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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. hey cap'n i got my conversion kit yesterday(talk about fast shipping!) but i was wondering if there was way to make a set of instructions? most of the pieces needed to be cleaned but i was sure exactly how much resin i needed to sand off of each piece? basically i need to know what each piece should look like when its ready. i.e. the chest plate, theres those little tabs that lock the chest plate down in battroid mode, how much am i supposed to shave off? i also need to know where each piece is supposed to go? actually every piece is simple but i just one and i have no idea where its supposed to go? i know this is simple for some of you guys but this is my first time working with resin pieces outside of rohbys hands and head so any tip or info would be appreciated. thanks in advance!
  2. heres some other funny ones... http://www.hoffgallery.com/albums/userpics...fHammerTime.gif http://www.hoffgallery.com/albums/userpics...1/Hlogoff_1.jpg http://www.hoffgallery.com/displayimage.php?album=15&pos=0 http://www.hoffgallery.com/albums/userpics...arishnahoff.jpg http://www.hoffgallery.com/albums/userpics...yhasslehoff.jpg
  3. i didn't even think of going to the all knowing google but thanks for finding it. :lol
  4. you see all those LOL emoticons, thats why! as disgusting/disturbing as it is, its one of the funniest gifs i've seen....i must have it!
  5. so i've been looking for that david hasslehoff gif but its nowhere to be found on this site(i think the thread it was in was deleted). its the one with him in bikini underwear with his face on his crotch that keeps on going and going. if anyones got it saved or got a link to it, i'd appreciate it.
  6. thanks for your quick reply, for the sound of it, it doesn't seem to difficult to put this sucker together. i'm a pretty smart guy i'm sure i'll figure it out. as far as the screws, my main concern was actually the screws for the head lasers....them tiny little screws are kind of hard to come by.
  7. my apologies if this has already been answered(10 pages is alot to read) but are screws going to be included with the kit? or will we be able to use the existing screws from the valk? is it just a simple, take your valk apart and swap this part for that part, then screw everything back together? i'm sure you made some instructions for it but i just want to know if i need to track down anything(outside of paint) to get this project underway.
  8. just to be fair, i think you should go in order in which people paid. mind you, i'm only saying this cause i was like the 2nd guy to pay.
  9. all info sent got my wallet ready waiting on payment instructions. added: payment sent!
  10. not to rush you cap'n, but when do you want my money?
  11. sorry if this has been asked but whats the deal with the 1D visor/eye piece? are we going to paint it green? or are you going to make a acrylic green visor for it like rohby did for the 1S heads? BTW, awesome work cap'n and speedy at that!
  12. i was just wondering if there was enough demand to warrant a recast of the 1J head? i know i'd be down for 4 of them, how about you guys?
  13. quick question.... if you prepigment the parts in tan and orange, wouldn't it be a total pain in the arse to find the matching paint? i only ask cause i think most everyone is going to use a 1J for this project and we all know matching paint colors is not the easiest thing to do. damn, i can't believe i'm posting twice in a day.
  14. please put me down for 2 (non-pigmented)sets......i can't believe i posted here.
  15. i'm back! after reading about the "ignore" feature added to this board(thank the lord almighty!), i no longer have to deal with or read what some wordy a-hole member posts....that goes for me too. not that i'm really planning to post much(MW = pissing contest), but atleast i know i can post somewhat in peace without having to deal with the trolling/jabbing responses on this message board. whoever added this feature to the boards, i love you man! *goes back to lurk a bit longer*
  16. I'm sorry that you feel that way. We had been getting along fine. A few days ago, despite our being told to be careful around each other, you posted a few times that you thought I was ruining a thread and being annoying. At first, I tried to be cordial about it. But, when you persisted, I (as politely as possible) pointed out that you too could be considered to be acting in an annoying manner. At that point, you became very angry. I'm sorry that I angered you. In this thread, I was merely trying to disassociate myself from some posts that you made where you were, once again, very angry. I tried to do so without enraging you. Yet, I seem to have made you very angry. I apologize for making you very angry again. You have now changed several posts in that referenced thread to "HURIN IS A FAG." Now, I could be very angry in turn because I don't believe my sexual preference is something that should be discussed here. But instead, I am apologizing because I don't want you to be angry. I'm sorry that you consider me a troll. But I don't think that angering you is the sole criteria for being one. However, I wish I had not angered you. And I apologize for doing so. Best Regards, H if you really don't want to anger me, then don't post anything in regards to me or mention me or link me in any of your examples.....this is why you bother the fock out of me and everyone else. it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, you have to be right AND a dick to someone at the same time.....thats called being an professional a-hole. try to see it from my POV or our POV, its one thing to argue your point, but you always have to have the last jab at the end of every one of your posts. you can't just say, "hey i'm right because of XYZ reason", instead you post, "i'm right because of XYZ reason and you're a *insert insulting comment here". fine, you can say the other person started with the name calling, but are you any better when you say it back? and must you do it everytime you respond to someone? while your arm was broke, MW was at its most peaceful. i'm talking no arguing, no flaming, no back and forth nonsense, everyone was chill....i think MGREXX was the only person who was causing problems in the whole time you were gone. you came back and you did it quietly, which a lot of us appreciated. and honestly, i discussed it with other folks and they all felt the same way, "hurin is being cool". not that it matters what other think but damn dude, i even started liking you. then for whatever reason, you became a trolling arguementive a-hole once again. and this wasn't just last week, but you were slowly going back to the person you once were....why? you were actually being cool? people started wanting to hear what you had to say and stopped dismissing every one of your posts. whatevs dude, you won, i'm leaving, you can't ask for more than that. all i ask in return is for you to just stay here on MW and don't follow me to some other sites so you can argue with me there, please.
  17. actually you posted that solely for the purpose of getting a rise out of me, proving your trolling ways to me and everyone once again. whatever you say to me or however you want to explain yourself, you will forever be a troll in my eyes as well as a lot of other members. >EXO<, i don't care about MW anymore and i no longer enjoy coming here so who gives a rat ass? besides, there other sites out there that Hurin isn't a member of nor will be allowed to join so i don't really care if i'm never allowed to come here again. but i'll see you around.
  18. don't lump me together with that idiot, not even jokingly. HURIN, your post is exactly why i think you're a FAG! i think i'm going to go back and change every single post i've ever made on MW into, "Hurin is a FAG". then you can provide all the links you want to. what a fockin loser. you say you ain't a troll yet you're doing what a troll does.
  19. OT, PT, they are all part of the one Saga. The Saga rules them all. you see, your statement would make sense if not for 2 of the following reasons... 1. they made episodes 4, 5 and 6 first! 2. the PT and OT don't really blend together all that well. if the 2 above weren't true, i would be all for your statement, but unfortunately until you disprove the facts above, i cannot see things your way. BTW, i view episodes 1, 2, and 3 as one trilogy and episdoes 4, 5, and 6 as a completely different trilogy. i do not view them nor consider them a saga as there is too much BS involved in linking them all.
  20. well i haven't stickered up any of mine and they look like crap. the pics i've seen with stickers applied make the alphas look like 1000 times better.
  21. and as far as how jedi's were supposed to act or be in the OT.... they never went into that in great detail in any of the OT flicks, so its hard and unfair to make arguements against the OT buy using NT facts(if you want to call them facts even thought were discussing fiction).
  22. not really a fair example....why? because none of us knew then, that the ligthsaber could block a force lighting attack. we were only privy to this info in AOTC when obiwan absorbed dooku's. that was the first time it was seen on screen. as far as his statement, i think it was more of luke manipulating Vader to attack the emperor. the statement also lets Vader know that luke truly loves his father and will not kill him under any circumstance, that he would not fall into the same peril as his father. if anything, i'd say thats honorable, before i called it arrogance.
  23. well if he wasn't all those things, what should have he been? stern, wise, calm, smart, what? are you saying the OT movies would've been better if he just started off as a jedi master? cause that would've ruined the entire story plus there would be no ANH, or ESB. he acts(yes hes acting) like a little bitch because thats how the character was written. he doesn't know the ways of the force, he doesn't know anything about his father, he don't know much of anything other than life as a moister farmer and shooting womprats in his T-16. as time goes on, he "acts" like less of a bitch and more like a jedi but in certain scenes(like the final duel w/vader in both ESB and ROTJ) he had to be all "Lukeish" as its a part of his character development which is key when making any movie.....and especially ones with sequels. i agree that whiney luke is annoying but he supposed to be, if he wasn't whiney, he wouldn't be luke. I'm not saying what he should have been. I'm pointing out that he was arrogant and whiny from beginning to end because some people were saying he wasn't thaaat whiny. I just decided to do a quick dirty summary of what makes him annoying. At least Anakin had an excuse in AOTC. He was an angsty teenager with raging hormones, wanting to jump Padmé's pants and rattle her bones. Luke's what 20-something? The teenager excuse doesn't work on him. Luke's too sure of himself while he doesn't have the skill to back up his words. Even the emperor got dissapointed with him. I would have been disgusted too. "So be it. Jedi." so you're whining about luke being too whiney? is that like irony or something. j/k well let me ask you this then.... say luke isn't a teenager but an adult, now if you're stuck on a hot ass desert planet with your aunt and uncle and NEVER GOT LAID, would you be whiney? i'd be whiney as shiet! damn its hot, damn this sucks, why aren't their any chicks on this planet, why does Biggs have to play so rough, this sucks, everythig sucks, everyone sucks! as far as not backing up his words, ANH, he was all yapping about, "i use to bullseye womprats in his T-16 back home" to the other rebel pilots, sure enough, he blew up the death star. ESB, he was meant to lose, that how the story was written plus the name of the movie was "The Empire Strikes Back" had he kicked vaders butt, it would've been called, The Rebels Strike Again! ROTJ, he totally warned jabba, even at the very end, jabba laugh, jabba got the shaft....though it was from Leia since she ultimately killed him. he smack around vader, who wasn't only considered the baddest mofo alive, but he was his father too! whens the last time you smacked around your father? he took him out like a chump.
  24. thats the best story yet!
  25. well if he wasn't all those things, what should have he been? stern, wise, calm, smart, what? are you saying the OT movies would've been better if he just started off as a jedi master? cause that would've ruined the entire story plus there would be no ANH, or ESB. he acts(yes hes acting) like a little bitch because thats how the character was written. he doesn't know the ways of the force, he doesn't know anything about his father, he don't know much of anything other than life as a moister farmer and shooting womprats in his T-16. as time goes on, he "acts" like less of a bitch and more like a jedi but in certain scenes(like the final duel w/vader in both ESB and ROTJ) he had to be all "Lukeish" as its a part of his character development which is key when making any movie.....and especially ones with sequels. i agree that whiney luke is annoying but he supposed to be, if he wasn't whiney, he wouldn't be luke.
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