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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. the conspiracy theorist in me says... yamato(as well as other businesses) are in cohoots with china/japan postal services. the postal service makes more money than yamato, their distributors and their retailers all combined. BTW, i thought the dollar was doing better?
  2. theres no such thing a set licensing fee since it really depends on what you're selling/manufacturing. you negotiate the fee and hope you get a good deal.
  3. yamato are wholesalers, they have a MSRP(manufacturers suggested retail price, suggested being the keyword)but they don't set retail prices. thats up to each individual store owner and what they feel the market will bare at their retail locations. if you live in a low income and/or poor neighborhood, you're not likely to move $200+ toys. if you live in a high income and/or rich neighborhood, you can sell the same toy for $300. anyway, to answer the original question of are they greedy? not really but they're certainly not generous by any means.
  4. lego collectors use oxyclean to wash the white bricks. some swear by it but i've never tried it.
  5. the defender looks nice but still not $100+ nice. i'll wait til the fit hits the shan and get them cheap.
  6. haven't been here in a while, 11B looks good but as always, i'll wait for some reviews. plus with this economy, i don't see these being very expensive for long.
  7. miriya, you got the toynami diecast one right? or that plastic one? i own the diecast one, its really nice and all but due to the heavey diecast content in the arms and the fact that most of the joints operate on friction, its kind of meh. nice but still meh. i'm considering getting the plastic one just because it looks like you can sort of play with it. the only thing that lame is they still haven't made them fire missiles or included any of the accessories that came with the original golion set. does anyone have an kind words for this plastic one?
  8. no one but wave has released a transforming SDF-1 toy. they released the DRYL version, then a TV version. AFAIK, there is no cheap knockoff.
  9. hmmm....$100 for a 20cm non-transforming destroid? kind of reminds me of the 20cm SDF-1 but at least that tranforms. with the condition of the economy, i know they'll definitely go on sale.
  10. ha! only if you're a sucker. i skipped the 1S for the very same reason. everytime a company comes out with some impossible to get item or some chase item, i just pass. this is no exception especially if it turns out to be a rip off like the 1S.
  11. if i was into LARPing yes but i'm not that dorky.
  12. do not disturb


    don't forget the screws! toynami factored them into the diecast content of their VF-1 MPCs. haha, they're so sad.
  13. let the man breathe, hes just got them in and hasn't even had a chance to mail it to anyone on our side of the planet. i'm sure one of our recasters(i'm asssuming NB4M?) will be getting a set and providing the recast in the near future, hopefully sooner than later.
  14. seems like forever but this is great news! let me know where to send my payment. if these are all spoken for already, please put me on the list for recasts.
  15. do not disturb


    haha, you ain't the only one. i HATE the nora scheme. *pukes* its looks like a 1st grade fingerpainting project gone bad. you could always wait for another release? i'm sure yamato isn't done milking he molds. just wishful thinking but perhaps they'll make that bronze one that miriya(i think it was him?) photoshopped eariler this week, that thing was looking sweet!
  16. bandai does good work but they've never tackled a macross toy of this complexity nor dealt with its never quite satisfied fans. yamato has been in the macross game longer and i still wait for the reviews before purchasing their releases, so i don't see the point of blindly buying something from a company when its their 1st time around. i wish bandai the best of luck but i'll wait for the reviews before plunking down my hard earned cash.
  17. do not disturb


    not that i'm aware of? but you could always ask the seller. he should know if hes had it sitting around for months since the 1st release or if he reordered it and its a new shipment. honestly, i got a good reissue but from what i'm reading here, i'd just skip the ivaonv all together and just get the CF. why take the chance of getting a bad one(especially if you get stuck with the 1st release) when you know theres a perfectly good version out there.
  18. IMO, no. actually, i would imagine that having 4 different heads would entice more people to buy the same toy over and over again, much like the VF-1A/J/S. if they kept them all the same, i think the majority of people would just buy one(unless its totally awesome which i highly doubt) and be done with it. by having 4 different heads, its no longer just a simple repaint and in someway, its forces the collectors out there to get them all. sure, macross toys are about accuracy but life is about variety.
  19. you're the ONLY ONE that steered the convo that way. i don't remember mentioning any sellers, nor someone overcharging for anything, simply that if you paid more for something that someone got for less, that i consider that a rip off. i should've just used the example of buying a new TV and left it at that since it seems my using the word "legioss" in my other example is now implying that i'm speaking about every macross vendor known to man and how they're ALL overcharging for everything....thats not you assuming or anything. i made up an example to show in which context i was using the phrase "ripped off" yet you're still assuming i was saying something else. raptor one explained it in clear english in which way i was using the term, everyone else got it but somehow you just can't grasp his nor my simple explanation, and you simply can't stop assuming. i did NOT call out any seller, i did NOT call out anyone for overcharging, you just assumed i did and you know what they say about people who assume right? please find me the post where i said either of the things that you're accusing me of and i'll put a sign around my neck that says i'm eugimons b1tch, suck my own cock and put the footage on youtube for all the world to see. if you can't find any evidence of my doing either of the above without making one of your assumptions, stop replying and let it go. BTW, thats not me being mad, thats me asking you to prove what you're assuming i said, which i believe is impossible but please feel free to try anyways.
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