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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i shot off an email to them already. theres no prices listed on their site so i had to ask for a quote first. if its reasonable, i'll get as many as i can, for as many people as i can. hopefully i'll hear from them soon and get this going. scream man, sorry if it seems i'm being a wise ass but use your imagination, its just some hands dude.
  2. wow dude, talk about going the extra mile, you totally rock. now all i have to do is copy and paste this entire post when i place my order. thanks a mil for real.
  3. thanks for the info but i'll be damned if i order from them. not because of the price or anything, i could care less about that but the english site is in engrish. they're asking for specific parts numbers and 10 digit product codes.....WTF? i don't know jack about gundams, how the hell would i know what part is which, from which model, and the coding system? i'm sure its clear in japanese but if they get it wrong because of a language barrier, i still have to pay for it. they're policy is fair, but i can't buy something when i can't understanding it.
  4. is there some way to purchase these hands seperately? i don't particularly care for gundam toys but i wouldn't mind having those hands.
  5. i bought a few of those recasts and they're definitely bigger, it pretty close but its still big in comparison to the 1/48 pilot figure. though it wouldn't be too hard to add a pair of 'funbags' LOL!
  6. oh wellz, i'm still waiting on the 0S(3.0 release) and the AB(paid for) anyway, once i get those 2 and the 0A, all i'm waiting on is the 19. hopefully they'll all be out sooner than later.
  7. dude, your valks are totally broken..... theres so FP on them.
  8. is it out yet? anyone have it in hand? got some pics? got a review?
  9. thats funny! now heres a serious question for the TF nazis, do any of you guys actually tuck the hands back in and pull them out after each transformation? i don't about you folks but i just yank the hands off and slap them back on. tucking them in is easy but you need a toothpick to get them back out, so why even bother? half the time i don't even flip the peg hole so the thruster shows.
  10. yes! i've felt them and let me tell you they're real and fantastic!
  11. i'm don't know why everyone getting so psyched on having a removeable mag? i can't speak for everyone but i'd much rather have them spend the money on tampo printing or something to make the toy itself better, than a extra feature that any recaster down the road could make for us.
  12. AFAIK, theres no definitive answer to the reason why. for a long time, i used to be under the impression that there was such a thing as TV syle arms but after years of deliberation(yes this topic comes up that often people lol!)the only "TV style arms" that exist are strictly on the 1J. obvously in the TV show, you see the 1J all over the place but you never see a 1J(armorless) in DYRL so its impossible to say with absolute certainy. i tried to watch several TV episodes to see if there were "TV arms" on any of the other valks but didn't see anything. this is all from my observation so i could simply be wrong, but so far 1J = band going around 1S/A = nothing or stripe going down.
  13. theres no confusion cause theres no such thing as TV forearms. theres the 1S and 1A forearms, then there the 1J forearms.
  14. sort of but a straight on view from the front. basically i want my desktop to look like the HUD of a VF-1. zinjo, thank you sir!
  15. hell yes! i didn't even think of that one. if the past means anything, yamato can milk a mold like no other. i expect the virgin road as well as a LV scheme...ooooo a grey 2 seater....*creams in pants*
  16. nobody got nathans?
  17. sorry, it is canon but it is a obscure valk in comparison to some of the others. if you noticed, i left kakazaki out, though i don't know what homeboy smoking to say that kakazaki isn't canon or won't sell? people have been asking for this one more so than the 1S max...madness i say!
  18. while i do agree with some of what you're saying, you got to keep in mind that most us here suffer from valkoholism. i'm not trying to be cute about it but the simple fact is, as soon as one of us catches up with the valks we want, we start going through valk withdrawl and end up buying other valks that we either skipped out on or missed out on, and even ones we didn't have interest in. the perfect example of this is the first LV. it took sat unsold for a long time and only when yamato slowed their releases(i believe they released all 3 super 1J's shortly after the LV) did people start picking them up....and boy did they go fast! i feel the same thing will happen with the woodland and stealth as well as the angel birds, its only a matter of time. honeslty, its hard for me to grasp how non-canon releases could actually hurt in anyway. how has it hurt yamato? how has it hurt us?....well outside of our wallets. if anything, variety has been proven to be a good thing for companies, just look at lucas arts, bandai/gundam, takara/TF, and dare i say it, even the power rangers. lol!
  19. OOooooOoOOOh....i see, i never noticed that before. now i have one more thing to hold against yamato!
  20. haha, maybe its just the argentine releases. when you say "green arrow stickers" are you speaking of the ones that go on the side of the FP leg armors? cause they definitely included the green arrows on the FP sticker sheet.
  21. haha, wise words from a wise man. thanks for the pics, but if you've seen one DYRL valk, you've seen them all. oh and regarding the head laser, just take the thing off and paint it correctly or hook it up with fulcy's hollowed out head laser, it adds a little flavor to a 1A valk.
  22. woohoo! the fold booster looking dope and so is the ghost....looks like yamato after my wallet with a vengence.
  23. i'm not too worried, if they make it, i'll just dump mine on ebay so the less informed can buy them. i've been holding off on starting any new customs since they started pumping out VF's left and right. when they stop releasing VF-1's, i guess i'll get crackin on the customs again. til then i got save my money to keep up with all these damn releases.
  24. thanks man but thats the only pic of this that exists? no actual pics of a toy/model in battroid? bummer.
  25. alright so i've been searching and searching, both here and on googl but can't find a single battroid pic of this sucker. does it exist? cause its really driving me nuts.
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