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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. haha, thats awesome dude! maybe next year i'll actually get a x-mas tree and maybe hang some gashapons and stuff. merry christmas MT!
  2. godzilla 1/48 count of 130 pcs at $135(for a standard non-FP valk for the sake of arguement), roughly comes to $17550! add-on the price of FP kits, super valks, and the rest of the yammies, and he's well over $20K. like you said, i don't feel so bad anymore.
  3. well i guess, but i would've preferred they hinged up and down like the 1/48s and new 1/60s. i mean, why did they even bother making the kneecaps if they didn't want to make it a feature? oh wells, not much can be done about it now....
  4. i'm sure this has been answered but whats up with the knee caps on the 19? do they go down? they look stupid in every pic i've seen so far....
  5. why you no good son of a motherless goat! you're the one that dragged me into that anime shop filled with macross goodies! i only eat once a day because of you!
  6. i was sitting here wondering how much everyone else has spent on just yamato toys? me..... $5785!?!?! its in-frickin-sane! i'm totally chillin out on collecting for a while. added: 1/48 - $3180 1/60 - $2090 1/72 - $380 1/100 - $135
  7. eugimon for president!
  8. i found your keychain comment to be quite funny and agree with you, it does look like dinky little keychain. and BTW, 24cm is not that big, just ask any of my GFs.
  9. i knew it was going to be a rip off... my $52, plus the sellers additional markup on top of retail, plus shipping a ridiculously oversized yamato box will be better spent on something than a couple of pieces plastic that do nothing. well other than the LED, you know, cause LEDs are soooo cool...and expensive too!
  10. just so theres no confusion, which left wing flap? the one with the number "001"? or the one with the kite symbol? i might have this part for you. if neova doesn't cover you, feel free to PM me.
  11. more 1/144 scale stuff to go along with my doyusha valks. i hope these are toys and not little model kits, that would suck.
  12. how about that one trick where the 1/48 TV heads make there way to production?
  13. are your joints are too loose? nail polish ain't thick enough? when wood glue just won't do? try this stuff! [attachmentid=39199] its like liquid rubber and can form around any ball/socket joint. just put a thin coat, let it set overnight, and it'll last forever. when you want to remove it, just peel it off. it doesn't harm the plastic whatsoever. this is what i've been using for a while now and it works wonders.
  14. its yamatos fault as far as the landing gear not working properly, but its not yamato fault its uber-expensive, you can blame the sellers for that one....
  15. damn, thats one hellva set up you got there. all those models/schemes are frickin sweet!
  16. a macross fan in BX! i'm in washington heights, holla!
  17. i say shins. i think theres less chance of them re-releasing a bundle set, just look at the Super VF-1J's.
  18. IMHO, theres something very collectible about owning the very 1st newly designed macross toy. besides someone who picks up the 1/60 version will be sitting there like "what? theres a 1/72 version of this toy, i gots to have it!" much like how people have 30 different VF-1's, every type of mospeada toy known to man, and anything else thats macross/robotech. thats not to say these will be worth gazillions, but i still think they'll hold some value to the diehards as well as the late-comers into the hobby.
  19. looks sick dude. one day i hope to have a super dope custom like that one....one day.
  20. pretty much. the old takatoku/bandai toys left a lot to be desired in the ways of detail and poseability. plenty of things could be done to fresh out a 1/55 where as with the 1/48, there isn't much left to do. i tried to mod out a 1/48 but most of the things that people suggested with were small/simple mods or mods that required way too much work for what it was. the only real mod the 1/48 warrants is better hands and angled LG's as seen on the VF-0, but thats not to say you can't tweak out this or that to make it look nicer. i.e. paint, panel lines, water slide decals, metal details/highlights, etc. i'm sure the 1/55 will make a comeback if/when yamato stops making toys. when theres nothing left to buy people will need something to fill their macross void.
  21. do not disturb


    are you guys for real? these things are breaking like that?!?!? i guess the 1/48 ain't all that durable afterall.
  22. do not disturb

    Graham's Sig

    i think(atleast hope) yamato will make it the same size as the rest of their line of 12 inch toys. screw all that scale madness, i don't want to pay out the butt just because they're keeping thing in scale. just make them around 12 inches tall and i'll be happy.....and richer too!
  23. i don't really know waves track record in regards to toys so its hard for me to justify a large purchase only to find out they're just a small step above toynami....or even worse than toynami. i'll wait for the reviews before i buy this. small production run or not, i'd rather be kicking myself later down the road, than kicking myself from the get go. besides i'm looking at it now and don't pay $150 for it, so if i miss the boat on this, you really think i'm gonna pay more than $150? not likely....
  24. do not disturb

    Graham's Sig

    my guess is they're going to back and forth between license so they don't burn out the fans like they did with the VF-1's. its a smart move on their part since it keeps everybody interested instead of catering to just one show and making other fans wait. i.e. if you like macplus but hated zero, you don't have to wait til they get done with all the zero toys to get a toy from macplus.
  25. i don't know if this actually qualifies as a "custom" since i didn't paint anything, apply any decals nor take pics in all the modes. either way this is my alaska base custom aka storm shadow valk w/custom FP's. http://www.maj.com/gallery/donotdisturb/SW.../alaskabatt.jpg http://www.maj.com/gallery/donotdisturb/SW...laskabattfp.jpg http://www.maj.com/gallery/donotdisturb/SW...alaskafront.jpg http://www.maj.com/gallery/donotdisturb/SW.../alaskarear.jpg i'll gladly take more pictures of all the modes/angles if you want them, just let me know.
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