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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. wow, you're taking a hypothetical situation i completely made up and filling in your own blanks...ooookay. you're assuming alot and reading too much into my post. you and squid were the only ones that really had a problem with my post but i think even squid knows i wasn't calling anyone out. you on the otherhand still continue to assume the worst and thats something you need to work out. BTW, i wasn't angry in the least, if anything i was just amused that my opinion is held in such high regard by you. have a ncie day!
  2. seeing as you're taking everything so literally, literally find the part where i said "so and so got ripped off by a seller"? below is only post where i used the phrase "ripped off" but please enlighten me how i accused someone of something? and why i would need to explain myself....literally. yeah anyway, in true MW fashion, mountains out of mole hills.
  3. thank you, thats pretty much what i was trying to say. its my fault though, i should know by now they take everything literally here.
  4. heres a hypothetical situation... me - yo dude i just picked up the new legioss! eugimon - get out, i just picked one up too! how much did you pay for yours? me - i got it for $100, what about you? eugimon - WTF! i paid $150 for mine, i got ripped off! anyway, thats how i was using the term "ripped off". why people take my posts so literally and try to pick it apart word for word, i don't know?
  5. seeing how one is bigger and more detailed than the other, you would think the lesser of the 2 would be cheaper, not equal to or more expensive than, hence a rip off. the price i got for the new VF-1 w/FPs was $105 plus shipping so if you're paying more that, then you're pretty much getting ripped off as far as i'm concerned. i.e. you go to buy a new 50" tv that costs $1000, but they have same tv but its only 40" with less features, less everything but still costs $1000. i(and many others) would consider that a rip off, wouldn't you? if you don't like my reasoning, good for you but please save your captain obvious arguements. you're not saying anything new, we've heard them all before.
  6. when the first 1/48 packaged w/FPs came out, the price was set at $165(overseas), $180-ish(from stateside vendors). these should NOT cost more than that. if you're paying that much for a lesser toy, then you're getting ripped off.
  7. ^ those aren't too bad. i like the white, grey, copper and bronze ones. the honey dew is just weird and the blue could be cool if it had some other color going on.
  8. you see, that would make everyone happy all at once and thats not how yamato does things. they'll probably release another version so they can milk the molds but i don't mind because i like the 2 seaters.
  9. reading the last couple of pages, im SO glad i skipped on the legioss and tread. the exclusive cyclone is kind of beat, same with the legioss. whatevs, just more money to spend on other stuff.
  10. if they made this in LV grey i would've been all over it....actually if they made this in any other color scheme than the pooish brown i would've been all over it. just to add, i got a reissue ivanov. the missile hardpoints are nice and tight but the legs are still loose as a goose.
  11. it doesn't sound like there any major issues but i'm still not buying it. i'm only picking up the 2 seaters and possibly a couple of non-canon valks. eh, if i see it cheap i'll pick one up otherwise nah.
  12. 15 friggin pages! i just want to read the complaints if theres any. can someone give me the executive summary please.
  13. waiting for more pics.... with lotion in hand.
  14. MH ones look better overall IMO but requires a tone of parts removal. i don't know much about the CM, i couldn't bring myself to buy it being that its so small and the asking price.
  15. you're a frickin douchebag. you're no longer part of our club.
  16. whaaaat! this can't be? keep your head up my man.
  17. if/when they make 2 seaters, i will buy them.
  18. again, a manufactured collectible is not the same as a vintage toy. the beagle ride armor is being manufactured specifically for the collectors market of today, unlike the gakken which was solely produced as a toy, to be played with and man handled like a toy. very few people bothered to save anything those days because nobody really "collected" toys back in those days. beagle can stop producing these and in 20 years time, you'll still find hundreds of them available all in "mint" condition with all the original boxes and paperwork. do you save all that stuff? i know i save all that stuff and so does the majority of people here and abroad. everyone here takes care of their collectibles. we have display cases, UV protective lighting, and all the other stupid crap we buy to keep our toys all fresh and minty......so how many minty 1/48's do you think will be around 20 years from now? how many beagle ride armors? research what happened to the comic book market back in the 90's. everyone started buying 4 copies of the same comic, putting them in plastic bags with cardboard backing, thinking that it would be worth a small fortune later on like spider man #1. then they discovered that everyone in america was doing the exact same thing they were. when they finally realized this, they all tried to cash out only to find out that everyone and their moms was trying to cash out too. it became a buyers market so to speak and comic investors lost thousands up thousands of dollars. why would anyone pay $100 for a comic book when theres 60000 other people with the same comic? don't get me wrong, i'm sure the beagle as well as some of the other manufactured collectible toys of today will go up to some degree but not anywhere near the inflation of the vintage toys of old. gakken cyclones were selling for $15 back in those days, now even the imcomplete ones go for 1000% more($150) and up from the original MSRP. thats not happening with these toys for all the reasons i mentioned above. theres nothing particular rare about these when everyone is taking care of them and saving everything. if you want to invest in toys with a chance of them reaching vintage prices, i suggest getting into something popular with the kids of today like power rangers. those are made to be toys, and the kids are into it and buying them are not saving the boxes or taking care of the toys in any way. those are the types of thing that has a chance of becoming a rare vintage toy.
  19. for seriousness. it could end up being a floppy mess like the MH ones. i'm not hating on the MH ones since they only cost $60-ish. if its $190 and ends up being a floppy mess, i'm gonna really be pissed.
  20. i'm pretty sure i'll eventually get this for a good price because at the rate that yamato is releasing stuff, this will be one of those toys that everyone will pick up last. i mean why would anyone pass up on a transforming toy for a static figure? 10 out of 10 times i'm going to buy a transforming figure before something that just sits there and believe me, these will just sit there. then maybe 1 or 2 year later, people will start to pick them up just like they did for the q-raus. the only reason anyone would plunk down their money for this straight off the bat is if theres nothing else to buy and right now, there too much to buy with more on the way.
  21. this does not compute. you're comparing a vintage collectible toy to a manufactured collectible toy, they are not the same. also, once the beagle ride armor comes out you will see a price drop for the gakken ride armor just like every other toy thats been remade(for a lack of a better word). i'll probably end up buying it some point but not until people have them in hand and some reviews are up.
  22. only size matters, at least thats what all the girls i meet keep telling me...
  23. a part time job. this hobby gets expensive.
  24. double post.
  25. 20000 yen = $190+ w/o shipping, yikes! i don't know? its pretty awesome and all but i think i might just stay collecting the MH ones.
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