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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. it looks okay but why not just paint some decent custom ones.
  2. I have to 2nd that, it's a seriously fruity scheme. 419154[/snapback] it wouldn't be half as fruity if they picked a slightly darker blue but thats my little nitpick of the week, otherwise its pretty cool IMO. it ain't the prettiest thing but atleast its something new. maybe its just me but every time i look at this thing i think of the british bulldogs(a wrestling tag team from my youth).
  3. is the phrase "the wings are too small" like the new "hands are too small"?
  4. probably, yes, and probably not. a price break would be great but the retail price doesn't have so much to do with what yamato says, its determined by distributors and sellers. i hoping for the day when we'll be able to buy valks for less than $100.
  5. all spectulation but anyone else feel at the rate they're going, the 1/48 prices are going to drop like the 1/60 prices? i think theres just too many valks out right now.
  6. i was going to say that but then thought, thats still a bit OD. i make a decent living but its seems like i'm working for valks instead of money.
  7. it took them long enough to release the easiest repaints of all time. lol!
  8. i'm not too worried, i handle my valks like i handle a virgin.
  9. i dunno what the rush is but these guys are financial killing me. it wouldn't hurt them to space out the releases a bit.
  10. the loose joints issue, hearing about pins falling out and plastic cracking, i'm so glad i waited for the 2nd production run. sorry about your valk dude.
  11. seperate super sleath armor? this ain't good news for box collecters since you need the combined super outer box, the regular stealth release box and to top it all off, you now need the stealth FP box....hahaha.
  12. i leave for a few days and all this great info is released. damn i'm happy!
  13. looking good. thanks fo the scans.
  14. i'm kind of meh about it but it will grace my shelves nonetheless.
  15. no panel lines = not a good valk congrats dude!
  16. thats the jetfire bootleg!
  17. my apologies for bring this topic up again. had i known about the attempt with the "longest thread" before posting my idea, i never would've posted it, sorry guys.
  18. for tips, check the pinned thread in this section for wmcheng tips, they help alot. i hate gloss finish/paints myself. to me a glosssy finish is strictly for cars and not for fighter jets. i prefer using acrylic paints to anything else since its thinner than most paints, its easier to use and to clean up but thats a personal perference, everyone likes what they like. as far as paint removal, theres a few methods but the most recent find that works is this STUFF and lastly, its jack ARCHER not carver....where the heck did you get carver from? LOL!
  19. nice stuff! anyone else wondering how many YF-19s this guys going to buy.
  20. why not incorporate an instant ban for those who flame/argue in that articular thread? that would keep the majority of members in order and if someone does come in to make waves, they'll quickly get the boot and that would be the end of it. no explaination needs to be given, you argue, you flame, you leave for good, its that simple. anyway, i know this is a dead issue, theres definitely more nays than yays but i appreciate everyones responses nonetheless.
  21. thanks for the link from last week hehehe, but i already posted my thoughts a off topic section (i say nay!), this is about having a single off topic thread. i don't ever remember seeing "the longest thread", i guess i missed it? but if you tried it once and it didn't work, then screw it. i was just trying to reach a middle ground for the yays and nays, can't blame me for trying. added: just did a search for "longest thread" and came up with THIS i take it no ones opinion has changed since then, people waving shotguns and all.
  22. i was having a discussion with one of my friends regarding a off topic section here on MW, and we came up with a possible solution. now even though i'm against having an off topic forum, how about an off topic thread? meaning one thread where everyone and anyone can post their off topic thoughts? i think it would be fairly easy(just guessing) to moderate since its all in one thread and one thread only, kind of like the technology thread. i know it'll get crazy if theres 20 different conversations going on at once but i figured its a good way for the admin/mods to meet the members half way. anyway, i know this topic has been beaten to death but i think its a good and fair compromise to please both sides of the camp. your thoughts?
  23. Doubt it. From what I understand these will be sold in specialty and comic stores. places like Suncoast. 416891[/snapback] more like odd jobs, odd lots, and overstock.com...and the discount rack at suncoast and gamestop.
  24. Holy crap! If someone said that child molester crap to me, I ask them kindy to leave with my foot in their @ss. 416055[/snapback] hehehe, only my close friends say it just to give me a hard time. their sense of humour is harsh to say the least, but i'm the same way. we're all super sarcastic a-holes that constantly rib each other whenever the opportunity presents itself. we've been described by many as comedic "vultures".
  25. you always makes the coolest accessories. when you get the pricing done(hopefully not $45), you can count me in. i wanna make me a super duper FP kit with all sorts of little add-ons....any chance for a metal strike cannon tip? that would be really cool. and BTW, what ever happened to the super gerwalk project?
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