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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. i used funtac. its great for attaching stupid stuff i don't care to make mods for. notice how straight my gunpod is? funtac baby! for battroid mode, i used it to attach the clip from the GP to the shield(thanks to roy's blues for the idea). i also put a little on either side of the backpack on my VF-0 for a tighter fighter mode. funtac FTW!
  2. more YF-19 with missiles! [attachmentid=40218] [attachmentid=40219] [attachmentid=40220]
  3. this would look perfect displayed next to my 1/100 valk, they're just about the same size!
  4. OMFG! they made the toy i've always wanted but it isn't up to my standards. they should know by now we take our toys more seriously than life itself. its the end of the world!
  5. maybe i'm in the minority here but no more VF-1 please! i'm all VF-1'ed out and would rather spend my money on new toys designs. plus the 1/48 VF-1 battroid is kind of ugly...other than when its completely covered up with the GBP armor. they should consider incorporating some of the VF-0 features with future releases otherwise move onto to newer things.
  6. i want some new enemy mecha this year! i'll even take a repainted TV rau if thats all they're willing to do.
  7. its pretty fast, way faster than i thought it would be. can't wait till you get the flight deck and tower finished.
  8. [attachmentid=40143] i just squeezed the VF-0 pilot in there for fun, too bad the pilots aren't really to scale. the isamu fig is bigger than the zero fig(super tight fit)....makes me wonder how small the fig will be that comes with the fold booster? sorry for the blurry pic. [attachmentid=40144] and just for fun, a yf-19 with missiles!
  9. i have no idea how it works, i was just joking hence the emoticon.
  10. i can only imgaine this is the conversation between most manufacturers and distributors.... "so what you do think we should charge off the bat?" "i don't know but everyone said they'd pay $XYZ amount" "lets put up a pre-order at $XYZ and see how it goes" "damn we got a buttload of pre-orders, what a bunch of suckers!" "so $XYZ then?" "its seems kind of high but if they said they'd pay $XYZ, we might as well charge $XYZ" "$XYZ sounds good to me" "yeah me too, i'm down to sell for $XYZ" "okay then $XYZ it is. and remember no one sell it for any less until we move a bulk of out inventory okay" "sounds good to me" *snicker snicker*
  11. loose cone is a old problem with the first 2 1/48's. by the time they released the 3rd varient, that problem was resolved and the 2 previous valks were reissued with the fixes. theres no such thing as a floppy backpack on the 1/48. its just retards that don't know how to transform the toy properly, refuse to look at the instructions because they feel its beneath them, then come here to b1tchin and moan because they lack the brain capacity to figure it out for themselves. side note: you gotta stop taking all the complaints that people voice too seriously. some people think yamato is burger king and they can have it their way and expect perfection when there is NO SUCH THING AS PERFECTION. sorry i sound pissed off because i am pissed off! all the crying and whining, all the b1tching and moaning from so-called ADULT members is pathetic. you're acting like little KIDS because the TOY you bought isn't perfect....WAAAAH, go cry to your mommas and take off your diaper already.
  12. a 1/48 is a 1/48 is a 1/48, they're all pretty much the same. as far as flaws, everything on this planet is flawed but whatever flaws you find on the 1/48 is something you'll learn to live. i'd go for the 1S roy BTW, since its both in the TV and the movie.
  13. haha, all those cancellations must've put a fire under their butts! what do they expect when they(both wave and HLJ) try to sell that tiny thing for more than the price of a 1/48? crack smokers!
  14. well thats just blows goats now don't it. even if they offer to replace it, its going to cost you $25 there and $25 back(unless they pick up this cost), not to mention the $25 you originally paid for shipping....boy does it suck buying from overseas.
  15. haha, all this time i thought my wall of shame was bad.
  16. did you buy it new? or used? if you bought it new, how do you know it was new? if you bought it used, well theres not much to say other than try avoiding purhcasing used stuff.
  17. either the arms aren't complete flush in fighter mode or you got a case of floppy arm syndrome. if the arms are sitting correctly, you should have ample clearance for the GP. if you got *floppy arms, theres several ways to fix it. *its not really that the arms are floppy, but the way they designed the FP arm armor to be held to the inner calf of the valk thats the issue. as far as my fix for this, it was a bit extreme but it works really well... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...c=7958&st=0
  18. do not disturb

    Please Read

    they'll charge HLJ for the parts, then HLJ will charge us for the parts.
  19. i'll be doing the same but who knows what HLJ will be charging for replacement parts? what bothers me is that yamato owned up to it but they're trying to make yet another buck off their customers, thats not right. its even worse that they're having HLJ do it so they can make more money as well, sorry but thats just LAME.
  20. someone just bought a set of spare legs and wings, maybe hes going to mod it out for high speed mode?
  21. haha, i tend to over-exaggerate things don't i. i think its cool a company other than yamato put out a macross toy but its clearly not a good deal at even $108 which is the price graham paid. the more i think about it, i feel the box cost more than toy itself.....and BTW, thats more over exaggeration on my part.
  22. the one that just came out has very little diecast according to graham... sounds like there about as much diecast in this as toynami's VF-1. i don't think the production cost is what made this expensive, its just that its target audience is adult collectors who seem to blindly purchase things(myself included) simply because its macross toy. for its size and lack of diecast as they claimed, this looks like a $15-$20 toy that should've been packaged on a blister card.
  23. not really, it actually just make the valk look dirty/dusty as hell. i can't really describe it because it comes out so random and my pic taking skills suck to boot. if anything, try it on the underside of the wing and see if you like the results. if you don't like it, just take the wing off and wash it with soap and water, the graphite comes right off.
  24. nice, you're probably going to make a killing selling the stands to SW fans, them dudes got way too much money!
  25. ditto. after seeing that pen next to it, it doesn't look like its worth $150, $120 or even $100...maybe $50 tops.
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