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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. the retailer you speak of is tisinc. i honestly can't remember a single instance where someone like VE, neova, samurai, tmp, or any other of the fan vendors that hang here do that? i try to stay buying from people who actually like macross, as opposed to those that like the profits of macross. and i definitely agree that if theres a gap between production runs the price shoots up much like the $200 1A max, 1A hikaru, as well as the 1S hikaru. but if the past tells us anything, they'll reissue them, then the market will get flooded and the price will drop, people just have to be patient. if its one thing i've learned from this hobby, theres no reason to pay more than MSRP for any of these toys. outside of a handful of valks(LV and M&Ms), yamato will continue to churn them out until the end of time. also lets not forget that the only people who we're in competition with(lack of a better word) to purhcase these toys is old dudes like us and were dropping like flies.
  2. i thought it was clear that i was joking when i put the at the end of the sentence. for reals, i don't know anyone selling the 19 for $130 shipped, i was just messing around....please don't kill me.
  3. sinking below $150? i already got a guy who quoted me $130 shipped! how can you say this when there was absolutely no talk of any kind yf-19 toy whatsoever? there wasn't even a peep, not even a wish thread about the 19 until graham got the go ahead to release the news recently. and IIRC, graham mentioned something about yamato secretly working on it for the past 2 years. they were already making this toy whether we showed interest or not, they know it was a proven seller in the 1/72 scale. they also know that the macross fan base will shell out for bigger and better versions of the same toy as proven with the 1/48 vf-1 valks.
  4. if this were 2 years ago, i'd agree but.... if yamatos past counts for anything, they will certainly pump more of these out if/when theres a demand. they've done so numerous times already, 1a max, 1s roy, 1s hikaru, 1a hikaru, 1j hikaru, etc. if theres enough demand they'll reissue it, they're not stupid, if they can make money off the same mold they will...i.e. a whole lot of VF-1's. also seeing as the 19 doesn't have too many varients, it would be in their best interest to make as many as the fans will buy and continue to buy. i can guess that they will come out with the 19A blue version since they do have the license and its been proven that it will sell. i also see a grey LV schemed 19 because its been proven that the fans will buy non-canon varients. sorry but your logic is flawed captain.
  5. words of wisdom. why buy any inferior toy because of impatience? if you've waited this long, what difference if its another month or 2 going to make after its release? i still haven't picked up the VF-0S because the fixed version is due out towards the end of this month. IMO, being patient is way better than being first to own a crappy version of the same toy.
  6. much like all the other $200 yamato offerings, this should be no different. valk $135 + fold booster $45, then $20 for shipping = $200 anything beyond this, they can suck my brown eye. i'm kind of tired of being raked over the coals every time they release a new toy, its getting old real fast and i could just as easily walk away from this hobby all together. i just don't see how the MP starscream which looks like it has 10 times the features is only $100, while this thing with no features is $200? granted macross is a smaller fan base, and yamato is a smaller company, but how can anyone justify charging double for a lesser toy? i'm sure it didn't help that the 2nd coming thread got as big as it did. any vendor could see the amount of interest in this toy and see it as a potential to cash in on the fans. ...which is whats happening right now. one can only hope that all the hoopla will die down a bit and vendors will drop their prices to something more reasonable.
  7. yeah i don't know about this $200 price tag when it doesn't even have FPs or any gimmicks that i'm aware of. all i know is someone mentioned something about it being $140 before shipping, and this is where i plan on getting mine.
  8. are there any plans of releasing an MP megatron? i only ask cause i want to buy the MP prime but it depends solely on whether a MP megatron will be made. sorry if this is a stupid question.
  9. you crazy mang! it'll be a crying shame if it sank in the reservoir and you couldn't get to it in time, especially after all the work you put into. i'd definitely try to find a swimming pool or something.
  10. its funny you mention tattoos, i just got this done the other day.... right on my ass.
  11. Yes, samurai-monkey's most recent order was for the second edition 0S. People have them in hand, but we haven't gotten a full report on the relative floppiness. 427758[/snapback] the OS reissue is already out? i'll have to shoot Neova a PM and give him a hard time. edit: dante74, where did Graham mention anything about the reissued 0S? unless you meant g-man = godzilla....some folks call him g-man as well.
  12. i heard the 0A is coming out in beginning of september from Neova, same goes for the 0S reissue. i really hope both come out the same time as well as the 1A angel birds so i can them shipped all at once...
  13. personally, i would never buy from someone who says anything in the ways of "i'm not sure, i don't know, i think" but thats just me. i completely forgot to check on the intake covers last night, i'll try to remember to check tonight and shoot you a PM if i got the goods. i don't have a spare the gunpod, you're on your own there. post a request over in the yamato service thread pinned on top of the "Toys" section of this forum. its a long shot but someone might be able to help you out.
  14. maybe it just me, but that doesn't look like a 1/48 gunpod at all. it looks like its from some other toy? as far as the missing intake covers, i assume you got it from some random seller on ebay? cause i highly doubt it came from yamato like that, i've never heard anyone with missing intake covers before. side note: keep in mind that if you're overseas, dishonest people(especially on ebay) are more likely to screw you over because they know you don't want to pay to ship it back. you're in finland so if i were you, i find one good vendor(i'd suggest picking someone from this site) and sticking with him. if you have any problems, they'll be more inclined to help you out if you're a steady customer and you don't have to worry about them trying to pull a fast one on you.
  15. ^ haha, i would but i have yet to use the display stand. its a worthless accessory IMO, i put it together, took it apart, then put it away. it'll end up breaking and pissing me off so why bother with it.
  16. its a killer ain't it. you gotta jiggle both FPs at the same time and try to use the same amount of force while doing it. this causes extreme stress on the BP8 so be extra special gentle.
  17. i might have some spare intake covers, i'll have to double check. as far as the gunpod, its probably not broken, the stock slides back and the gungrip slides down and out. check it again.
  18. i find it funny to spend money on glue to fix a piece that costs less than a penny, knowing the fact that it will eventually break again. why not just put some tape on it and be done with it? or contact the toynami CS dept and wait for the part? not that it would really matter since its likely to break again.
  19. THIS... IS... IN... SANE... !!! i've been following your WIP and i'm just in awe. i hope you make some kind of vid of it in action. will she float? will she sink? will the crew of the macross survive an epic sea battle with the zentradi? find out in next weeks episode!
  20. if they incorporated the 1/48 swing bar, just the swing bar, i would buy them all again.
  21. haha, that dude has more stories than mark twain.
  22. You're using electronic devices and pieces of complex machinery with tons of moving parts in your attempt to discredit my original statement? ooooookay, whatever. No, I've never had any TOY break on me for no reason. There is always a reason. 425905[/snapback] hey, i was just giving examples of things breaking through no fault of my own. you want a toy, okay how about the stupid toynami valk stand. people simply placed the valk on the stand, a few hours go by then bam! its broken. all these people with broken stands must be lying, its must be their fault because they used them as buttplugs, but they were too embarassed about it and left that out. yeah that must be it. ...damn broken smilie, i still can't roll my eyes at you....LOL!
  23. so you're trying to tell us that you've never had anything break on you for no reason? hmmm, let me see the countless things that have broken through no fault or force of my own.... my sony stereo just broke recently. one minute it was working, next minute it stopped. it must've broken because i go jogging with it strapped to my back. my ps2 broke a little while ago too. one day i'm playing AC5, next day nadda. that must've broken when i took it deep sea diving with me. my TV doesn't work. it just sits there on my TV stand but for some reason it just stopped working. but i failed to mention that everytime i want to turn it on, i throw a brick at. i had this car, i took care of it real well, i changed the oil every 2500 miles, took it in twice a year for a check up, but for whatever reason, it just stopped running...oh wait i left out the part where i jumped it into the grand canyon. i'd roll my eyes right about now, but i broke the smilie button while making this post....
  24. haha...incredible as it may seem, it even beats out the matchbox VF-1 on terms of fighter mode and the VF-bling is right up there with it. but lets not judge too quickly folks, i know i'd like to see some more entries. LOL!
  25. seeing as Graham himself has said, theres lot of new macross toys coming out over the next few(the exact quote is in someones sig), i doubt the license is going to expire any time soon.
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