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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. all these darn secrets! someone know where graham lives/works? you should tap his phone lines and set up some surveilence so we know what the heck is going on....wheres jack bauer when you need him!
  2. woohoo! time to dump some more lego!
  3. after purchasing a 1st ed. roy(too cheap) and 1st ed. monster(impatience), i've realized its usually better to wait for the 2nd production run. but hey, you gotta give it up to yamato for listening to the fans and making fixes when they're needed.
  4. another comic con exclusive. any chance someone could be so kind as to pick one up for me while they're out there?
  5. flash! oooooo! he'll save everyone of us! its impossible to tell the 'worth' cause the pic is too dark. i have a round-about idea of their value but their condition means everything considering they are vintage.
  6. there is no estimated value/worth because most people here have given their boxes away for free in the past. AFAIK, the only box anyone has ever tried to sell was a low viz box but outside of that, its usually just pay shipping since its a waste for me to throw out type of deal. honestly, none of the boxes you have is really worth anything. the only box that might be of value would be the super stealth box but due to the weight(like 3-4 lbs. empty mind you)its not worth the cost of shipping. i was interested in the stealth only box but now i think of it, whatever you're going to charge for the box plus shipping, its not going to be worth it, good luck.
  7. ^word^ UPS and their employees could care less what happens during transit, they're like a union in teh sense they get paid regardless of the crappy work they do. the company is too big and got too much money, so who cares?, they just cut checks to whoever they screw over. USPS falls under the same catagory as UPS except the cutting checks part. perhaps if the gov't gave some kind of incentive to their employees, their work ethic might change, but as is, they just don't give a crap. put it this way, i shipped something priority mail and it took over 2 weeks to get to its destination. when i asked why it was taking so long, and that i paid for priority mail, they said, "if it was a priority, you should've shipped it express". fedex on the other hand, are individually owned and operated by each driver. they are solely responsible for getting a package to its destination and only get paid when packages is delivered. you can guess which shipping company i use. anyway, sorry for your loss. a crushed box totally sucks but at least they didn't break the valk.
  8. you got a really nice set up there man, its not cluttered and everything has its own space to be enjoyed, really nice!
  9. i should have those parts, let me double check and i'll shoot you a PM if i got the goods.
  10. 1. i'm not single but i'm not married so that right there is about an extra $30K in my pocket. 2. i used to be a completist but its was getting ridiculous, why buy stuff i don't really like? the only complete collection of anything i have is the 1/60 line(1/72 and 1/100 don't really count). 3. on average i think yamato releases about 3-4 toys per year so i save $450-$600 knowing its going towards macross goodies. as far as the fear of aftermarket prices, i have none...at least not anymore.
  11. i wouldn't worry too much man(yours was shipped out way back when), i got my super stealth recently and everything was a-okay....though it couldn't hurt to keep your fingers crossed. paranoid statement: perhaps CP knows that theres nothing wrong with these bootlegs at all, and he trying to keep MW'ers from bidding so he can get them for himself!
  12. haha, when i said LV, i meant Low Viz, not Limited Version. BTW, anyone else think that 'limited version' just sounds retarded? it should be called 'limited edition'....and no, i don't care what its says on the box.
  13. you know, they could market it as the LV3...
  14. i just got mine and everything including the FP kit was perfect straight out the box. i must give a shout out to yamato, regardless of little paint blemishes here and there, they really went all out on the paint job. BTW, anyone notice the new metallic color feet? its just like the 1/60s...me likey!
  15. got mine from Neova the yesterday and i must say, its totally friggin awesome! the orignal LV can move over cause this is my new favorite valk! hopefully i'll be able to pick up some more soon.
  16. so in light of the 'make us a blank 1/48' thread, i was sitting here at work and thinking, if yamato is milking the VF molds by release non-canon valks, why don't they milk the molds for the FP and make different colored strike kits? with very little effort, they could release them in TV colored, black, dark grey, blue(GBP), white, etc., pretty much any color other than the current release. i'm not saying release all the colors at once, just pick a color and go with it instead of re-releasing the same old FP kit and having the same mediocore sales. i'm pretty sure most of their dealers would stock it(more so than the current one), and i'm sure most of us would buy it, much like the new colored GBP kit thats being released. your thoughts?
  17. don't fret dudes, according to graham, we have YEARS of macross goodness ahead of us. the VF-1's design is spent AFAIC, but if they follow suit with the 1/60 releases, i'm sure the 1D will be made and i'm positive sales will be through the roof! people will more than likely buy multiples being its a 2 seater valk(like a real plane)and lets not forget all the cool customs people want to make. one thing that does concern me is that it'll be hard for them to milk the D molds to make it worth their while, but they might release other non-canon 2 seater varients which would be okay in my book.
  18. hey look, its Tootie from the Facts of Life! where? exactly! anyway, how about that mass mailing, i'm totally down. i'll make sure even my non-macross friends send in the word. 10,000 emails for the next 7 days would get their attention for sure. though its not likely to work, i'll continue to rub my magic lamp nonetheless.
  19. before you guys get more worked up, read this quote... that being said, who really cares about which arm is which? the outcome isn't going to kill either of you is it. heres a dilema for you guys... people say they want a TV roy, that its different from the DYRL roy, but AFAIK, the only thing thats different are the color of the feet and intake covers, yet people want a set of "TV/1J arms" to complete it. now keeping that in mind, i can't remember one time in the macross TV series where the 1S roy had TV/1J style arms. go ponder that one!
  20. awesome! thanks for all the info guys. now i'll have to resort to the hell which is ebay, wish me luck!
  21. personally i think yamato messed up on the CF, it came with a TV pilot, TV hands, but DYRL arms. let me explain.... this is only my opinion: i say DYRL arms cause the CF arms match all the previous DYRL releases, thats is the only reason i say DYRL. if they matched the TV releases, then i'd call them TV arms but as it stands, i'm going with what makes the most sense to me. this is fact: the "TV arms" have only been used on the 1J releases including the stealth. meaning every 1J valk(total of 4) that yamato's released have all come with "TV arms". the "DYRL arms" have been used on the 1A's and 1S's releases. meaning every 1A(total of 5) and every 1S(total of 2) has all come with "DYRL arms". so who's right now?
  22. darn it! i thought they'd somewhat be the same but it sounds like the morphers are well...not worth owning. LOL! i'm just all yamato'ed out lately and wanted something new/different to collect. oh well, bring on 1/100 valks! one other question, excluding customs and non canon valks(scrambled egg, etc), how many JM's were released? yeah, yeah, i know i could use the search but P@'s like the JM king of MW.
  23. the not transforming part is kind of a deal breaker don't you think? i mean, the thing thats cool about the VF's is the fact that they are TRANSFORMING planes. if i just wanted a cool plane, i'd get the Falken kit(AC5)and leave it at that. not to take anything from the freshness of the UDV kit but in the end, all you're getting is fighter mode. planes = pretty cool robots = really cool planes + robots = super coolerest! plus, you'd have to buy 2 other kits(battroid and gerwalk) if you want to enjoy each mode, then another X amount of each so you can have one of each varient,(if you're a completist)not to mention resin is hard to care for, it sags over time, and lets not forget you'd have to paint each mode 3 times...3 times! thats a whole lot of work for even the most skilled modelers on this board and i haven't even gotten to what all the kits would cost. so that being said, i think i'll stick with the toys and hope yamato decides to produce some cheap blank ones. as far as the cheap shot towards those of us who play with our toys, can you honestly say you never once swooshed a model around after you finished it? if not, you got the same "problem" as us.
  24. i know this may be kind of silly question but outside of JM's being older, whats the real differences between them and the toynami morphers? and also the converters? from the pics i've seen, they look pretty similar but i've never owned any of them so its hard for me to say. some comparison pics and details regarding them would be greatly appreciated.
  25. muchos gracis!
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