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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. What\'s the BP-10?? 390009[/snapback] its the little fin thats sticks out the top in fighter mode. you can find a scanned copy of it on the first page of this thread. i actually have this part for him in brown but i would need to replace it with a white one. i also need the BP9 in white(anyone who built a 1D should have one left) as well as the BP4(the little clip that holds the backpack in place)in white.
  2. just wondering but has anyone broken a BP8 for their CF? if so, i have a CF brown BP8 but i would like to trade it for a white BP8. if anyone wants to trade, please hit me up.
  3. i like all the new icons except for minmay ghost....i didn't even know what it was until i read this thread. otherwise, i'm loving all the stuff thats getting done around here lately. and finally, the non-forum sections are getting some love, the forums aren't everything you know. thanks to all involved!
  4. quick question, does the antenna on the nose cone slide into the nose cone? or is it detachable?
  5. thanks for thinking of me. i'm still looking for more GBP missiles. if you have no need for them and want to sell or trade for them, please shoot me a PM.
  6. still stalking me? i know you long for me but i'm really perplexed how someone who claims they can't stand me goes to other sites to check me out? so fess up already, if you think i'm sexy and you want my body, come on baby let me know! seriously, why can't you ever post in a non-arguementive/non-abrasive way? maybe then people won't find you to be an annoyance and you might have gotten more than 1 nom to be admin/mod. not that it really matters but its sad cause i(as well as many others) know you have the skills, the time, and mental compacity to keep the site running smoothly, but your inablilty to let things go and always having to throw in the last jab is probably why you were passed up. i mean, here we are in the new year, i've done nothing, i've said nothing, yet here you are trying to start some drama yet again, why? i'm sure you'll somehow turn this around on me and throw yet another jab and drag up yet another thread, but its just some food for thought. so take what you want from it and toss the rest, or toss it all, its your life.
  7. all this talk of, is this the 4th release, the 5th release, the 6th release, etc.... you ever think that its simply stores restocking their shelves? most small stores aren't going to buy more than 5-10 pcs if even that. yamatos larger accts may purchase more but certainly not in the 100's and definitely not in the 1000's. that being said, i think this is the same run from the 3rd release cause i honestly doubt they sold out of their entire production run 5 times in a row...unless they made production runs of 100 units which is highly unlikely. they probably made 10000 units, have them sitting in some warehouse and distributing them as they get more and more orders.
  8. Two bags of missiles. According to the box. 38 larger missiles (for the chest and leg silos) 68 smaller missiles (for the shoulder and leg silos) In the end I had two left over (one larger and smaller). 365541[/snapback] huh? i bought 3 GBPs and all of them had this exact amount. 24 large in legs, 12 in each leg 10 large in chest , 5 on each side 22 small for the shoulders, 11 on each side 56 total + 4 extras, 2 of each small and large. 60 grand total
  9. i got a bunch of TV max questions if you could help me out. so looking at some of the other TV max customs, which one is correct? all of them have some little difference between them. for instance, on mine, i used the TV arms but are they supposed to have the thin black stripes going around it? same for the legs, black stripe or no black stripe? and what color is the head laser supposed to be? are teh details real? or are they something that the customizer added in just because?
  10. edit: d'oh, you answered before i hit post.
  11. hey >EXO<, is the TV max supposed to have white stripes on the arms? i was looking for reference photos so i could make mine as anime accurate as possible but came up with nadda. i ended up having to resort to the toy gallery section and chowser's custom but it didn't help much in the ways of small/fine details. any help would be appreciated!
  12. DUPLICOLOR you say? too bad my custom is done otherwise i'd take your advice. as far as krylon not holding up, it could be true(only time will tell) but i'm not one to play play with my toys. and as i mentioned eariler, outside of the arms nubs, none of the paint chipped/scratched off during transformation soooo.... perhaps its has something to do with the differences in the plastic? you've been doing 1/55 customs so i take it you had a bad experience using Fusion on a chunky monkey? the 1/55 plastic is COMPLETELY diffferent from the 1/48 plastic, so that might have something to do with your results? if you've tried using the fusion on a 1/48, then i stand corrected. anyhow, next custom i may take your advice and try the duplicolor but as it stands the krylon fusion is holding up nicely...atleast for my standards.
  13. they have a wide array of colors available, its just the retailers never have more than a handful of colors they keep in stock. put it this way, i had to special order the patriotic blue at some commercial paint store. they make both satin and gloss finishes for a lot of the colors but none of the ones i need. i wanted to use the pumpkin orange and khaki for my 1D but the pumpkin is gloss and the khaki is satin. anyway, heres a link to the color swatches and some prices.... click me!
  14. agr33, i didn't take an progress pics, it didn't even cross my mind since its pretty self-explanitory, but heres a pic of the work station. i used some styrofoam to hold the toothpicks upright, the newspaper on over it to help keep the toothpick straight and keep the styrofoam from dissolving, then some toothpicks to support the parts i had to paint. it took all of 5 seconds to setup, then its spray and pray time. getting slightly off topic, the fusion paint is definitely not a dye. i believe theres some chemical agent in the paint that breaks up the molecular bond of the plastic, then as the paint dries, it fuses into the plastic creating a shell so to speak.
  15. ah, you are very wise man datter-sans! *bows* i shall now drill the holes for the arm nubs a little bigger. oddly enough, thats the only place where the paint rubbed off during transformation, even the blue paint on the hips didn't scratch and i thought that was definitely going to be a problem area. i also didn't bother sanding down any of the areas i should've but the paint is holding up. the shoulders for the TV ben have been plaguing me, i just can't find a good color match. but since the Fusion seems to hold up nicely, i may just paint the TV ben like my TV max, i just need to find a place that has more than a handful of colors to choose from. oh, and the D is coming soon!
  16. Krylon fusion and similar products are designed to adhere to plastics better, don't need primer, and have an enamel hardness that stands up better to "play" than model paints, without needing to add a top coat. It's great for us unskilled quasi-hobbyists. 364124[/snapback] hit the nail on the head. BTW, thats a might fine boomstick you got there!
  17. ghostryder, yeah its the same paint that datterboy and EXO used, they're the ones who recommend it to me. yellow? you might have to adjust your monitor because it looks blue to me.....atleast a cheapy colored blue. it could be the camera, this things is from the stone ages, put it this way, its only a 1.3 megapixel. Gabe Q, many thanks! EXO finished the head, hes just waiting on the caster, hopefully it'll be sooner than later. agr33, i took a 1J hikaru and stripped off the red paint off using Brasso and steel wool. i removed the paint off chest plate, fuselage, wings, backpack, and rear landing gear doors. this will give you a nice white valk without having to paint or color match anything. this also lets you play with your valk to a certain degree. while i absolutely love the works of art that the model guys do, i like being able to handle my toy like toy and not a work of art. the only painting involved was doing the blue highlights. i used Krylon Fusion spray paint which is specifically designed for painting plastic. you don't have to do anything, no priming, no sanding, no nadda. there are some materials you'll need outside of the paint but everything is easy to come by. i got some styrofoam and stuck a bunch of tooothpicks in it to support the individual parts while painting so that i could paint each part without having to actually touch it or leave it resting on my table.(i'll take a pic of it if you want). painting the forearms, shoulders, hips, was the easiest part, the legs were the most time consuming since the masking part does take quite a while and you gotta do it 4 times. for the head, i made the mistake of disassembling the entire head and spraying each individual piece, this is NOT the way to do it at all. if anything, just disassemble it and remove the green visor, then reassemble it and paint it as a whole. once its dried(7 days) you can then take the head apart and reinsert the visor. if you don't want to do all this, just mask off the visor and spray....i just didn't want any paint on the visor so i took it out beforehand. once you got everything propped up and ready to go, bust out the spray paint and follow the instructions. just keep in mind light coats will leave a textured satin surface while a heavier coat will leave a smooth glossier surface....this paint is sort of weird but i still like it! this was a test dummy so to speak, i figured if it came out kind of meh, i could easily sell it on ebay and get my money back so theres no reason to be afraid.
  18. so i'm 95% finished with my TV max. i used a 1J hikaru for this custom as well with a minimum amount of painting much like the TV ben i did. the spraypaint i used is called Fusion made by Krylon, its patriotic blue gloss. unfortunately, they don't make a satin finish which i would've made my day. i'm not totally finished, i'm just waiting a little longer for the paint to dry before filling in details. i'm just posting a few pics for now so please take a look and let me know what you think. heres max in fighter mode....yay! a side view in battroid...note i didn't paint the headlaser since i'm waiting on fulcy. paint comparison w/flash as you can see the custom blue is a bit darker and glossy....i really wish they made this color in satin finish. heres a paint comparison w/o flash...notice even after days of drying time, the paint still scratched off on the little arm nubs. heres ben and max... all in all, i really liked how it came out. i did learn a few things i should and shouldn't do when making a custom like not taking apart every single piece in order to paint something....i.e. the head.
  19. graham, the steel wool does scratch the plastic but not so much so its noticeable. as i mentioned eariler, if the scratches bother you, you can polish the wing using some more brasso and a cotton cloth and it'll buff it right out. toonz, it makes no difference how much brasso you use. i just poured it onto the brillo pad and started rubbing. its not going to damage the plastic in anyway so go crazy. Neova, i knew you'd like this but before you get started on more customs, how about you get me that shipping quote for my order....i must have my GBP! Bromgrev, the last thing i'd use is oven cleaner, that stuff is like ultra strong and it would probably destroy/disolve the plastic in some way. i'd try it out on some spare parts you got lying around first. Mechamaniac, no painting whatsoever. i just removed the red paint from the chest plate, wings and fuselage. the only thing left to do is color match the shoulders. i got a near match that i could live with but i want a perfect match. all in all this custom took me less than a hour to finish. the bulk of the time was scraping off the red paint in the panel lines, then swapping out whatever parts i needed. its pretty simple and with the discovery of Krylon Fusion, my TV Max will also be a piece of cake.
  20. you got that right! but it all depends on the person? some people have painting skills so they don't have to go through the trouble i went through to make this happen. some people lack any skill when it comes to painting, and if they want it, now they can make it with a minimum amount of painting involved. then theres the people who want their toys to be toys and not a work of art. in case anyone is wondering, i made this using a CF and a 1J hikaru(actually left over parts from the 1D conversion). i'm out the door right now but feel free to post questions and i'll answer them tomorrow.
  21. hey all, i know we've all been going nuts trying to find a good way to remove the yamato stock paint. i mentioned in the past that Brasso does the trick but it takes a lot of elbow grease and if you rub too long, the plastic becomes shiney. well i really wanted to make a custom TV kakazaki/ben dixon with a minimum amount of painting so i can play with it without having to worry about paint chipping and scraping off. so after days of trial and error, i finally discovered the easier, fastest, hassle free way to remove the paint by looking under my kitchen sink..... by using steel wool, it will remove the paint much quicker than the old method and because the steel wool is abrasive, it'll keep the valks part from getting smooth. the paint removal on the wing was a total pain, but to make things easier, you have to remove the wing panel to get into the nooks and crannies. anything that the steel wool doesn't get, you can use an xacto knife to scrape it off. the chest plate was also a pain but again, using the method above, it goes fairly quickly. as you can see, my TV kaz/ben is 99.5% finished! all i have left to do is color match the shoulders. i tried to get some input from you guys in THIS THREAD which no one was able to help me with.... i'm hoping with my new discovery, someone will motivate themselves to make their own and find a good color match for the CF paint. i also have a TV max in the works which will be unveiled in the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes peeled!
  22. lets make it simple.... Q: which toy is bigger scale-wise? this means the SCALE of the ACTUAL TOY . A: well which fraction is greater? 1/48 or 1/60? if you can't answer this, you should be beaten to death. Q: which toy is bigger size-wise? this means the SIZE of the ACTUAL TOY(length, width, and height). A: the 1/60 scale VF-0 toy is bigger in SIZE, while the 1/48 scale VF-1 toy is smaller in SIZE. Q: if the SCALE of the 1/48 is bigger, how come the SIZE of the 1/60 is bigger? A: like comparing apples and oranges, one has nothing to do with the other, read the first 2 answers above. Q: if the SCALE of the 1/60 is smaller, how come the SIZE of the 1/48 is smaller? A: like comparing apples and oranges, one has nothing to do with the other, read the first 2 answers above. Q: i still don't get it, how can this be? A: go back to middle school math and all the secrets to scales and sizes will be revealed! sorry if i'm being mean but i've seen this question pop up way too often, everyones answers it, but obivously not clearly enough for our mentally challenged members. might i also suggest copying and pasting this on the first page of the VF-0 thread.
  23. correction. i was talking about the side armpit armors, i don't have much interest in the hands. if you offer the side armors seperately and the price is right, i'd buy like 10 of them suckers, maybe even more. sorry for the confusion NB4M.
  24. count me in for atleast one, possibly more after i see the final product and seta price.
  25. so i blew the dust off my enamels and tried it out. i used flat tan and flat brown and almost got a close color match....almost.
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