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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. how does that answer the question? if someone could answer the question, i'd appreciate it.
  2. just wondering if this release came with TV hands? sorry if its been answered, 8 pages is a lot to look through. ADDED: according to the review section on the homepage, its says it comes with them but i found a pic of the inner box but there doesn't seem to be a spot for them
  3. $96.67 for the LV2! $109.56 - $114.72 for the vf-0! i need to move.
  4. hey toonz, what are those? who makes them? i've never seen them before and that TV max is looking sweet!
  5. haha! we 3 are in the same boat, other than i'm passing on the GBP repaint, i've gotten away from my completist ways and my wallets lovin it. edit: almost forgot why i was posting... thanks for the info Dat Pinche Haro!
  6. its actually called the "stormshadow". and thanks to valkyrie312 for coming up with the cool name. if/when i get bored with it, i'm gonna do a vermillion valk in green.
  7. you mean like this one?
  8. graham, where did you get it? and how do i get one? AFAIK doyusha never made that, enlighten me.
  9. awesome work and i like the added details, the TV valks are definitely on the bland side. keep'em coming!
  10. *new item is announced* MWer: this sucks, i haven't seen it but i know its going to be a POS... *pics are posted* MWer: see that crap, i told you it would suck, look at the head sculpt, plus the hands are too small...BTW, wheres my YF-19 w/FP's! *item is released* MWer: even though i know its going to suck, i'm gonna buy it, 2 of them... *receives item* MWer: well how do i start? the QC sucks, the item sucks, everything sucks, all i have is complaints. i knew from the start it would suck but they held a gun to my head and forced me to buy it, damn them! but you know, its still kind of cool.... its unfortunate that thats the scenerio here everytime a new item is annonuced, and it doesn't even have macross related.
  11. i still haven't gotten the S yet and now theres a A on the way, i really gotta get out of this hobby....
  12. looking good,...looking real good. damn it looks bangin. i wish i had more balls to take on a real custom but alas i have raisins instead of plums.
  13. thanks for the mention DAS, glad i could be of help. the TV max looks sweet! its my favorite paint scheme at the moment, i planning on painting a custom set of FPs for him some day.
  14. i haven't painted the S head for my CF yet but i'll post a pic when i get around to it....matching that CF paint is such a pain.
  15. so you finally finished? hard to tell with the lack of light but they look good overall. your 1S CF would look beautiful next to my 1J CF. edit: wow thats big, sorry about that, i don't want to take away from your work. anyone know how the heck to make an image small and clickable?
  16. DH, if you're doing it that way, it should work just fine. i'm sure you're just displaying your valk but the feet are kind of high traffic so to speak so paint scratching/chipping is inevitable. if anything, i'd use some kind of stock metallic paint just so you can touch it up when need be without having to color match in the future but hey, i'm sure you already knew that.
  17. while i haven't painted the feet of a 1/48(i assume the toy and not the model)i would suggest not taking apart the foot at all. even if you thin down the paint, it'll still be too thick and you'll have a hard time reassembling the foot and end up scracthing off a lot of the paint. i ran into this problem when i painted my A head for the TV max as well as a set of FPs(i disassembled things i could've left alone) so i think you'll be better off leaving it assembled and painting it in the open position.
  18. its definitely ugly but of course i'm getting one. is it just me, or does this valk looks like yamato version of the galaxy defender.
  19. from what i can gather, i believe the little white piece looks to be the attachment for the 1/48 display stand.....yamato thinks of everything!
  20. i only had a problem for the one day, but everythings been kosher since then. BTW, animepunch is down too. maybe one of the mods could contact pogo or SR?
  21. thats... thats... thats just.... *faints*
  22. when will people realize you're not going to change anyones views/opinions/attitudes/behavior on a messageboard, using logic or otherwise. and honestly, how does something said here affect your actual life? its funny cause i used to get all pissed off when people would bitch me out for whatever dumb crap i posted that day but after a while, i realized its just a friggin messageboard, so who gives a rat ass? as far as all the mod bashing, the mods don't really have to justify their actions do they? i think of MW like a CC company, the people who don't piss off the CC company become preferred platinum members, while the people who piss off the CC company remain regular members that get sent to the end of the line every time they request something....if you're a pain in the ass, who the heck is going to want to help you, let alone communicate with you? logically speaking of course. and this whole i deserve/demand an explanation crap really has to stop. you can't expect a detailed explanation for every little decision a mod makes, you're not a lawyer and this isn't a courtroom, its a messageboard for crying out loud so deal with it. by no means is this post buttkissing, i'm just a regular member and i'm pretty certain i pissed off every mod/member on this board at one point another so believe me when i say, i'm nobody's favorite member on these boards. i just find it retarded that every other day someone has some bitchin to do about a mod and its getting real old real fast. no one is forcing you to stay and participate, so when someone here can produce evidence of a fellow member holding a gun to your head, making you read a post, forcing you to care about it, then respond to it, feel free to complain all you want, til then let it go, deal with it, or simply leave.
  23. nice job but we need more pics, namely battroid. its looks so clean and smooth, did you use an airbrush? spray paint? hand painted? i might have to score a cheapy valk and try my hand at it, very nice!
  24. in regards to an off topic section... isn't this feedback section kind of the unofficial off topic/i-have-a-complaint/why-did-you-delete-my-thread/i-deserve-a-explanation/why-are-you-playing-favorites/the-mods-are-burnt-out/this-site-sucks-cause-i-say-so section? but if you're reading this, you already knew this sooo.... and in regards to political and religious topics... discussing politics is never a good idea cause IMHO, its simply the stupidest reason to dislike someone you once liked/respected. i've seen 2 guys who were the best of friends go at it, next thing you know they hate each other and make it a point to drag their political beliefs in every topic thereafter. people like to claim "we're just having a discussion", but this couldn't be further from the truth. theres no discussing, its always the same old arguement of "i'm right and your wrong". i don't think anyone cares how civil people are being, if you want to discuss politics, go to political website. discussing religion is never a good idea simply cause you never know who you might offend. its another stupid reason to dislike somene that you once liked/respected. this is american, we all have the right to practice our religions without persecution from others. again, people like to claim, "we're just having a discussion"but theres no such thing. if you're christian and start preaching about god and how great hes is, you expect everyone to respect your beliefs but, if someone says they're a satanist and start spouting off about how great satan is, you damn sure ain't going to respect his/her beliefs. theres is no such thing as right or wrong in regards to religion, its simply a matter of ones devotion and faith to their religion and their personal relationship to god or whomever. again, i don't think anyone cares how civil people are being, if you want to discuss religion, go to a religious website. just my 2 cents....
  25. the best reply so far!
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