7. has it occured to you that SW and indiana jones is like the only thing hes put out. unless he did some B fims i missed, i love B movies. 3 Star Wars Films (w/out Ford) Howard the Duck Willow Young Indianda Jones Chronicles Tucker: The Man and His Dream RadioLand Murders Labyrinth The Land Before Time And that's only a partial list. . . well i had no idea GL was sucking it that bad.... Howard the Duck - this movie sucked ass, completely retarded in every way. Willow - you are great! NOT! another suckfest! Young Indianda Jones Chronicles - LAME! Tucker: The Man and His Dream - enjoyed it but it wasn't great and dragged along. RadioLand Murders - never heard of it but it probably sucked Labyrinth - sorry but i didn't like this flick either The Land Before Time - the dinosaur cartoon movie? missed it.
  8. If that's your POV, why bother to feed him the attention he wants? Let's just wait and see what happens with regards to the MPC line. i dunno? maybe because ignoring him isn't as fun.
  9. When I travel, I carry pix of my collection too the 2 of yous need some serious help. Everybody is telling me I need some help! I wonder why? If you can, come and visit Argentina. You'll have a lot of fun You won't find much Macross though actually my friend Diego still has his collection of robotech trading cards from when he was a kid. he said i could have them if i came down there which would be super friggin cool considering i didn't even know robotech made trading cards. he also said i'd get plenty of action from the women down there just because i'm from New York.
  10. while i'm sure the majority us understand your POV, we only give him a hard time because he lies all the time and he's been caught in those lies yet continues to make stuff up as if we had a reason to believe him. ihes not so much a troll as opposed to just an outright liar. simply put, hes the boy who cried wolf(robotech) so to speak and thats why he gets no love.
  11. has it occured to you that SW and indiana jones is like the only thing hes put out. unless he did some B fims i missed, i love B movies.
  12. When I travel, I carry pix of my collection too the 2 of yous need some serious help.
  13. Tell me....was this before or after you attended that preview screening of Revenge of the Sith? it was before the preview screening of ROTS, but right after he sucked off george lucas in the mens room.
  14. all i need is my trusty lightsaber, that combined with my jedi skills, the t-rex wouldn't even be a match.
  15. You are right, it's not been skated enough It's new but there are a few scratches Skating is more a hobby to me. I'm into surfing. Have been surfing every day for fifteen years!! Got back from Hawaii a week ago. Been there with my girlfriend since last December for the big winter season Carrying my surfboards, baggage, a boxed VB-6 König, a boxed 1/48 Roy, a loose 1/35 Legioss and the Gold Book was really a nightmare!!!!! Took the boxed 1/48 and König with me into the cockpit i've been skating for almost 20 years but i've never surfed before. i always wanted to but the surf locations in NYC are few and far. it makes sense to go to hawaii, its like winter time down in argentina right now or just getting there. i have a few friends from there and a few of the guys here are trying to plan a snowboarding trip this summer. hopefully it'll happen, or i'll just wait til its winter and so i can enjoy the summer there. in case anyones wondering, our winters are their summers and vise versa. if some dude pulled a knife on me for my board, i don't think i would've let that mofo live. i don't know whats up with trying to rob someone for their skateboard? don't they realize its actually a dangerous weapon? i've given out my fair share of beat downs with mine, a good swing into the shins will take down any man, then catch them upside the head with that juicy metal truck and its a wrap! :lol i don't like fighting especially since i'm a peaceful person and all i'm ever trying to do is skate and be left alone, i don't bother anyone. but if you mess with that, i show no mercy. i'm not even trying to be a tough guy but messing with my skateboard is like messes with a man french fries....its just a no-no.
  16. doods! its going to be a 1/1 scale beta, and it going to retail for $1! i swear, i talked to the president of toynami last night over drinks and dinner, for real guys, please believe me.
  17. i see a skateboard there but it doesn't look like its been skated. you skate? cause i skate! nice clean collection though, my shelves are looking bad as of late, it just too crowded.
  18. sorry if this is the wrong section... a buddy of mine just posted this link to build a paper snowspeeder, enjoy! T47 SS
  19. everyone keeps saying cyclones and beta's(me too) but what about the SDF-1? that could be it.... ot that it would matter since the whole thing would be held together by magnets.
  20. word! if anyone goes to Kevin's to pick theres up, we'd all appreciate some pics!
  21. well you could always get a 12 gauge slug, then its a wrap but i still don't think a shotgun would take down a t-rex. my last weapon of choice if i had to battle a t-rex would be a shotgun, anyone care to disagree? i'd want a howitzer, rocket launcher or something that needs tripod mount....bullets ain't doing jack, you gotta hit that sucker with some shells or a rocket if you want to live!
  22. why make a rehash? if GL really wants to cash in, he's better off making epi 7,8, and 9. he alreay butchered the OT with the SE edition. actors if it were to happen.... han solo - bruce campbell, king of the one liners. luke - mark hamill again....hes type casted anyway so he'd fit the bill prefectly princess leia - the hot chick from the first page...YUM! chewie - who gives a rat ass, anyone can say UUUUUGHHH! obiwan - gary oldman, why not? 3po - again, it don't matter R2 - bettle juice lando - martin short just cause he so the opposite of billy dee.
  23. if its the ONLY FP set you got, dont' trade it. they might be reissued but they might not. if you got more than one FP kit and no jetfire, definitely take the jetfire. and don't feel stupid, its not like each of us knows everything, thats why were here, to help each other out.
  24. i don't remember young anakin having a LS at all in TPM? am i crazy?
  25. i'm hoping beta or cyclones cause everything else sucks.
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